broke NC on day 28 - he replied


I was on day 28 of NC after one month of texting him without replies (I am the dumpee).

He’s muslim, I’m not, and for muslims today’s an important day, the equivalent to our Christmas or Easter.

I was in doubt whether to text him or not, but in the end I texted him “Eid Mubarak ( it’s like wishing Merry Christmas) to you and your family, have a nice day”.

He replied (after two months of nothing at all) " thank you, I appreciate, hope you’re doing well and you too have a nice day".

and now?
What should I do? On the one hand I dont want to let it die not replying, he would think I am paying him back for not replying for two months and this is exactly what I swore to myself I will never do to anyone. On the other hand I don’t want to force things, he told me he hopes I’m doing well and he appreciates the fact that i wished him eid mubaraka, so maybe I should answer I’m fine, hope you’re fine too or answer with a little joke or something to raise his curiosity about what I’m doing.

your opinion?

I think you should just let it die for today.
in about a week or so, text him about something random
“Hey, i saw this thing today and it reminded me of you”
“Know what I was thinking about today? That one time where we … that was a lot of fun”
If he doesn’t answer don’t panic - try again in another week
When you say he replied after two months of no talking, do you mean you did two months NC or he refused to answer your texts?

I answered saying that I was fine, that it was quite a busy period for me (without saying way) and that I hope he was fine and he was taking care of himself. I waited like 5 hours because I was at work.

He answered after two hours with “thank you, good luck, hope you’re doing well” (I mean I just told you I’m doing well why you have to ask again). So I went to bed and slept but woke up after two hours and texted back "thanks, I will need it, good night (his name).

As soon as I hit send he came online and read my text (literally 1 second after), don’t know what that means, and texted "you will achieve your goals, don’t worry, good night (my name) and take care.

Now, my opinion is that we are neutral and cold but at least it proves that we can have a short conversation without fighting.

I think I will wait for him to do the next move and if he doesn’t I will do the “saw something that made me think about you” thing, but in a couple of weeks because he’s now on holiday at his parent’s house.

I thought about sending him a picture of a thing that I saw the other day in the street and that is related to a happy memory we share.

But God this is just like a war, all these strategies and planning are just not part of me. He was my boyfriend and best friend, and now we look like strangers.

I hear you, it is so tough to go to strangers
I hate playing games but gotta do what you gotta do if you believe you were meant to be.
Give it a solid 2 weeks before you text him again.
You’re right, at least you’re neutral - there is hope.
Stay strong girl!

thanks for your words, right now it’s time for him to make the next move and if he doesn’t in two weeks I’ll try with something different.

after all he put me through in this two months, hope he realizes that not many girls are ready to do what I am doing for him, and if he doesn’t than it means he doesn’t deserve someone like me.

Hey, it’s me again

So after ten days I texted him yesterday, I had just passed an important exam and I needed to tell him (during our relationship he was so supportive with me when I had exams at the uni).

I told him that I had passed my exam and that I wanted to thank him because in his last text he wished me good luck and told me not to worry, so I said that I felt motivated by him and I wanted to thank me.

He replied that he was happy for my exam and he hoped I got a good mark and I didn’t have to thank him.

I replied again saying that in the end it’s just a mark and that it doesn’t matter that much. I told him that I hoped he had relaxed during his holidays and that everything was good at work.

He said "yep you’re right it’s just a mark, I’ve enjoyed my holidays and everything is ok at work.

I told him I was happy for him and he deserves that and now I was the one who worked without taking holidays (I’m doing an internship while studying and didn’t go on holiday, while these were his first holidays after years).
I wished him a nice day and ended the convo.

He replied “good luck I know it’s hard, you too have a nice day and take care”.

To me he’s acting cold and distant and I have the impression that after two months of ignoring me he replies out of politeness. I am scared he has already moved on and doesn’t care about me anymore so replying or not is indifferent to him.

Do you think I should let him go or hold on to my stupid hopes?