My ex broke up with me almost 3 weeks ago when she found out I cheated on her twice and we have been together for a little over a year and lived together almost the entire time. I didn’t read your rules till today but I completely screwed up NO CONTACT STEP in the beginning and cried and begged miserably for the first 2 weeks straight every day after she begged me for space and time. So About a week ago I sent her a text saying I would give her space ant time to heal and I would be here whenever she was ready to talk to me. Do you think I’ve already screwed up my chances? Also at this point should I just wait for her to reach out to me even after it’s been 30 days of no contact ?
@jake91 - I guess you’re not living together anymore. You broke her heart by cheating not once, but twice! I don’t know if she can forgive you, but she will never forget. If you loved her, I don’t know why would you cheat and then do it again a 2nd time. If you respect her, you have to honor her request for no contact! You already told her you would be there whenever she was ready to talk, so wait for how ever long it takes. She might contact you or she might not and nobody knows if you will ever get another chance. I feel sorry for her and know she’s hurting a lot due to your infidelity. She might not want to give you another chance because trust has been broken completely.