Breaking no contact in person - how far to go

I still have all my stuff at my ex’ (good sign she hasn’t asked me to get it). I need some back In 2 weeks. My intent is after 30 days to break NC and ask if there is a good time to go to hers and get it. I assume she will say yes.

During this meeting I’ll test the waters. Try to catch up in a friendly way but not overstay my welcome (ask about her trip etc). Then give my elephant in the room 2 minute shpiel in person.

Assuming a warm welcome, do I a) gently ask for her for more contact b) tease her after the elephant speech and stick to the “program”. If the welcome isn’t warm, I’ll obviously play it safe. Thoughts?

Sounds like a good plan. Assuming she responds warmly to your discussion/talk, ask if it’s alright to contact her or even meet up again sometime. Take it slow and don’t overwhelm her or smother her with contacts. If she is adamant about the breakup and acts cold, don’t tease her, but continue no contact.

Good luck.