Am I doing the right thing????

My ex broke it off with me saying it was from failure to move in and commmitt. She told me she wanted to change some things in her life and wants me to do the same (back to the same person i was when we met) and right now we could still text and talk. Well I stopped texting for 2 days now because when it was, it was me asking about her day and things in her life (not us) and she would never ask me how I was doing. I initiated almost all the texts since she decided for the split. She says she’s still “in love with me” and when I asked if we could meet up for coffee or maybe go shopping she said she didn’t think it was a good idea because it was too soon and said she was afraid that if we would meet up she was worried it would she might not have the same feelings. I have read a lot of “ex back” material. Some say “no contact”, others say if i go she will realize she loves me, but the longer I go the more she is letting go. I’m so confused. I am working on me in the mean while changing bad habits, reconnecting with friends. Please help. Waking up and going to bed are the worst.

Bro the best thing to do is no contact and then regain her trust through friend ship she’s gonna have to put in the work also if she wants to be with you as well , my ex just broke up with me 5 days ago and by following the plan it already has been helping me and she in fact text me today so slowly but surely it’s working trust the process focus on your self let her forget about all the bad give her space and when you see her again after no contact and she will see a new you

Thanks you for your advice…