after NC rules this happening.... please help!!!

so i just break and have NC just for 1 month and he text me again btw we are lived with diffrent country, and he just ask how am i doing and i answer “good, you?” and he said what did you do now? “doing homework” and then i said " sorry i cant fast respond" and he said " dont worry sweety i wont bother" then i make him wait for 5 hours and i just said i just done , then untill he said why he text me , " i saw the picture on your timeline and youre still beautiful!!!" then im little bit feeling shy and i dont know how to respond then i said “oh its embrassing” then he not texting me back what should i do? then i texting just like nothing happen, and that day was the anniversary day of his parents and i just said happy annive for your parent he just replied " thanks sweety with kiss emoji" and i didnt reply anything untill 5 days now . what should i do then just keep NC ??

anyone please respond ASAP!!! :frowning:

Hey Tria, So I understood you right that you finished NC already and you are scared of conversations with him at the moment because you don’t know what to answer and everything is overwhelming?

My story is similar if you want to check it out, my ex and me are from different countries, too.

If you still feel insecure about what to write and not maybe stay in NC for a bit longer now. He texted you before and it was positive texts so I think he will text you again soon :slight_smile: You could wait until then and improve yourself and get less insecure about the situation.

Don’t be shy or embarrassed when he says you look good, it’s great that he tells you :slight_smile: just say thank you. You can also give him a compliment if you feel good about it.

Being nervous and not knowing what to answer or say when NC is over is normal I think. We need to gain the security of writing back that we had with our Ex’s before. Try to calm yourself down in those moments and when you feel very nervous make up a reason to quit the conversation (busy, meeting a friend etc) and say goodbye and try it again after two days or so.