Hi guys,
My ex broke up with me a 5 weeks ago. It was our best relationship, we loved each other very much, kids and marriage in talks all the time. Then he broke up because he wasn’t sure that I was the one and he doesn’t know what he wants. I am 25 he is 22. He was crying and in agony, and he broke up over the phone after 18months. I believe he wouldn’t have done it if we saw each other eye to eye. I couldn’t cope first two weeks. The day after breakup he was brutal, shouting at me various mean and bad things. I couldn’t cope, didn’t understand, wanted answers. Then he said interesting thing, that he has to take responsibility for what he has done and that he can’t stand in front of my family after this. After this he said that I should not contact him at all, he will not respond and that I am an ex now, in his past. Do you get it? One day he was saying that he wants to be friends and the other that I am his past? Ten days later he deleted our pictures from FB and Insta. Then I wrote him text that I miss him and I decided to go NC, didn’t tell him of course. First day of NC day he wrote he wants his keys back and I should sent them via post. I replied coldly that it will wait until our meet up when we will exchange our stuff. (It was postponed because I had exams, he broke up with me a day prior exams period). During NC he started liking pictures of other girls (models,local girls), then he had period of checking when I was online, when he saw that I distanced myself from FB he started doing the same. Now he unfollowed me from instagram, not sure why because I didn’t post anything. I am silent and trying to be nonexistent. I guess he just wants me to lush out at him, because when he deleted our pictures I was hurt and texted him that at least I am not embarrassed for our history. Additionally, he had a depressive response to one of his mates picture about love.
What I am supposed to make out of this? I don’t get it. Is he trying to to move on or just wants me to react? I am scared that he is moving on and I guess he is scared that I am as well, which is not true. Maybe he is trying to do revenge on my NC?
Another question - I will be leaving in three weeks for a month long holiday (he was supposed to join me for a week). I was planning to contact him a week before my leave for a meet up (also that’s when NC ends). Should I text him and ask for a meetup or should I leave and let him to cool of for another month? That would do three months and it seems to me that it will be over for him by then.
To understand his personality more - he is stubborn, very strong headed guy. But he was acting immature and selfish during and after break up. Nobody from my friends and family gets his actions, he was professing his love for me all the time, he asked two weeks before breakup about when we will get married. He was caring but now he acts like absolute jerk. His behaviour is hurting me massively. He acts like I was nothing in his life.
Your thoughts?