My boyfriend and I broke up almost 6 weeks ago. I was devastated but we agreed to be friends. We both agreed that we didn’t want to be out of each others lives entirely. At the time I figured I’d rather be friends with him than nothing at all. After the first week he thought we should have no contact for a while and I convinced him that we should he each other through it because we still cared about each other. We still talked daily. He still called me pet names like baby and hugged and kissed me when he saw me, there was even one day that we talked that he seemed to show signs of regretting leaving. I did made all the usual mistakes of trying to get him back, he never gave in to them, but they didn’t pay him away either. Having him as a friend made me feel better, probably because it gave me false hope. Then he started seeing someone else. We made plans to hang out one night and he cancelled on me. The next morning I drove by his house on my way to work (I know, another mistake) and there was a car there I didn’t recognize. In my defense, when he moved out, he moved two houses down from mine so it’s pretty hard to avoid his place. But anyway, as you may have expected, I didn’t react too well too him seeing someone new. It hurt that he was able to move on less than a month after we broke up. Everything I read is saying that it is probably a rebound, but it still doesn’t feel good. At that point I finally got my key back from him and started contacting him less. It’s been about two weeks since. I’ve tried the no contact with him, the problem his he’s contacted me a few times and I’ve had to start over. Once because he left some of his things and stopped by to get them and then there was yesterday… He heard there was a car accident near my work and messaged me to see if I was ok. I said I was and he told me he was worried. Then he stopped by later to pick up the rest of his things. We had a good casual conversation but after he left I couldn’t stop bawling. I know I’ve rambled on, but I guess my question is, had too much damage been done to try the five step system? And also, since I told him that I want to be his friend, how do I do no contact without being a bitch about it?
From what you said, if you tell him that you need the no contact for you, it sounds like he will understand.
I don’t think too much damage has been done. He has made a temporary decision to be with someone else. If that doesn’t work out, he might contact you again. You didn’t say what led up to the breakup or how long you’ve been going out before so it is hard to say much more.
We were together a year and eight months, lived together a little over a year. I came home one day and a bunch of his stuff was packed and he said that he found his own place. I had no idea he was planning on leaving. He said we were just too different and that he didn’t think it wouldn’t work anymore.
He contacted me today again. Just sent me some cute cat pictures because he knows I love cats. I feel like he’s doing it to be friendly and it’s my fault because I did say early in the breakup that I wanted to be friends. Now I don’t know how to get out of the friend zone.
Have you talked with him about going no contact for a while? Did he agree to it but is now contacting you anyway? You need some time without him contacting you and he needs some time as well to understand why he lost. If he is contacting you when you agreed to no contact for some period of time, I would let him know that you really need the no contact period respected. If you haven’t talked to him about it, I would. It sounds like he would understand given the situation.