2 weeks of NC & he came running back...

Yesterday was 2 weeks exactly and he called me 4 times. I called back to ask if he was okay and he wanted to come over to spend time with our daughter, so he said because he was near me the entire time. We watched netflix and cuddled and kissed. He then told me hes still in a relationship (the rebound) but his fear is that if he continues to date her and it doesnt work with her ill have moved on. He doesnt think they will last very long, he just feels he needs to do this. I agree. They are moving so quickly the flame will die sooner rather than later. He told me he loves me and still has feelings for me and when we’re together the bond is stronger than hes ever felt for someone. That he feels more comfortable around me than he does his family. Im his best friend. Im going to go back to NC until those two are done.

Everyone stick with NC has hard as it is, it works. It made him feel like he lost me, although he had been telling me to move on, he didnt mean it.

:slight_smile: hope nc helps me. Only I told my ex that I was moving on completely. Ha. Because I am in a sense. Congrats

@labound it’ll work for you. I’ve been reading your posts. Shes still completely in love with you, but like my ex, wants her cake and eat it too. Completely cut her off. Make her miss her best friend. The more you step back the quicker she’ll realize how much her and that guy won’t work. If i hadn’t found this website I’d still be texting him trying to be friends telling him i love him and pushing him closer to the rebound. He misses his family and realizes it now but scared to hurt this girl

Happy christmas guys. It’s nice to hear a success story.
I’ve resigned myself to NC forever. I hope if he ever gets back in touch I won’t want him back.
I’m worth more than all this pain and agony. All I did was respond to an old flame and he goes and throws away 8 years. The holiday we had back in August must have been a sham.

@belle those are you’re emotions talking. I agree your should do NC for as long as you need to. But understand he’s confused and hurt and trying to make you hurt just as badly. He will come around

Thank you gorgeousgirl09

We’ve often fallen out but this is different. It’s never ended like this and he’s never ever not spoken to me.
I’m tired of thinking about it all. I just want to be happy again.

You’re exactly where i was a couple days ago. It feels real because this has never happened before and hes acting different. That’s only because he’s looking for a response. 8 years of feelings don’t wash away that quickly. Just remember although he may be angry, he’s feelings all the emotions you’re feeling right now.
I agree. Is exhausting thinking about it all the time. Just remember the good times, & distract yourself. Time will go by so much faster if you keep yourself busy. I promise you he will be back. My ex told me the next time we get back together we’re getting married. We’ve only been together half the time you guys have been. Love doesn’t fade. Keep your head up.


Thanks for the encouragement! Im at a good point to where I dont need her. I miss her badly some days, but I can let go completely if need be with minimal heartbreak.

I wrote her a msg saying I wanted no contact and I’m moving on completely. Did that ruin anything, do you think? I mean, I dont think it will change much. I wrote it so she’d be a bit frightened of losing me.

Thank you again Gorgeousgirl09. I wish I had your optimism !

LAbound, you’re in a good place and I’m getting to where you are.
Did you get a response from your message?
I think our ex’s are in worlds of their own and I don’t believe anything we say makes any difference.

They believe whole heartedly that theyre doing the right thing and that it’s something they have to do in order to be happy.

My ex said in a text that what i said bothered her because she wasnt doing it for reasons that I believed and that she left because she wasnt happy. I told her that I understood but to leave after so long and not even try to communicate to me about anything says and shows me a lot. And I said good luck.

She hasnt texted me today. I think it’s more because she is with her new guy.

Oh well. I just hope that she realizes quickly that her and I are perfect for each other and where there are problems, there are solutions. Our bond is strong and everything about us is perfectly matched. We are like the se person in two bodies. With slight differences of coyrse, but yeah… I just hope i havent moved on when and if she wants to approach me about dating or a relationship.

I couldn’t have written it any better myself LAbound.

My ex and I are very compatible in every single way and that kind of partnership doesn’t come around often. Unless they are happy with second best surely they will realise in time.
As you say though, if it takes too long to come round to that kind of thinking we could have moved on ourselves.

In mean time we can’t sit around miserable, we need to pick ourselves up and have so e quality of life.

I had a relationship some years ago now where I was unable to move on and it effected me for a long time and everything I did. I can’t do that to myself again so that is why I need to fully focus on moving on. If he comes back in time all well and good but if I get emotionally envolved elsewhere then it will be too late.
I doubt I will find that somebody just yet, it’s only been a few months and I need to fully get over the ex before I give my heart to anyone new.

I didn’t get a text either, he’s not with anyone but in the middle of the desert in Africa. He could message though and has done in the past.

In the mean time… We wait, we try to have a life. At least no more crying! Lol

Amen to no crying!! Lol