My ex broke up with me back in September and moved out September 28th. We were together for exactly 3 years. Reasons were because she did not feel appreciated. I don’t show my emotions much, I keep a lot to myself. This made her think I didn’t love her, and made her feel not appreciated. She said I didn’t put much effort, whereas she was head over heels for me, madly in love… And I didn’t reciprocate the same intensity, which led her to feeling less than special. She said she felt mediocre and not special at all. It hurr her feeling knowing shes so craY about me, but i dont return the loce, so eventually she got fed up and left.
We haven’t seen each other for 2 months after she moves back to Long island (about 2 hours away from me), but she has been making an effort to contact me every few days, but at the same time she has been seeing another guy this entire time. They did become intimate but she says “he is just a friend”. I tried to do a NC but she always called somehow. Blocked her social media, and her phone number so she just called from random phones or from a restricted number. She said she wanted me to put effort to come out and see her, or makes plans for her to come see me again. But I wanted to give her time, so I never made those efforts. Now she’s saying because I never made efforts to see her in the last two months, she’s going to be with this guy. This guy gave her an ultimatum, either she’s with him, or they stop and she works on things with me.
I talked to her on thanks giving and she told me she chose to be with him after that ultimatum. But just 4 days earlier she was expressing how badly she wants to see me. But once again I made no effort to oblige. Now that she made this decision, and she’s officially intimate with him… Is it too late for me to do anything? After our conversation the other night she blocked me on everything. This guy lives 10 mins from her and she’s always spending time with him.
I want this woman in my life, for two month I thought hard about my past and I know what I need to do to make her happy.