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  • in reply to: Will NC work in this situation? Bad break up #13946
    • Total Posts: 23

    Yeah that’s true…and now I see that we needed this if we have any CHANCE of working out..we got in a bad cycle of me blowing up his phone out of anxiety and him ignoring bc it upset him…I know he felt I didn’t trust him and it hurt him..I just had anxiety bc my ex before him cheated :/ Now I see my mistakes. I don’t think he will do it either…I plan to reach out at least after 30 days but I’m upset he has said nothing. I’m hoping NC is actually effective due to his threat? Like, what if he just says “oh she isn’t texting bc of me telling her I’d go to the police.” ..I mean I knew he wouldn’t and also he woudn’t have a case, smh. But I kinda feel like he probably expects me to say *something* but maybe I’m wrong? O.o we shall see.. I just hate this though!!!!

    in reply to: Will NC work in this situation? Bad break up #13937
    • Total Posts: 23

    @otherone …I hope so. I also have since worked on me and realize my own problems throughout the relationship but as much as I want to run and tell him, I’m staying strong. I know he was just furious and how he acted shows his anger…I’m sure it was because he was hurt and upset and angry too…I’m on day 13 of NC though and haven’t heard a thing. :/ I’m not sure if he will expect me to say nothing due to his stupid threat? ..but also he had said he was gonna ignore my messages..he obviously didn’t -_-

    • Total Posts: 23

    If he is the one who broke up with you then WHY is he asking you this? -_- …Keep working on you girl! Stay strong! 🙂

    in reply to: No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC #13345
    • Total Posts: 23

    Ahh. I’m on day 10 of no contact. I am HARD CORE STRUGGLING. He has not sent me ONE thing. He broke up w me via text saying, “it’s not always about you, you’re selfish in a relationship, this isn’t working. We are not good for each other. We are done. Do not negotiate or attempt to make it better. Don’t text back, delete my number if you have to” -____- I obviously responded bc we had thrown around break ups via text before..well he broke up on a Sunday, eventually stopped responding that night..said he wouldn’t do it in person bc i wouldn’t “allow” it -_- Then Monday I sent 2 things, Tues morn I sent one and he said we are broken up whether you accept it/allow it or not. Well that escalated into a fight and I blew up his phone. Early the next morn I sent what was gonna be my final texts..well then he responded saying if I continue to text him he would go to the police and open a case again me for stalking >.< I had blown up one. day. He was angry and immature I’m sure..but I am REALLY struggling w no contact as a result. Like I responded to that threat and then the next night I apologized for some of my stuff.
    However, I have not contacted since…his empty threat was 11 days ago and 10 days was my last text. I just don’t want him to think I’m not texting bc I’m scared..I know he wouldn’t actually call the police and would have no case! I haven’t called non stop, showed up, none of that! But NC is hard bc Idk if he knows I”m doing it on my own accord or if he thinks I’m just scared.
    I have worked on me and realized how blowing up via texts in our relationship really poisoned it. I want to break NC and tell him I’m working on me, etc etc :/ That’s how I’m struggling right now.

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