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  • in reply to: Encouragement for NC strugglers! #62832
    • Total Posts: 12

    I have been working out my entire life and made progress in most workouts . Lost a lot of LBS Its not that easy trust me.
    In your spirit u have 2 sides ; the first one will bring the best of ur abilities and the second one is the complete opposite(good ,evil); i and we struggle with that on daily basis .Battelling both sides and understanding what our weaknesses are is the best wayto fight spiritually and physically but everyone has more than 1 weakness beside the relationship (drugs,bouzz,depression,porn,constent temptations ect.. .
    (Good side)
    If u are doing more than u suppose to do at ONCE (workout , sport, relationships,homework ,accomplishment ect..
    U are becoming a better person physically and emotionally .(most of us dont keep track of what exactly happen during those years they just go with the flow and go on with life .They live their until an unwanted event take place (break up , not able to graduate or get a scholarship , accident , Loss of a job ect…it can b anything ).
    (DEPRESSION,complains,anger, jealousy,drugs,alcohol, suicidal thoughts ect..)
    This has the oposite effect and once u were already in those b4 the break up it isn t the same story .
    I always kept track until 3 unwanted event hapenned break up not included.
    A few of us are in that category and it is not just that simple .
    The progress at the gym during that time is crucial ,i agree but its way more than that.

    in reply to: Day 11 of No Contact… &…Problem! #62769
    • Total Posts: 12


    • Total Posts: 12

    But you didn t apply the N/C at all ;it was interrupted , u are still talking and he his treating you bad !!(he can t sleep if he doesn t talk to you ?)
    apply the N/C so he won t sleep then and realize how importan u are .
    Serioulsy he needs to understand.

    in reply to: Do I have hope??? #62417
    • Total Posts: 12

    During the N/C Beside counceling(which you are working on the issue ) .
    What have u changed ?
    Do u really think u have changed ?
    $he is barely talking to you cuz she is sensing u . (And she sees through it )
    U see her everyday as well ;
    U have to change man

    in reply to: NO CONTACT REALLY WORKS !!!! #62216
    • Total Posts: 12

    Listen after u broke up u did not apply the rule ; u still talke to him and stuff . He cheated ,u still talked to him and u slept togther . He didn t feel any resistance or some personality to tell him that u r not ok with it and acted like u weren t . Instead u told him with words and did not back it up with ur actions; at this point it was too easy .(easy kills attraction in the long run .) The point was to make him want u more ifu didn t answer to the phone i think it would have a different ending.
    Now if u r happy right now its great but if u want him back ull have to change physically to blow is mind just in my humble opinion ; mayb the gym or a new haircut or i dont know but something he can see when he sees u and attract him right away ;since u apply the N/C for that long he ll know u have a life .

    in reply to: Does returning stuff count as breaking no contact? #62215
    • Total Posts: 12

    What happened man? Did u c her ?
    The best idea was to leave her stuff on her proch and don t make it seems that u r mad or desperate b cool but not too cool and apply the N/C

    in reply to: I told him #62199
    • Total Posts: 12

    There is no way just do the N/C
    What else would u do ; unblock him ? HE LL see it at some point cuz he ll check , if not now he will and what impression is he going to get ?!
    Just forget about it and focus on urself

    in reply to: Do I still have a chance? #62197
    • Total Posts: 12

    Like laura said ; he is not as emotionally involved as u are but 3 days later he texted u how is ur bf ? Even if it seems like its nothing .
    Im a guy and if he didn t care about you at all he wouldn t text u period .
    But again he needs to want u more than he does right now ;and understand that u need a little more time so i think the N/C ll b great dont even answer

    in reply to: Should I try or is it hopeless ? #62069
    • Total Posts: 12

    n/c u won t regret

    in reply to: Today's my 30th day of NC… #62045
    • Total Posts: 12

    Agree with laura ;
    if you are not sure after 30 days ;don t reach ,text ,calls ect…
    No matter what your problem was
    The 30 days is to give space for the both of you .however you have to change during this time.
    The change is crucial.
    People just feel those things you can not act .
    Whatever your PB was , if u don t think that you change and you can bring something else to the table .
    Take a guess.

    in reply to: Should I try or is it hopeless ? #62034
    • Total Posts: 12

    Right now you should forget about what he said;” He said during our relationship if things end with me he will never be with anyone again because he wants to marry me and there is no one like me, he doesn’t want anyone else but me” .forget all of that;
    If hee talked to his closest friends and they are putting stuff in his head .(he need a little time ) and you were a mess and looked and acted needy .
    Guess the only thing to do now is to apply the N/c and take good care of yourself cuz if he loved u ;im not talking about the he wont b with someone else.
    If he loved you he will come around and you need to be ready

    in reply to: He needs my help but wants space #62032
    • Total Posts: 12

    He didn t want you to be there with him when he broke up with u though .
    U might get him back orr you might become his best confident .
    Awkward situation .
    B nice to him but make him understand that u need some space .

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