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  • in reply to: I really don’t have a chance now #35070
    • Total Posts: 38


    Thanks for the advice. Your ex sounds like mine. He said the same exact thing! About how he doesnt love me the same – well In his text i asked him specifically – do not love me? His reply – not like that anymore….whatever does that mean???? It hurts everytime I think of it. Two days before I asked that i asked him if he loved me (again). He refused to answer it. He said he wasn’t going to answer loaded questions. I told him if the answer was no, then it would be a lot easier for me to move on and that I wouldnt keep trying (he told me earlier to stop trying bc be wasn’t interested). He refused to tell me. So fast forward to yesterday where he told me he doesn’t love me like that anymore. I’m crushed! So as much hope I would like to have, I think it’s really over 🙁

    in reply to: He wants us to stay friends – confused #35049
    • Total Posts: 38

    The fights that I had with my ex was off my insecurity as well. I asked twice if he was seeing someone else. He said no, but that was why he was no longer interested in seeing me anymore. He said I consistently ask (I only asked twice) or accuse him of being with someone else. That was the only reason he gave me as to why he ended. Sounds pretty lame to me. If you love someone, how could you let a fight be the end of the world? I guess some guys take it harder to some degree.

    in reply to: I really don’t have a chance now #35040
    • Total Posts: 38


    My ex was pretty cold and stern about the breakup. He wouldn’t have a conversation with me as he can’t handle conflict, so everything was through text. I called him 13 times in one night hoping he would give me answers! We fought vday weekend and then 2 days after that about our fight. I apologized (even though he mainly was at fault but he’ll never admit to being wrong) then continued to text him every other day. He would respond most of the time. But yesterday I asked that he call me. He said, no thanks. I told him that I understood he doesn’t like conflict, but that I think he was being unfair to me (bc he refused to talk to me even after I apologized and poured my heart out) He said he didn’t care. Then proceeds to get angry and tells me to stop texting him and to leave him alone. how can someone be so cold hearted? Was your ex this bad to you?

    in reply to: (Un)helping friends? #35035
    • Total Posts: 38

    Since the breakup, I’ve been a wreck. I’m so depressed and i hardly eat. The only way I’m getting through this is by constantly texting my friends and trying to keep busy. I love my ex and would love more than anything to get him back, but I know that I need to be treated better. I’m not sure if I’ll be doing the NC – that is, contacting him after 30 or so days. I’m definitely doing NC bc when someone says they don’t love you like that anymore and to date other ppl, how can you pride yourself to contact them again? I do hope after sometime that I hear back from him, but let’s face it. How could i contact him again? I just have to either hope he comes back or I can get over him quickky.

    in reply to: (Un)helping friends? #35027
    • Total Posts: 38

    Ppl that aren’t in this situation don’t understand. I do agree with what your friend is saying as there might be a sense of false hope, but the reality of the situation is that we do hope regardless of whether we are doing NC or not.

    in reply to: He wants us to stay friends – confused #35018
    • Total Posts: 38

    Hi Oshi, that’s tough. I’m kind of in a similar situation but my guy won’t really talk to me and is so cold. Guys seem to break away when there’s conflict. It’s like they can’t handle fights so it’s easy for them to give up. It’s great that he met you. I’d give it sometime. Maybe in another week you can contact him? But what do I know? Clearly he still loves you if he’d spend his time with you. Obviously, he wanted to see you too. Sounds almost like he’s setting the boundaries but slowly will come back. Keep trying, after all, what do you have to lose?

    in reply to: I really don’t have a chance now #35011
    • Total Posts: 38

    Thanks Oshi! He broke up with me with no feelings, so cold hearted. He seems so upset and bitter, yet he was the one that was at fault. But I apologized anyway, humbled myself, and took the high road hoping that he would be remorseful. Part of me wants to believe that he was acting so cold hearted bc he’s not over our fights and me texting him every other day made it worse. But having him tell me yesterday that there’s no chance between him and I, how he doesn’t love me like that anymore (this happened all within a 2 week span, before that things were great) although I don’t understand how someone can just stop loving another that quick, and how he reactivated his dating profile (I did too, but he told me to date other ppl). I’ve never met anyone that could flip their emotions that quick. Nevertheless, it hurts so bad 🙁

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