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  • stevekevin
    • Total Posts: 6

    thanks again a.z. one more question., what if she open topic again to me about that guy his dating?., do i should just listen or no comment and change the topic?., and also i would like to ask.,because there are some little confusion in my mind.,what she said to me earlier that she wants to enjoy her life being single., but how can she be enjoy being a single life., if she had some intimacy with that guy she’s dating.,( actually,this guy have some advantage because they are classmates and they see each everyday in school and there house are near so the guy always pick her up to go to school and bring her home after school) do i need to confront her with that and clarify things?., or i should keep it and just focus on my positive changes in my life and act as friend for her?

    • Total Posts: 6

    thanks a.z. it will be great help for me., but it is okay to communicate with her everyday?., or the day after the day then communicate again?.,

    • Total Posts: 6

    Do u think I can still have the chance for her to get her back and start all over again? If I do the right thing? Because I dnt want to stuck in a friend zone forever..

    • Total Posts: 6

    Help! I broke the no contact rule because she called me this july I answer her call..we made some conversation and laughter…until she openly topic me that she was experiencing financial problems right it affects her studies because she dont have money to buy some materials for her own project.. so I decided to help her and lend some money as I still concern for her…after that day, we meet I acompany her to buy materials for her project and help her out.. as we finished her project..she really thank me and I was her life saver for I’m alwys still there for her after break up..and help her at all times..then after, I gave her some apologize letter for what I did after our break up.. so she honestly told me that right now she can only give to me is friendship bcoz for her she can afford to lose a boyfriend but not friendship..and right now..she dont want to commit again.she want to enjoy her life as single.. then she openly topic to me about that guy his friend dating..she said to me that they are in a mutual understanding..she’s happy with him and she said there’s love she feels..and i’ve seen their pic2re in facbook having intimacy..but she did not want right now to commit.. I did not comment but I change the topic.. bcoz I dnt want to hurt her if I burst out my feelings about that…then I only said to her..that im always here for her to help her,to comfort her and make her happy and i will prove to myself tht I can change for the better so that I can fill those things and wont do my mistakes repeated again esp. During our relationshp.. then we still hug and kiss each other as we gudbye..

    My question is.. did I do the right thing and say to her?
    And should do all over again the NC for atleast one month? Im having time consuming..because this coming october.. I will go abroad and we will be in a long distance..

    • Total Posts: 6

    Thanks kevin.. actually..the reason of our break that she didnt saw anymore the spark of our relationship,she’s tired of understanding my situation and she finds her happiness to his friends including tht guy she dating right now..(tht was his friend before)..even though she gave me chances but I blew it she decided to break up with me..I know I was so blind to realize it all.. I made mistakes also during our relationshp because when in times she need me i’m not always there for her especially in her contest or some school activities she had in school to support her(were both different school) because I was too much focus on my studies for im a graduating student and there some instances tht i cant go with her bcoz we have seminar or meetings..but everytime we see each other I make up with her.. and I think mybe im down with her friends in her school…as her bf..because lately I was been irresponsible for her…but right now..I learn my mistakes what I had done before and willing to change for the better…

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