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  • in reply to: 30 days of NC completed. Advice would be appreciated #53314
    • Total Posts: 117

    Gals…plz dnt hold grudge against anyone…not even your ex…you are guvung them importance by hating them..plz have a big heart to foegive them for whatever they did to you..i know its hard
    ..i know how you are feeling..i was also feeling the same ..a few days ago..i still feel bad that he is doing this to me..but i dont hate him now..m just little should be angry no doubt..but by hating someone you’ll end up hurting yourself…i know you are feeling bad but thinking of revenge is not good!!
    Its ok if you want to move on…but to move on or to get them back you’ll have to let go these negative emotions!!

    in reply to: 10 year relationship ended. I am devastated :,( #53245
    • Total Posts: 117

    Do no contact plzz
    I know how u r feeling right now and doing nc is seriously not easy..i myself have broken nc once..but the truth is ot helps a makes you a happier person..that you are not right are feeling miserable about yourself …but trust contact helps a lot!! And it gives your ex the idea that you are not a weak person and that you have self respect..plz do no contact..break all contacts for a certain period of time but atleast a month

    in reply to: i broke no contact in 15 days :( #52701
    • Total Posts: 117

    I am on day 25th feeling much more stronger than before but m confused with my ex’s behaviour…i told him not to contact me so he is not contacting me but we r friends on facebook and he likes all my posts and pics that i upload
    And he is updating very sad updates about broken heart and people leaving him and that he lost love…i simply dont understand him..if he wants to be with me y cant he tell me..and if he doesnt then why is he posting such stuff

    • Total Posts: 117

    Day 8
    Feeling so weird..m so scared that my ex will start dating someone else πŸ™ this feeling is killing me
    Sometimes i feel like calling him and shouting at him …but i wont do that…i’ll try to control my emotions first become super cool then i’ll talk to day

    • Total Posts: 117

    I have already broken one no contact in 15 days :p i was feeling very weak and emotional..
    Now i again have started the no contact and its my 6th day….
    No contact is seriously very hard because all you want is your ex and you have to cut him out for so long…
    I get scared sometimes that what if he moves on..what if he finds someone else..what if i’ll no longer be his priority….
    I dont know why deep in my heart i still have the feeling that he loves me but is irritated with me because of the fights we had πŸ™ and we were in a long distance for 1 year which is responsible for everything..before that everything was so perfect..but these 6months have been horrible…i know i can learn to live without him i can survive without him..i can date other guy also but every time i see any guy his face comes in front of me because i love him so much…sometimes i feel like begging fighting with him and tell him how much i love him..but i cant do that πŸ™ it was so beautiful πŸ™

    in reply to: i broke no contact in 15 days :( #51484
    • Total Posts: 117

    Should i continues using my fb and whatsapp??i know he checks my profile and status so should i continue using all these stuff??

    in reply to: i broke no contact in 15 days :( #51482
    • Total Posts: 117

    Thnkyu so much guys πŸ™‚
    I know m irritating you guys with so many questiona..but m a mess right now πŸ™
    eVery morning i see him in my dreams..m really sorry for disturbing you guys

    in reply to: i broke no contact in 15 days :( #51481
    • Total Posts: 117

    WHat if he doesnt contact me?he’s egoistic and since i told him not to contact me he’ll not contact me until i do….
    And should i continue using my fb and whatsapp aur close everything?

    in reply to: i broke no contact in 15 days :( #51478
    • Total Posts: 117

    Should i do 45 or full 2 months no contact?

    in reply to: i broke no contact in 15 days :( #51464
    • Total Posts: 117

    That day when i talked to him he seemed to be missing me and wanted to talk to me for long..but i rushed in too much and asked him again about relationship to which he said its too late..but before i asked him about relationship he told me that he is still single and i can say anything i want..and then he said its too late…i started the no contact again but this time i told him that i agree with the breakup and not to contact me until m ready..have i lost my chances of getting him back?

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