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  • in reply to: Is there anything I can do? #46923
    • Total Posts: 42

    @Seanl … I’m going to have to be mean right now because you’re not getting it.

    MOVE THE F*** ON. This is TOXIC and it’s clearly bringing you down.

    It’s been a whole freaking year and you’re still bargaining?!

    Waiting a week, a month, or hell a whole year ISN’T going to change anything – jack shit! It’s just going to prevent you from moving on and meeting new, more exciting women who don’t call the cops on you.

    You think she’s the “insane” one here? Do you know what the definition of insane is?

    “Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results” … let that sink in.

    And then to put the cherry on top:

    “But yes I would still like to get back with her after all of this.”

    Don’t kid yourself pal … we both know it’s not going to happen.

    I hope the next time you come back on here, maybe in 3-4 months, you’ll have found someone else.

    Good luck!

    in reply to: Is there anything I can do? #46914
    • Total Posts: 42

    IT’S BEEN A YEAR?? are you trying to get her back?!

    Dude …

    in reply to: Is there anything I can do? #46913
    • Total Posts: 42

    BINGO! “She also asked me before if she can sleepover a guys house that she was friends with that I never even saw before. ” … that “friend” was probably the guy she was seeing behind your back.

    Anyway, it was a very toxic relationship. Don’t try and get her back. Move on.

    in reply to: Is there anything I can do? #46909
    • Total Posts: 42

    All this is just emphasising what I said was right @SeanL.

    She’s over it, she doesn’t want you back and she wants to move on. You should to.

    If she cheated on you, something that seems to be the case, she isn’t the kind of woman you want in your life. Not only that but she’s making you feel guilty over something you’re adamant you hadn’t done (i.e cheat on her). How often did she accuse you of cheating? Or was it when she broke up with you only?

    That being said, I think this all boils down to your behaviour: you’re too nice. Yes, you’re letting her walk over you whilst agreeing to her like a puppy – Something Kevin says is a massive mistake. You need to stand up for yourself, if you’re not happy with a decision she has made you need to stand up for yourself.

    I’ve done this loads of times in the past, let a girl walk over me because I was too nice. But then I learnt not to be such a wuss and when I didn’t agree with something I let them know and I stood my ground.

    Why on Earth would you wait a year just to send something?? She’ll have moved on by then 1000% … What would be your intention anyway? To try and get her back?!

    You DON’T contact her anymore (ever) … don’t listen to the people here telling you to send her a letter … because she won’t answer (that’s a promise and a certainty). She’ll roll her eyes, tear it up, throw it away and quite possibly get the authorities involved as she did when you tried to meet up with her.

    Do you understand? Do you realise that there’s nothing to go on with this?

    in reply to: Is there anything I can do? #46907
    • Total Posts: 42


    I’m sorry but it’s over and there’s nothing, yes, NOTHING you can do about it.

    And the reason why? “she told me not to contact her like a couple times and called the cops when I randomly saw her in person.”

    She doesn’t want anything to do with you and sending her a letter is likely going to get you a restraining order.

    It also begs the question: how often have you tried contacting her?

    I’m now positive she cheated on you, your sister and mum are probably right.

    I think the best thing you can do for yourself now is to move on with your head held high knowing that your ex isn’t worth your time.

    in reply to: This clearly isn't a typical break-up, so what do I do? #46902
    • Total Posts: 42


    If thing’s are progressing and that your ex’s actions are matching his words then I don’t think there’s much to worry about 🙂

    I honestly think he’s been thinking about you personally very much so over the last few days. Judging by his actions, he seems to be absolutely smitten by you. Referring you as his “girlfriend” is very VERY suggestive and a great sign. I can’t think of any other reason why he’d say it other than that he’s warming up to you and considering getting back.

    I hope it goes very well 🙂

    in reply to: Is there anything I can do? #46896
    • Total Posts: 42

    To be honest OP, it wouldn’t surprise me if she had cheated on you.

    Seems like her anger might be due to guilt. She probably knows by now that you didn’t cheat, but since she may of she’s angry.

    I don’t know, room for thought.

    in reply to: HELP ME!! #46851
    • Total Posts: 42

    @Between is absolutely spot on @Brokenhearted.

    Everyone here indeed is going through a tense period of their life where their relationship is either crumbling to pieces, has ended or is in the process of recovering.

    @Between and the others are not trying to gang up on you, they’re giving quite impartial advice/suggestions/feedback.

    I haven’t, however, read through all the thread, so I can’t be too sure … but it does seem from @Between’s post that you’re finding it hard to accept the reality of your situation.

    You are waddling pointlessly in the mires of denial and bargaining.

    Please think about yourself!

    in reply to: Day 17 of No Contact #46543
    • Total Posts: 42

    He’s the opposite of what he claims to be, it seems: he’s angry, but in a more passive way if you know what I mean.

    I think you should let it all simmer down … let him contact you, because then you’ll know he’s calm enough.

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