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  • in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #53910
    • Total Posts: 76

    Hi @sunshineflower I think everything that you’re saying is right. My ex /changed/ who he was when we were together. And I don’t know why. I didn’t ask him to do anything of this. But he stopped smoking weed because he thought it would make me happy. Because of other factors I still wasn’t as happy as he expected so after about a year and a half after giving up he started doing it all the time. (At the beginning of the relationship I think he smoked a little bit for about eight months before he gave up for me). He also acted like a completely different person. He was always pretty selfish and sometimes he could be a bit rude but I never realized that he could be downright cruel. After all, it SERIOUSLY wasn’t my fault that he had changed so much about himself. I never asked him to do that and to lie at the world. He really hurt me when I spoke to him the other day because he said something like: ‘You don’t like my friends, well your friends are queer and all I ever wanted to do was smoke.’ I don’t know why he pretended like it was fine. I honestly thought that he was happy spending time with me and doing fun things together. Know I feel awful because it was like I was making him live a lie. He said we could still be good mates, but honestly I don’t want to do anymore. I’m not even sure if I can be friends with this side of me. I know the most healthy thing to do would be to accept that he is not good for me and move on. But because I love him so much, at least the him that I knew, I still might contact him in a few years. Because this might just be something he has to get out of his system and one day he might realize that he was happy as the person that I was with? It’s like there’s two sides to him. My mum and I were discussing it the other day and we think he’s confused about who he really is as well. Maybe he just needs some time figuring this out.
    I have no idea what his new girlfriend is like. I looked at her facebook profile just to see what she looked like (kind of shallow of me i guess) and then I blocked her because I didn’t want to keep checking it. I know it’s easy enough to just unblock her but at least this way if I go and unblock her it’ll give me more to think about whether I really want to look or not. The truth is, maybe she is completely different to me. She might be a better girlfriend that what I ever was. I’m not going to pretend like I was perfect. I was always so worried about things so my guess is that she is a pretty calm individual. I know deep down that it might last a really long time and they may be together forever. But I can’t help but hope that it truly is just a silly rebound and that it won’t work out. I know that’s very selfish of me, but I think that this is just his way of dealing with things. The only things I know about her is that they met through a mutual friend and ‘clicked’, but I presume she smokes weed because those are the only kind of people he has been hanging round with at the moment.
    When I asked him about New Year’s he just said that he meant it at the time but things change. I’m so annoyed. And I asked him if I should give up on him at that time as well, and he said to just chill (which I took as don’t give up on me???) But really if he had this other girl in his sights I would’ve preferred to be told to give up on him completely even though that’s harsh. Although I do think a lot of his behaviour towards me and the things he has said have been to justify what he is doing to himself, and to me. He was trying to make me hate him so it’d be easier to get over him. But I am never going to hate him and he knows that.

    Moonbunny – I would like to think that it’s just an ‘at the moment’ thing, but I don’t really know. I do feel like my ex is definitely running away from the emotions but she might ACTUALLY heal his heart and then I’ll be even more upset. So the only option I have for now is to accept the fact that they’re together and pretend that they’re the best couple in the world and that nothing will rip them apart.
    Even though it’s probably silly and desperate and I’m realizing more and more that he’s not for me, I still want to talk to my ex in years to come. Maybe even just hang out as friends, I’m not sure. Although I can tell when I told him that I didn’t want to be friends that he was hurt and confused – he is used to be friends with everyone that he comes across. He is quite good friends with his other exs that he only went out for a couple of months (although that is quite different as we were together for ages). But I really hope that it did sting him when I said that I didn’t want to be friends. I guess it won’t really hurt unless he is truly alone at night and thinking about everything that has happened in his life and that may not be for a while as atm he is preoccupied with the new things going on in his life. But one day he might think about it and he will realize that I truly rejected him because I said that I didn’t want to be friends. (Although the truth is I probably do want to be friends some time when I’m over all this hurt and anger). I had a dream last night that I was meeting up with him and his friend Robert. And we were just being friends and there were a couple of other people there. The whole time I was talking to him the song ‘The way I love you’ was playing in my head and I knew that I was going to cry. (I presume in the dream it was a couple of years in the future but I don’t really know). So it just depends what happens I guess. If things can change so much in 2 months that things can REALLY change in 2 years. Hopefully I won’t even want to speak to him. I really do want to just move on and never speak to him again but I’m just not strong enough to do that. I always want him to be a part of my life :/// To top this all off, a guy that I kinda had a crush on and thought about going to the movies with has got a girlfriend as well! I mean, that’s a lot less devastating but it just seems like all the good guys around here are taken!! (which is why my ex was snapped up so quickly – he is a JERK but he is a nice person and can probably trick unsuspecting ppl).
    Wow! What your ex did for you sounds soooo sweet. He was so sad that he couldn’t say happy birthday to you first. That is so cute!!!! I can tell that he really loved you. And I know that my ex really loved me too. I just don’t understand how he can forget about that so easily. Hopefully your ex hasn’t forgotten how much you meant to him <3 My ex and I had so many good times as well, and I feel like he doesn’t even remember. All he remembers is the stupid fight that we had about a light switch when he decided he would break up with me ;____; the most heartbreaking part about that is that I slept on his couch that night, then in the morning I went into his bed and we cuddled and I thought everything was fine. When it turns out that he had stopped feeling things for me and even THAT was a lie. He then got angry again out of nowhere and he told me to go home because he didn’t really feel like being together that day. I said okay because I just thought it was to do with the argument and he needed space to cool off. Then he came round to my house later on with some money to give my mum (we brought him something the day before). He then told me he was going into the city with his friend that was in my dream. And he kissed me on the forehead ;___; it was so sweet and it kills me to think that he was just doing it out of habit and didn’t really mean it.Then he didn’t speak to me on the phone or anything over the whole weekend but I STILL was a fool and thought everything was okay because he was just hanging out with his friend and having a good time. Then I noticed that normally I would’ve heard SOMETHING so I asked him if he hated me (probably a bad idea?) and all he said was ‘No’. So I was like ??? It really seems like it but okay. Then I left it for then. The whole Monday I didn’t hear from him either. So I texted him at his 3pm break at work and asked what was going on. He said not much or soemthing like that??? And I was like why aren’t you speaking to me? he said ‘Just don’t have much to say.’ I was really confused. That night I rang him and asked what was going on because he was really confusing and upsetting me. He said that everything was ‘fine’ and would come and see me on Tuesday. For a moment I thought it was okay and that he was still having space because of the argument and everything. Then when I was at work on Tuesday I got the idea that he might be going to break up with me :,( I told my mum my fears and another of my friends. It turns out that I was right and we broke up :/ I wanted to go running after him out the door but I knew that would just make things worse. He was gone from that moment. Actually, from the moment that we had the argument about the light switch. I don’t know why I’m sharing that whole story, I guess it just feels better to get it out of my system and stop thinking about it. If only I could rewind time and never argue about the stupid light switch!!! obviously that wasn’t the only thing going on and he wasn’t happy but honestly :'(
    I hope that talking to your ex goes well for you my dear. I’m sure that it will be okay <3 <3 But like you said, we can’t read too much into things unless we totally know the truth. In the end, I think that True Love lasts. So even if my ex is not my true love (something I’m starting to think is unlikely) then I will find someone 1000% better.
    Sorry for my long ramble about my breakup in the middle. I just feel like that was something that I had to get out in the air. I do actually have to mention that my ex accidentally hurt my thumb during this argument. Sometimes I think that is the reason he thought it was such a bad argument. Because he had hurt me physically, even though it wasn’t on purpose. I could tell he felt really bad about it. I told him it wasn’t a big deal, but maybe it weighed on his mind a bit during that weekend?
    Anyway, I hope your day is going well too! I haven’t been doing much with my days at the moment because I’ve just been having to grieve. I’ve been watching a lot of Gilmore Girls which I loooove. I think I’m living vicariously through Lorelai and Luke because I love them so much! <3

    in reply to: Returning and collecting belongings during NC #53868
    • Total Posts: 76

    I guess a good way to get your stuff back would be to send a trusted friend or someone else round? Although sometimes I think that the best thing to do is actually break the NC rule and get them back yourself. If you need this stuff for work then it won’t look like you’re just trying to see him. Ultimately it’s up to you, but since you are doing well with NC then maybe the trusted friend idea is the best option. Good luck! ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #53858
    • Total Posts: 76

    Thank you moonbunny <3 What is your email? You can add me on facebook as well. I wonder why you couldn’t find sri? ๐Ÿ™
    I know. I keep hoping that this is just a rebound and that it will all mess up for them completely. But for some reason I just get the feeling that he really has moved on and isn’t making a mistake. Maybe she is the one for him. I’m not going to know for a while. Even though it’s selfish, I can’t help wishing that everything will go sour for them both. He will expect her to be more like me etc. Because how can he not compare the two relationships? It’s crazy.
    I’m trying not to think of him at all but it’s sooo hard. Especially when all I can picture is her in his arms :/ I don’t know what she is like or anything. Only that they ‘clicked’. So there is no way of knowing whether she is completely different to what he usually goes for or not. I looked at her profile on facbeook only once, just to see what she was like but I couldn’t really find anything out. I think she’s kind of pretty but my friend said it’s a ‘major downgrade’ which made me laugh.
    Yes, I believe the most attractive thing I can do now is to just walk away from the situation and stop caring about him, because clearly he doesn’t care about me. I wish that I hadn’t asked him round to talk now, because I know I would’ve come across as desperate and needy. I still believe all the things that I said in the above post but I also know that I need to accept the fact that they may be together forever, or a long time. Once I get that into my head, I can start to move on myself.
    Maybe one day when he sees that I am happy without him he will feel bad. I think he already feels quite guilty, and I may have made him feel worse when I invited him round (that wasn’t my intention – I just wanted some answers like what happened to talking at New Year’s etc). I can just go on and live my life now. I’m really looking forward to doing some travelling so I can’t wait till I’ve saved enough money to go exciting new places. At the moment, I just have to focus on working, saving up the money and in my spare time becoming a better person. I’ve also got lots of inspiring TV shows to watch that help me feel happy and distract me from my own situation. And, like we’ve said before music always helps a lot.
    At least now I know exactly what I’m going to do. I know that I HAVE to move on and I’m no longer wondering what he thinks of me. I hope that I didn’t come across and too desperate or that he really hates me now. I didn’t mean to make his life miserable. As he was leaving he told me to sleep with as many people as I like and go out and do crazy stuff. But I still feel like deep down, if he heard that I was sleeping with lots of people, he would be hurt. I think the only reason he said that to me was so he could justify it to himself. And he knows that I’m not going to go and do that. I’m not a crazy individual haha.
    But anyway, I hope things are feeling better for you both <3 I think it would be a good idea to speak to your ex at the end of October after your exam. That way you will know for sure where you stand. That is the one good thing that has come out of this ;___; I know that I have to move on now, as hard as that is to accept. No matter what happens I will always be here to listen. Maybe before you talk to him you could write a letter of everything that you want to say to him, don’t send it, just write it out for yourself. Everything will be okay in the end, for all of us <3 Now I can just move on to bigger and better things :’)

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #53826
    • Total Posts: 76

    The words ‘we just clicked’ keep swirling around in my head :/ it hurts so much to hear him say that over and over. I’m hoping it’s a rebound but I’m not going to know that for a while. I can’t believe this is happening.

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #53814
    • Total Posts: 76

    Also, I’ve been reading something that Sri sent me on facebook. It’s a guide to re connect with your ex and I’m thinking about doing that in a few years if I still feel the same way towards him. Maybe by then, I will see that I don’t need him in my life, but if not then I might try to implement those techniques. I’m not sure. I guess I don’t have to make up my mind. I will just see when the time comes.

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #53813
    • Total Posts: 76

    Yes. I still do really love him. It would be so much easier if I could hate him, but I never could. It hurts soooo bad. I didn’t expect this to happen – at least not this soon. I’m not sure if it’s a rebound or not. I feel kind of bad but I’m sort of waiting for them to break up because I’m convinced that it’s not going to last. But really I have no idea. She might be the love of his life :/
    I am giving up on him for now. Not completely as he will always be in my heart. But I am not going to speak to him for the longest time possible. I think my friend/s will let me know if he breaks up with her, but even then I don’t think I should speak to him. I have to truly wait a long time until I am completely over him and have put these negative feelings I have towards out of my mind. At the moment, I am so hurt by him that I don’t think I could ever forgive him. But I know that I probably will. It annoys me so much that he just thinks he can get away with this. Why does he think it’s okay to just hurt me.
    I am sure this is just how he is dealing with everything. Maybe he was feeling lonely and this is why he feels this ‘connection’ with the girl. Because he doesn’t know what else to do. It’s the only way he is able to deal with the negative emotions that he has. Also saying that it is unhealthy is the only way he can deal with all the guilt. He doesn’t want to look like the bad guy, but the truth is that he is.
    I wish I had just left it and been cool about it all. Then I could possibly still ask him to hang out in October, with the knoweldge that he has a new girlfriend. I would just be prepared and wouldn’t flirt, just be friendly and make myself as attractive and happy as possible. But I threw that out the window when I asked him to come round and talk to me. I don’t know why I did it. He did say that he broke up with me because of the light switch etc. And said that I don’t know how to handle my emotions and he doesn’t know how to handle his anger. He had to leave because it was getting too emotional for him, and I feel like that is how he is handling life. I feel like if he keeps running away from all the true feelings in life then he will never be happy.
    My dream is that one day he will wake up and realize what he has done is a mistake. He will realize that I truly loved him ad that maybe he still loves me too, despite everything. But it will be too late and I will have moved on without him. Then he will get what he deserves. He isn’t feeling anything properly because he just gets stoned and drunk and pushing them to the side so I just think he will end up a complete mess when the emotions finally catch up to him. If there’s one thing that I’ve learnt in life, it’s that you have to truly FEEL every single emotion. Whether it’s anger or happiness, sadness or absolute joy. You have to be in the moment and think about how you are truly feeling.
    I feel bad for the girl but I truly don’t want this relationship between them to work out. I feel like he still cares enough to visit me, and he cares enough to get angry and make up excuses, which may mean that he could possibly be still in love with me. It’s impossible to get over someone that quickly. Sure, he has ‘moved on’ but I don’t think that he has gotten over me. I think there is a difference, and that will be the downfall of their relationship because he does have emotional baggage that he hasn’t dealt with properly.
    I hope I’m not coming across as too desperate or anything, that is just truly how I feel the situation is going and what he is thinking. This is all speculation and assumptions but I know him better than anyone in the world (except maybe his own mother).
    Anyway, at the moment I don’t feel like I could ever want to be with him again. Especially as I don’t think he will ever want to either. But at the end of our conversation, just as he was leaving my house he said ‘Maybe if we both change A LOT COMPLETELY that is the only way we will have a chance together.’ And I don’t think he should have said that because it has given me that tiny little bit of hope back and it’s frustrating.
    For now, I’m going to focus on myself. Then in the future, maybe after a few years, I may try and get in contact with him and see where we stand. Because I know I will still love him, even if I’ve had other relationships or if he has had others. And I would just like the chance to talk about everything while I’m not so involved in the situation and upset about everything. I feel like I could try and redevelop a connection but I shouldn’t look forward to that day too much and just do it when it feels right. I need to wait a really long time, because at the moment he has hurt me way too much that I don’t even want to hear his voice.
    It just really upsets me because I never thought it would come to this. I didn’t think we would be nearly shouting at each other and that he could make me feel even more pathetic and small than I already did.
    All I know is that my only option now is to move on. I’m trying my hardest to do that, I’m just not 100% sure how. I don’t think I will find someone else for a very long time, because it just wouldn’t feel right – and I secretly hope that his new relationship is a bit like that too. ANYWAY time to stop focusing on him!!!!! It’s hard but I’m trying to say to myself that he’s an asshole and I don’t need him in my life anymore. I wish I could just stop thinking about them together. That would make it a lot easier. And I really want to move away, because him living just round the corner makes me feel so upset and uneasy. I know I could run into him anywhere around here -_-
    I would love to ask Kevin for your email but I’m not really sure how you go about doing that? I’m happy to still just keep talking on this thread, but if you don’t want to then let me know?? Sorry if this reply was a bit rambly – I just have a lot of feelings at the moment!!!

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #53786
    • Total Posts: 76

    I know. It’s really hard to just accept that right now :/ I truly thought that there could be a chance and I’m pretty annoyed that he said we could talk at New Year’s and everything. He said that it was true then but it has now been TWO months instead of ONE and I was like ??? that’s still not really that much time. I’m so annoyed and upset and I feel so sick. I really want to forget about him and move on but I really don’t know how. It’s sooooo painful and I’m lucky to have a lot of people to talk about it with. But I just know that in two years I will still feel like contacting him and idk if that’s the right thing to do. I know I need to just let him go, but that pull to talk to him will always be there. And maybe I do just need to be ‘mates’ with him because then at least his in my life. I know it will be really hard for me and I will always be hoping for more, but at least I will get to see him smile and make him laugh once more. Even though I wouldn’t be able to hold him in my arms, at least we could have a good time together??? I really don’t know. I only know that I have to leave it for a while now. A good six months or so. I have to throw myself into moving on from him completely and try to forget about him. The annoying thing is that quite often as soon as you’re over someone, you hear from them -_- So I hope that doesn’t happen. Like, half of me wants to be friends with him still but the other half just wants to move on and never speak to him again. I guess for now I have to go with the never speaking to him again side because I know that he doesn’t want to hear from me and he wants me to move on. It’s just so hard when I’m feeling so miserable after having that little inkling of hope :/

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #53784
    • Total Posts: 76

    Okay I just finishing talking to him. And I’m absolutely shattered. I don’t know why I expected anything else. I’ve told him that I’m saying goodbye to him for now. He has told me to go and do crazy shit because I’m young and I need to start having fun like him.
    He doesn’t think that our relationship was ever healthy. He doesn’t think that we could ever be together again. It feels just like he has broken up with me all over again. Some of the things that he said were a bit harsh, but I guess that doesn’t really matter anymore.
    He said that he is heartbroken because he had to break up with me and he didn’t want to break my heart but he had to do it because it wasn’t healthy and we had stupid arguments like over light switches (our last argument which i AGREE was absolutely stupid). But i’ve seen past that now. I knew the whole time that it was really silly and I’ve seen about the things that I could’ve done differently and I know that we could still make it work if both of us put the effort in. He doesn’t think so. He is absolutely convinced that I will stop loving him and that I will get through this. He also thinks that we could never be in a healthy relationship.
    But he said that just because we’re not together doesn’t mean that he doesn’t care about me. And that doesn’t mean we can’t be ‘mates’. But the truth is, I really don’t want to be ‘mates’ with him. I know that it will be too difficult and I will always be hoping that he will be falling back in love with me. I don’t think I can ever hang out with him again while feeling like this.
    He also asked what he could do that would just make me hate him. But I said that I could never hate him and he knows that. He will always be a part of my heart, whether he likes that or not.
    I really want to just move out of the country for a few years and throw myself into somewhere new and truly get over him. But unfortunately I can’t afford to do that. I still don’t want to give up with him even though that’s all he wants from me. And even though that seems like it would be the only option now. I guess we’re truly on ‘death’s door’. If I go away some time next year or something maybe I will say goodbye to him properly and idk maybe that will make him realize that I am truly moving on and away. Maybe it’ll make him miss me.
    I guess I’ll just have to see how long this relationship lasts. It may still be a rebound. It seems like he really likes her, but I think all rebounds are that way. I’m so jealous of her, and I hope that she is really happy. I didn’t think that it was fair on her that she is with someone who has admitted to being ‘heartbroken’, but we’ll just see. Maybe they are true loves and will be together for the rest of their lives. Maybe it will all fall apart in a couple of months and will also be ‘unhealthy’. There is nothing I regret more than the stupid argument about the light. Who knows how different my life would be if we hadn’t argued about that??? There was absolutely no sign that he wanted to split before then. (Buying me chocolate hearts, calling me beautiful etcetcetc).
    I don’t really know what my next plan of action is. My ex said that time heals everything. We could be dead in a couple of years. That’s why he is just living in the moment and being happy with this new girl. And I know I should be happy for him, but the truth is I’m still really upset and I just wish that I was the one making him happy.
    So much has changed since my last few replies last night moonbunny & sri! I hope everything is going better for you both <3 I still have many thanks for you both for being here for me. It means a lot.

    in reply to: People that tell you to just give up!! #53774
    • Total Posts: 76

    This made me feel so much better this morning! It gave me a lot of hope and I thought that I could trudge through this and come out the other side.
    Then I found out that my ex is in a relationship and I’m not sure anymore. I think that it’s a sign that I have to move on now. But I’m not ready. And I may never be.

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #53768
    • Total Posts: 76

    I know. He has already said that he will come round and talk to me. And I know that’s not really the best thing to do. But I’ve written down some things to say and hopefully I don’t seem to desperate or pathetic. I was just so upset and asked him to come round. I’m not going to say ‘don’t date her’, I’m just going to try and get some answers out of him. I feel like it could be a rebound but it could also end up being the love of his life so I’m freaking out. I know it’s a really bad idea but I need to talk to him more than anything. Hopefully it won’t push him away but I have no idea. I am completely crushed.
    My ex and I were together for 2 and a quarter years. I always felt so drawn to him from the moment I met him and some of the times we had together were the happiest in my life. I haven’t forgotten about them and I can’t believe he would forget either? When we broke up he told me that he didn’t have the energy to be in a relationship anymore. I’m guessing that this new girl is a lot easier to deal with ??? It’s still so hard to understand. I have no idea if it’s a rebound or not. I can’t assume anything. For now, I realize that I just have to move on. But it’s so hard and I’m not sure I can do that. He told me that we were going to talk about our relationship at New Year’s and now I’m just so hurt that was a lie. I’ve been in bed feeling like I’m going to throw up ever since I found out the truth :/
    My friend is really angry at him for saying things etc. But I’m trying not to be bitter. He is allowed to get over me. He is allowed to move on. He is allowed to be with anyone he wants. But it just feels so unfair. It’s unfair on me because I love him so much and I know that I always will. It’s unfair because I thought that he was still a bit sad about the break-up and he may just be with her because he’s lonely, but the thing is, I was still here… just round the corner from him. I was almost, waiting, for him.
    But anyway, I’ll let you know how the talk goes. I’m going to try and not come across as desperate. There is still time to back out but I really feel like I need to talk to him or I won’t be able to move on in a healthy way.

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #53760
    • Total Posts: 76

    My ex is in a relationship :/ my friend found out from facebook and told me this morning. I am completely shattered. I don’t know what to do. Everything feels completely hopeless now. Just when I was feeling a little bit more hopeful that ONE DAY it could possibly work out. I don’t know what to do with myself now. I actually broke no contact and I’ve asked my ex to come around and talk. Don’t think he will come though. I feel absolutely sick to my stomach.

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #53716
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    I’ve realized that I’m still going to be very emotional when I talk to him and really upset if he doesn’t want to give me another chance. So I guess I have to get to a stage where I know I’ll be okay without him. I’m still not feeling that way yet. Like, I think about it long and hard and don’t think he would want to just give up on me but I never know that. He may not be sad and may have moved on already. And if that is the case, then I have to deal with that. I’m not sure. I guess for now I’ll focus on myself until October when I invite him around. Then I’ll see how that goes. You never know, he may say that he has missed me or something then. (These are the fantasies in my head that I need to stop thinking about). I’m going to try and go back to my philosophy of only thinking about him once a day, so I’ll talk to you guys tomorrow morning. Stay strong xx

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #53714
    • Total Posts: 76

    Aw moonbunny! I hope your insomnia isn’t too bad. I’ve been feeling really tired lately too (but haven’t been able to sleep much at night).
    I’m not really sure how I’m feeling towards my ex anymore. I’m really really sad still and quite often I cry at least once a day. It’s not healthy and I know I should probably try harder to move on but I’m not really sure how. I’m still wondering if I should even talk to him at New Year’s or before. Or never speak to him again. Although that would hurt me very much and I probably wouldn’t be able to do it, it’s probably better for both of us :/
    Then again, I kinda want to talk to him just in case there is a slither of a chance that we could be together again. I had a whole speech planned out and everything but I’m not sure if I need to say these things anymore. I might just leave the past in the past. And just say that I’m willing to give it another go if he is. Or if he still isn’t that keen, then I could ask if we could maybe try again in a few years (although I’m not sure if that seems desperate or like I’ll wait around for him or not). I don’t know. Maybe I should still say everything that I felt that I needed to say. I just know that I’ll get really emotional and I don’t really want him to see me cry once again, it’ll just remind him of the past idk.
    But that’s enough about me and my thoughts – I hope that you guys are okay. I’m not really sure if you sent the wrong message to your ex moonbunny. Perhaps he will think that you have moved on, but that’s okay. Then you could still re establish and connection, hang out as friends, and eventually get a feel for things and tell him how you really feel? I don’t know.
    Hopefully we can all just carry on hoping and becoming better versions of ourselves in the mean time. Let’s just let fate do it’s work. Message them if it feels right, talk to them if it feels right and give them space if it feels right. I think that all we can all do is just take one day at a time and go with how we’re feeling in the moment. I don’t think it does any good to think about the past or the future – look at how messed up I am wondering if I should even talk to him or not!!

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #53669
    • Total Posts: 76

    I’m trying not to feel too bad about anything. It just feels weird and I know that he truly did love me, a lot. I just hope he doesn’t forget that. Then when I see him again I could rebuild the attraction again but idk how to do that either ๐Ÿ™

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #53665
    • Total Posts: 76

    I have to go away for the night now and my sister’s boyfriend is coming which I am really unhappy about. We see him EVERY SINGLE DAY at my house and my ex was never invited to come along anywhere with my family becuase my mum found him too talkative and excited about everything :/ which is not fair and I just don’t know why my sister’s boyfriend is being treated like a member of the family when my ex was never treated that way for the two years that we were together. My sister has been with bf for less than two months U GH .

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