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  • in reply to: God, bring him back to me please… #14749
    • Total Posts: 8

    Hey guys! Wanted to update you on my situation…
    So i did reply to his text about 11 hours later. I said I was good thanks, he said: “Good to hear…How are things at the house?” I said different but good. Then he asked me if I was watching our fave tv show? I didnt reply to that…not ready for that small talk like nothing is happening. He has not text me or contacted me since then. Its going on 3 weeks now of NC and Im getting antsy. He just finished a fitness race that he has been training for, so now is when he is going to start to let loose and go out to bars and stuff. Im concerned cause obviously here is the opportunity to meet other girls and completely forget about me. Im going to continue with NC and Im working on myself as well, but the thought of this not working is eating me up. What you guys think?

    in reply to: God, bring him back to me please… #12862
    • Total Posts: 8

    Also, as I mentioned above…this is a guy that for him to express any emotion is out of character. Now, him asking how Im doing is not necessarily expressing emotion, but I think you guys know what Im getting at.

    Help…in my situation…to respond or not respond? :/

    in reply to: God, bring him back to me please… #12861
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    Thanks @Jasmin91 I havent done anything, IF I am, Im going to wait at least a couple of hours. But Im thinking you are right. This part is a lot harder than I thought. But I just re-read what Kevin said about not replying to texts or calls…so Im feeling a little better with not responding. However, there is that part of me that wants to because I dont want to push him away by not responding. Gosh, how does this work??? I respond…I push him away, I dont respond…he comes back?

    in reply to: God, bring him back to me please… #12857
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    So I just got a text from him saying: “Hey…How are you?”

    I have to say that I was and was not expecting it, since this is the first real separation we’ve had its hard to tell. The first thing that came to mind was that I like the fact that he is thinking of me. Now, he did tell me before he left that he was and will always worry about me and to come to him if I ever need anything. Well now that I got this text from a week of NC, Im not sure what to do.

    I know that everyone is going to say to NOT break NC and let him suffer…but is this wise? I dont know what to do guys. What if I just reply “ok”??

    Any advise?

    in reply to: God, bring him back to me please… #12631
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    Laurel, I have tears in my eyes as I read your comment. Its so true what you said. And thats what hurts me too. That I know that this NC time will truly show what I meant to him, and it scares me to death that it will turn up him just moving on because in the end he is not the one for me. Im hoping that this time will shock him and help him realize that Im worth everything and then some. You are right, I wont sacrifice myself anymore or my heart for him, but I’d be lying if I said I wasnt hoping that he comes back to me with the realization that he truly loves me and will do anything to make me happy. Because for 4 years that was my role.

    in reply to: God, bring him back to me please… #12624
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    Im so sorry to hear that aamls, I cant even imagine what you must be feeling right now. But you are not alone, Im beginning to really understand that. Travelbug you are so right, specially since its so fresh is so hard not to feel sad, not to miss him, not to think of him. But I know this is what needs to happen, not just to have a chance of getting him back but also for me, this in the end will give me more strength. Though I will admit, right now all I feel is weakness, loneliness (even if Im surrounded by millions of people…Im alone). I keep thinking that he will enter the front door, that he is out on a trip, that this is just a terrible dream that I want to wake up from. I dont understand how after so many years he could just walk away, and not even miss me.
    sxox19 I would love to exchange stories or situations, let me know how we can do that.

    in reply to: God, bring him back to me please… #12330
    • Total Posts: 8

    Thank you aamls. I know I have to let time pass for me to feel that way. I’m trying, I really am. I guess is just time. So annoying

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