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  • in reply to: Ex wants nothing to do with me & I'm pregnant #9732
    • Total Posts: 3

    Thanks SummerRain, I’m still sticking with no contact rule, but I can’t help thinking of everything still, if they’ll work out, if he’ll ever want me again. Its all about the if and nobody can really answer that but him. I just don’t understand what caused him to do this at all, I’m down to two things….he either fell out of love with me, or he just wanted something new. I still don’t see how he can move on in a week though, I’m at my point were I miss him but I want to hurt him too(not literally) just have him get the karma he so truely deserves but I’m too nice a person to ever do that to him or anyone. Any advice?

    in reply to: Ex wants nothing to do with me & I'm pregnant #9531
    • Total Posts: 3

    I’m sorry for two posts but it wouldn’t let me add on since I copied and paste. **update** since that time we had slept together twice and he had told me he doesn’t want me, its just sex but I still pursued it because I thought somehow it could help the situation bring him closer to me. He now refuses to come over and see me because of the temptation but he still says its okay that I text him. He tells everyone else that I’m obsessed and won’t leave him alone but he has mutually gotten ahold of me as well. He tells everyone he loves this new girl and couldnt be happier, he even proposed to her and she said no. I’d like to believe that she is just a rebound but they’ve been together now for 2 months, and live together. They’ve known each as friends for years and she always had a crush on him so that’s where I have my doubts that it really could work for them then it not to. I started the no contact about a week ago and he doesn’t care to get ahold of me, he’s probably relieved to not hear from me anymore and I’ll I want is him back in my life before the baby comes but he’s so stubborn and stuck in his ways I don’t see it happening. What should I do now? Does anyone else believe this is a lost cause ffore to keep hoping it could work with us eventually? And is it really true a baby changes everything and he could one day come back bc he will miss out so much of his boys early years? Somebody please help me with advice I’m so emotional right now and no mean talking please.

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