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  • in reply to: talk with him or not #71482
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    I wanted to…i send her the text asking about her day but she took an hour to respond and i send her another text which she never replied so i am not going too. I think she’s busy today or either don’t feel like talking with me but thats okay…i can’t do anything about it….

    hahah yeah you will have too…it sucks when you’ve to talk more but sometimes we do weird stuff for the people we love

    in reply to: talk with him or not #71469
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    Yeah she does, she did told me that she loves spending time with me. Yeah i think it will take lot of time to build the trust and i am being patient but i think i need to be more patient.

    hahah yeah its really weird for guys but i know when she tell me she hates because she loves me.. she only says that she hates me when she knows i am doing the right thing or saying the right thing or being nice to her. If she don’t like anything she will tell me she’s one of those person who will say it even though it don’t sound good or anything.

    I was wondering about asking her out after her work for movie or anything she asked me yesterday for dinner but I’m confused if i should or not because i feel like if i do ask her out again today she might thing i am being needy so idk what to do, what do you suggest ??

    Hahah im in same situation i don’t know what to do either but all i can tell you is let the time take its time. Everything happen at the exact time it need to happen just be patient with him, improve your life and be a better person. Keep on improving yourself, enjoy life(i know it sounds hard but you’ve too) do the things that you enjoy be more focus on your school or career. Be positive thats the big thing, positive vibe attracts positive things.

    I ask her stuff that she likes or her family or her work. She loves her work but there is so much drama at her work that she will always have so much to say about it. Just ask him how was his day, tell about what you did and tell him about the achievements or the positive thing that happen to you even he don’t ask or say anything about him….it shows that you wanna spend your happy moment with him and when something good happen to him he will come to you.

    Yeah i wouldn’t talk about the same stuff all the time, it will be boring and when the person already don’t wanna talk about and bringing the same stuff will be boring i know its hard when you don’t talk to the person the way you use to you and you don’t know what to ask but you’ve to be creative…Ask him about stuff that he loves and express yourself…. never sound needy..from a guys perspective i love it when a girl open and keep the conversation real without any filter, so when you talk to him don’t try to filter or don’t try to sound too cheesy..just be about the happy times or talk about the trip or anything that you guys enjoyed together but don’t talk too much about it. I hope that helps.

    in reply to: talk with him or not #71459
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    Thank you, you’re absolutely right. when i read your comment and think about what she says and her action i think she’s going through the same exact thing. She keeps on saying that she hates me because i am so nice to her and that I’m always there for her but when it comes to being together she brings up the stuff from past or the stuff that we don’t have common and you’re right i don’t think she trust me and love me i mean in a way that people do in relationship she still loves me and cares about me but she’s worried about future she’s is worried if things will go back to the way it was before but i think i will be able to change that by showing my affection and hanging out more what do you think, i think if i change my old habits that she didn’t like and I’m not changing it just for her but to better myself i think i might have a chance. Thank you so much Kellyn.

    Oh thats nice that he still sends you the message and its okay if he didn’t reply the whole purpose of saying that was to show him that you appreciate him taking time and sending you the text and I’m sorry about the weekend but if he’s was actually spending time with his family then its okay. Its a good thing that he’s family oriented.

    You know what don’t ask him to meet up again, you already asked him couple of times or maybe more than that now wait till he ask you. Whenever y’all talk just be nice and if he ask you about the free time then let him know but don’t push him make him make him think why is she not asking me to meet. You don’t wanna be the only one trying, if he cares and wanna try things let him make the next move and if he’s dating someone then its even better he will be trying to find you in them and when he don’t he will be coming to you. I know its the hard part just to even think about it . Remember you said if I’m not wrong that you dated some folks but was never able to love them bc you thought about him or was looking for someone like him thats how his brain gonna work. If he was happy with you then when he goes on date he will miss you, he will miss you on the tiny details that you don’t even know or wasn’t that important when you guys were together.

    From what i can tell you is that he’s confuse too, he may not be sure about you and at that time all you can do is show him your love, care and affection. Don’t be jealous or be mad at him if he said or do something that you don’t like, when you do all that he will slowly realize what you mean to him and wouldn’t wanna leave you and will regret ever letting you go. good luck keep your patience

    in reply to: talk with him or not #71450
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    Hey thank you for all your help too, actually yeah i wanted to know the girls perspective on one thing may be you can help me. We are hanging out lot more often like every other day, we went for dinner and went to watch a movie on saturday and went for dinner last night and things are going good but one thing she keep bringing is why are you this nice to me and i can’t be with you….we will talk about something and if we disagree on something she will be like this is why we can’t be together she keep on asking me why i am so nice to her and she says she’s worried that I’m having a hope and waiting on her and she hates that she don’t want me to be waiting on her but i know her and if i stop and start moving on she will be broken, she wants me to stay but she have this confusion of things not working out again. So i am waiting on her but how do i show that I’m not how do i change her confusion and how is it going with you. Are you still getting the morning text and talking with him ??

    in reply to: talk with him or not #71393
    • Total Posts: 64

    Im sure you said it in a funny way, i don’t think he’s mad or anything maybe he’s just tired and didn’t have any energy to talk or anything. If he didn’t send you the good morning text maybe you could’ve send him the same text it will show that you care about that text. I hope you had a good time with him whenever y’all meet.

    in reply to: talk with him or not #71306
    • Total Posts: 64

    Yeah you’re right, it sounds good. It’s a special day and why ruin it. Guess what we haven’t even talk since yesterday, the last conversation we had was yesterday morning like 2-3 text that’s it.

    Yeah I completely agree relationship is hard when someone give up but it’s worth it if things work out and I’m happy that you’re happy with being single. Maybe there’s something you wanna know or you wanna have some kind of closure with him. Don’t worry about thing going bad you haven’t done anything wrong, you love him and trying to see if he feels the same there’s nothing wrong with trying.

    in reply to: talk with him or not #71302
    • Total Posts: 64

    Yeah I think I will skip the whole gift thing at all, she already knows how much I care about her and how happy I am for her so I will let it be. I’m worried about the graduation day she’s wired she will talk to me someday in person and someday she will completely ignore me. I’m worried that she will ignore me since she will be with her family and they all know we broke up. I don’t even know if I should go talk with her family members they all used to like me but idk what to do… what you think should I at least talk with her family members or is it completely wired I like them and always have a good conversation with them when we were together

    Yeah you’ve every right to be upset if he thinks like that but the best way to handle is not let it happen at all, if he wants the emotional connection then the physical connection will come with it

    in reply to: talk with him or not #71298
    • Total Posts: 64

    Well we graduated this was our last semester and we are walking this coming Saturday one of the happiest time and i can’t even share with her….i think she’s confused i am not sure about that either, i feel like that because of the way she acts sometimes. I am 100% sure she is not dating anyone or any thing like that so idk if i can ask her whats the confusion. I guess the only thing i can do is be patience and wait for some kind of miracle or maybe a Christmas gift that will be so fucking sweet.

    Hey so I’ve this dilemma i want to send her a graduation gift and i was thinking about sending her flower nothing romantic no red roses just some colorful flowers do you think that will be a good idea and also do i buy her a Christmas gift sometime i feel like i should and sometime i feel like nah don’t do it….my dilemma i wanna show her that i still care and really proud and happy for her but at the same time i feel like she already knows all that. I have told her more than couple of times that i am really proud and happy for her. so i don’t know what i should

    this is the one i wanna send if i end up sending her what you think, is it too much ?

    well thats good that he’s texting you in the morning. I think and its totally up to you how you approach it, i think it will be better if you don’t kiss him. If you kiss him that will show you are weak and sorry it will show you easy not trying to be rude but if its something easy to get then you loose the excitement, you loose the thrill. Take it from me if a guy find it too easy to get with you physically then he will never have any emotion connection and if you want the emotional connection then don’t do it. we have to build our trust, confidence before we get physical. I mean is it really worth it to kiss someone who don’t have any emotional feelings or someone who you trust…Idk maybe i am getting old 🙁 that does sound like an old guy talking but thats how i look at it. I don’t wanna share my physical relationship with anyone if there is no emotion. I hope it helps.

    in reply to: talk with him or not #71288
    • Total Posts: 64

    What really he asked you for picture because he forgot how you look like,now that’s some BS. Trust me he remembers you perfectly fine he’s just acting up sometimes guys wanna see the picture they wanna keep it in there phone to look at it later. I know it’s creepy but sometimes when you remember someone they just wanna look at the picture but that’s messed up the way he said he forgot how you look like. What I can understand from what you told me is he’s not serious about getting back together and don’t worry that’s okay, it’s time for you to show what he’s missing out. When you meet him present yourself properly, show the great personality tell him about all the achievements you’ve got after you guys broke up. Make him realize you’re doing great in life. He already knows that you wannna be together so don’t bring that up and if you don’t wanna ruin anything don’t have sex or even a kiss for that matter. Don’t make yourself too easy, I know you want too. I know you wannna hug him,hold him kiss him and all that but please don’t it will boost his ego and show you weak.

    Yeah my situation is confusing AF. I am trying to take it slow with her but I can’t just be friends with her. I don’t understand how people know everything about each other I mean physical stuff and emotional feelings and be friends again. I can’t. Right now all I wish was we talk little more than we do, I don’t want us to be talking 24/7 but wish were little bit more. I know she still care and love me but the thing is she’s confused and don’t know what to do. What do you suggest how do I remove that confusion with her ??

    in reply to: talk with him or not #71265
    • Total Posts: 64

    Yeah i think i did the right thing by being there for her, even though she don’t act the same way when i am but its okay…life aint fare i guess…i did call her too she didn’t answer her phone saying she’s trying to go to bed but she was okay with texting i don’t understand….weird isn’t ??

    Hahaha i totally understands the texting thing the wait to see that bubble show up on your phone and waiting for that text..and its even weird when you were together they will send you the text right away i mean like the moment you hit the send button you see the response…

    I think you shouldn’t since he don’t like to go out it will be awkward for him to go to party and the situation will already be little awkward because of the ex situation thing.I think he’s confuse too, I’m sure there are some things that he didn’t like about you sorry but there will be some stuff thats holding him back. what i can suggest you is to have a patience talk to him through text but don’t text him a whole lot…don’t ask him to meet up again let him think why she’s not asking me…talk about romantic stuff or funny things y’all did when you were together and then end it after few text make him think about it…talk random things… talk about your positive life and tell him that you’re happy but tell him in a way that you do miss and wish there but don’t make it sound too needy.

    I dont know what i should do, i can’t understand how girls mind work or what they think. she called me today saying she left her purse and she came home to get it and going back to work again. The thing about us was back when we were together we use to call each other while driving , she still does those randomly so idk what she want.. she will tell me all her friends and family tell her that what the hell is wrong with her for breaking up with me, i am like why you telling me this like what I’m suppose to do with that. She knows that i wanna be back with her and sometimes she acts like she does too and makes me fell like she miss me and everything and the next day we don’t even talk. I don’t what to think of it…what do you think.. how should i you think i still have a chance with her by the way she acts ??

    in reply to: talk with him or not #71214
    • Total Posts: 64

    Hey that’s good I’m happy for you and I’m glad that I was helpful.

    Mine is wired she’s hot and cold. We talked little bit on Thursday and on Friday and Saturday I tried to start conversation and she didn’t wanted her text was one word response and that’s it. I didnt text her all day Saturday(I texted her good morning and she sound annoyed so I didn’t say anything after that ) and Sunday I dint text her and wasn’t going too but around 9ishpm she texted me saying she’s sad. I asked her coupe of times why what’s wrong and she won’t give me an answer beside saying “just general” I tried to cheer her up and told her I am here for her and all that(I don’t know if I should) and we ended the conversation in a good notes so idk how she will act tomorrow again. So yeah it’s wired. Hey so when she was sad I tried to help her does that make me needy and easily available for her I know people over here say like no you gotta act mature and be strong and never do that but I wanted to know the girls perspective of it. Do you think it will actually help my situation or will it worsen it ?

    in reply to: talk with him or not #71197
    • Total Posts: 64

    Yay but don’t bring it all up, just have a casual conversation for the first time maybe after meeting him couple of times if you think time is right then bring it up. y’all haven’t talk for a while or meet each other for a while so i will suggest you to actually go enjoy the night with him don’t have too much expectation just enjoy the time and if you guys did end up having the conversation about the past try to be open to listen to him and don’t blame everything that happen to him.

    All the best.
    Good Luck.

    in reply to: talk with him or not #71140
    • Total Posts: 64

    what would you suggest me to do, we only talk whenever she wants to talk. Whenever she wanna meet we meet and when i ask her she will simply say no and tell me maybe another time. I am sure that she don’t have anyone or dating anyone but she always acts in a such a way nowadays. if she wanna know something she will keep on asking and once she gets the answer she will ignore me. I never ignore her and i don’t wanna ignore her not because i can’t i simply don’t because its rude and i know how much it hurts when people ignore you. I wanna work things out with her but she gives me an impression that sometime she does too and most of the time she don’t so i really don’t know what to do. I wish there was a way to know what she feels and what she wants. She will ask me for a space and when i give her a space she will approach me and try to be close again and know all about whats going on with my life and then gone again for other few days, why do girls do those things. I mean i get it some guys are asshole but that don’t mean all of us are and also don’t meant that guys like us have any kind of feelings. Why its so hard, when i show her my feelings its being needy and when i don’t its means i am hiding something i mean like what are we suppose to do 🙁

    in reply to: talk with him or not #71139
    • Total Posts: 64

    well she texted me today and we had a decent conversation she asked me if i was still sad and mad i told her yes i am sad about the situation it hurts but its a learning process. its a learning process for me to improve my myself and i will and regarding mad i told her I’m not mad with her but i am mad with myself for not realizing the situation and the issues. she said she was sorry and came back and asked me oh do you think i made a mistake I’m like how can i answer that i didn’t told her but yes i feel like she made a mistake and took the decision too early but oh well i can’t say that.

    let me try to give my perspective and see if that can help you. Regarding adding people on Facebook thats your trust, how much do you trust him. Do you think he’s randomly looking for girls adding them and talking to them. My ex whenever i added someone especially girls she use to ask me who she was and i use to tell her i never minded. I felt like she care about me and wanna know what i have been doing. She use to ask me in such a way that i never thought she asked me because she didn’t trust me. So when you were together you should’ve ask him there is nothing wrong about asking who and why he was adding someone.

    I think its normal that you’re looking for him in someone else and sorry but you’re never going to find that, i dated well not dated but start talking with few girls after the break up and i never felt the same. Nowadays its wired but i don’t even feel like being in a relationship with anyone else beside with her but at the same time if she don’t want it then hell with it I’m just gonna enjoy life.

    kellyn if you really like that guy and think maybe he changed and maybe he wont do things that bother you then i will advise you to contact him, don’t jump into any conclusion just start everything new but make him realize that you were hurt by his actions and let him know about stuff that bothered you. Its great that you’re career oriented and you want someone who is same. Life is about taking care of the responsibilities and being mature and if he doesn’t show any sign of it then its better for you to leave him rather than keep on getting hurt. Whats the point of being together again if you can’t see yourself with him down the road.

    in reply to: talk with him or not #71131
    • Total Posts: 64


    Since we both have a same situation how do you think i should approach, what will you like him to do so you might think about trying to work out again. We are about to graduate college this coming December and i am worried that it will be the end of it. we rarely talk nowadays, nothing happened she just stop texting me. I haven’t text her first because couple of times when i did she acted like she didn’t want me too. Recently we were getting alone fine and all of a sudden this past couple of days i haven’t even talk to her.

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