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  • in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #67816
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    MrsWB, you are a life just opened my eyes even more. So sorry to jump in and crash lol but was reading, and what you said “relationship burnedout, and need a break/ rest and recharge”. Maybe this is something my ex thought about and wanted for us. As i know when/if we return, we will love each other more than ever.

    A quick sum up of myself, I was together with my ex for 7 years. Everything was perfect but she went away for family reunion and she HAD to be independent as i didnt go with her, and usually i do everything for her but she wanted a break from eachother as she wanted to appreciate me more but i also took her for granted and miss her so dearly. She told me she loves me and wants to spend life with me but with this break up i cant live off of what she said, as it can easily change we may not end up together so i’ll never give up on her. I have been improving myself if many ways and hope to show her the new and improved ver 2.0, i have seen photos and she still wears the ring i got her and hopefully thats a sign she still loves me. We also had something similar to Ironblood, we were doing things like a routine and we never went out with our friends and we just wanted to be with eachother, but with this break up, it made me realize that my friends and important as they helped me get over the break up and im sure her friends did the same.

    I dont plan to date for a really long time as she’s the only girl id want, and for me to get over 7 years of memories of her will take a long time before i get with someone else. For other men out there who can simply jump onto another girl is definately a rebound, as they probably are just wanting a one night stand or something but sex is nothing compared to love. There is something about a womans love.

    in reply to: 17 days NC #67815
    • Total Posts: 51

    fishingthesky, your words are very wise and it really lifts me up when reading, really apprecite it! but you are right, sometimes letting go is the right thing to do, as it may be the right thing for me to do now.

    to update when i last messaged, i was to have dinner with my ex on the weekend, but we never ended up going. She was occupied with helping her family, as to me i dont see an issue. Last weekend tho we were suppose to go , and she thought it was this weekend (the one that just passed) so twice? or once , whatever but we didnt end up going. I messaged her back saying, “it’s ok, maybe another time”. I dont want to keep trying as maybe i should try and let her reach out to me for a meet up? or should i try again in 2 weeks? This week tho, she seems to be texting me very short. Not her usual self. I dont know why she may be mad at me or something, but i reached out and asked her if there was anything bother her and she replied saying “no everything is good” but that was it. I think i will just give her space from here on. It’s kinda hard as i want to try to work things out but not sure if its just a coincidence or an excuse, but it doesnt bother me as i didnt have high hopes, kinda saw something like this coming. Thus concluding to why i feel like letting go. She still wears the ring i got her, and i talked to her the other week in person, and noticed in her room that the photo of us was still on her wall (was a scenery photo of us running at the beach , kinda like the ones you see in weddings lol) but i was glad to see it. I dont want to give up on her, but i feel like letting go for some reason, if that makes any sense…

    Palmtree, my ex is kinda doing what your ex is doing. She wants to be friends, and she texts me but it’s hard on me, like i dont know if she just wants to have me around or whats going on. I want to try to work it out and meet up but either shes busy, or she has to cancel on me. So i feel like shes not ready, but sometimes i dont want to contact her at all as i too feel lead on.

    in reply to: 17 days NC #67375
    • Total Posts: 51

    Absoutely FishingTheSky, i have made a huge change in my life because of her. Money is no longer important to me at all and I am pretty happy now that i did. I have gotten a lot of time to improve myself because of it, and think about what i truely want in my life and future. Youre so right, there is nothing to compare to what a woman can do for us, but we all learn from our mistakes and hopefully we all get another chance at redemption. I too was in a similar position as you Fishingthesky, I don’t want to give up on my ex either but i know we cant force her to love us. It all depends on them. But eventually, the tables will turn for us. Keep strong brother. I will absoutely let everyone know about how my date will go. There are multiple scenarios that i run through my head on what i want to do but heck, ill just wing it, show her my new ver 2.0 me.

    Hi catherine8,
    from my point of view, i believe he still has feelings for you as i did that with my ex before, and i deleted it right away after posting. I dont think it was his friends that made him delete it but maybe his own part. Before i would rpely a text to me ex, and regret sending it, and if i could get it back and delete it, i wouldve. Reason me for deleting was because i wanted to have the upperhand. I wanted her to contact me first, etc.

    in reply to: 17 days NC #67286
    • Total Posts: 51

    Thanks for your input fishingthesky.
    It is great to hear from others as sometimes we are trapped and its hard to think outside the box and don’t see a different point of view. I hope you’re doing well and hope that the letter you plan I send to your ex opens a new vista for you and your ex.

    As for me, my ex and I have a upcoming dinner over the weekend. You are right, and I probably should make a move. I have thought about it countless times but I feel I am ready. My problem before was that I was too much focused on phone,games, and running my own business (I was money hungry) and I also worked a full time job on top, didn’t focus much on her. But being away from her I pretty much stopped my business. As my full time job salary is more than enough and I have deleted all social media apps, games, etc. Pretty much just focusing on myself. Been creating a better me (Ver 2.0). All I really want now is to put all my attention to her, and build a future as we have been together since highschool.

    I hope everyone else is doing good, as I know some days it’ll be total hell, or just a walk in the park.

    in reply to: 17 days NC #67254
    • Total Posts: 51

    Hi guys and gals. I have been reading and love the group that y’all have and how inspiring and helpful you guys are to each other and would love some input from you guys. I will eventually post my story up for you all to read soon.

    But is it normal for my ex to still wear a promise ring I got her? We were together for over 6 years. She posted some photos up and I noticed she still wears the ring I got her. Been broken up for over a month. Before we had a big fight like a year or so back, and she got really mad and took off the ring but when we made up she put it back on. Must I add that when we broke up, it wasn’t due to an argument but I guess mutual thing, that we needed some time apart to love each other more.. If that makes sense to y’all.. Been doing NC for about 21 days, but she does text me, but I respond briefly as talking to her just hurts. She did message me saying she miss what we had, but I responded saying I need more time, as I want to become a better me, as I want the best for her (this was like 10 days into NC) I want to get back together but not sure if she’s ready. Since it was her idea for the break up, I assume I should let her come forth instead of me trying to put the pieces back. I didn’t beg for her back as when break up happened, I luckily found Kevin’s guide and got to work on it right away.

    Thanks for your input. Very much appreciate it.

    in reply to: ReStarting no contact afresh–starting today! #66417
    • Total Posts: 51

    Truely inspiring. I have just restarted no contact again, as I lasted also only 2 weeks. What caused me to break was the ONE bad day of curiosity since I saw her friends on snapchat and my ex go out to the club. I have deleted all social media apps so here we go again! My goal isn’t 30 days but try for 50. But if I go past 30 I’ll still be proud of myself. But crystal, your words are inspiring and I have took some of your words and put it in my
    Notes , so she. I feel down I’ll read it and I’ll feel replenished!

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