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  • in reply to: My personal experience. NC Attempt #68215
    • Total Posts: 51

    Hi fishingintheskys. I didn’t realize that when you and your ex broke up , it was very close in dates as she broke up with me a week before my bday, aug 9. She did message me saying “I know this is hard but always rmr that your family and friends love you” but all I said was thank you as the break was so fresh and my heart was broken.

    So you and I are in similar paths but I do not have the phychological issue as it must be much harder on your behalf. how are you doing today?

    Today I feel probably the best ever since the break up. It’s strange. I still think about her but I don’t feel so bad. No sadness. I kept reading a lot things you said about letting go and if she’s happy like this, so be it cause truely I my heart I want her to be. Even if I’m not in the picture. Thank you fishingthesky, as your zen ways have made a big impact for
    Me moving on. I have made a draft on what to say 3 weeks from now. I don’t have high hopes for her to come running back but I am okay with that. I guess I am making huge improvements.

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #68186
    • Total Posts: 51

    we all appreciate everything MrsWB! please enjoy yourself 🙂 mom deserves a vacation! haha.

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #68112
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    Ding! Good ol Canada. Will begin hiking the mountains to take some time off my mind. It is strange how we memorize our ex’s routines and schedule. As for my ex she will be starting school soon so won’t have a clue.. Hang in the MrsWB. Just let it out as you’ll feel much better. You will always be love by your friends and family. I know how you feel tho unfortunately I had tiny hints of the break up coming but must’ve been devastating for you. But keep you head up! Tomorrow is a new day.

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #68103
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    Fishingthesky, you may be right, we are young and haven’t experienced break ups before (ironblood has with the same ex) but for me this is my FIRST. It is a dam horrible feeling and how I feel today is I never ever want to get into another relationship ever cause this heart breaking pain is too much to handle. I would rather shoot my hand with a nail gun (which I have done before lol by accident) than deal with this type of pain. But yes I do still have hope as I don’t want to give up, just like yourself. Maybe it’s young love eh? (Can you guess where I am from with that word lol).

    Your words really help me tho fishingthesky, as you are still young and wise as I appreciate MrsWB input so much as she is just like my mom and she is really keeping my head up. I will try to think like how you see things, that how grateful I was to experience everything with her. Maybe it’s a life lesson for the future. But my memories and love for her will never be forgotten. I kinda wish we had a bad break up so it could be so simple to move on. I feel like I am back to when I first got broken up cause I’m going wacko again. But time will heal me. I am just not dealing well with her seeing someone but this will help me move on faster.

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #68049
    • Total Posts: 51

    Maybe you should ask her sometime this week to go out for a coffee or something, you could be like ” hey im heading to starbucks to go study and grab a cup of joe, want to come along?” or something like that lol as when i studied in uni, i use to live at starbucks lol it’ll be a nice. In my heart i think she truely misses you. But like what i said earlier just try to not think too much of it , as i know you want to be ahead and make sure you arent messing up but heck what am i to say lol easier said than done. I am sure I i ever get in your position ill be the same lol.

    i never deleted my ex off my FB. so this is hard for me to give an answer to. I would say too soon.. maybe give it another few days (if you guys continue talking daily)

    in reply to: Just started – Im a crazy person! #68038
    • Total Posts: 51

    MrsWB: Thats my plan atleast a month. well try to.. that’s the thing i am worried about tho. I know a simple “hello” would be so simple , i am not sure if it was really make her want to message me back lol I might be thinking too much into it lol thats why i was thinking of texting her a month from now but within the lines of saying how i accept her decision and how happy i am for her thats shes enrolled in school now, and if she wasnt seeing anyone seriously, perhaps we could try us again. Unless that is WAY to sudden to drop something like that lol but yeah what you said maybe she’ll message me herself and itll save me from the trouble lol

    your theory is very true. I too am at that stage. Yes, as i want respect her request as if i do contact her now, i know itll just piss her off and hate me and that would not help at all with trying to get back together . It only has been 3 days of NC since when she told me that she was seeing someone. The beggining of the week we texted and it as good but mid week i can tell from text she was cold , so it mustve just started?

    Octopus: very glad that you havee decided not to stick with that kind of person as i know you will find a great man soon. This is probably just a life lesson for you as life is full of so many experiences. You made up your mind so fast haha but glad you see so clearly now.

    in reply to: Just started – Im a crazy person! #68033
    • Total Posts: 51

    i am sure she met him during my crossroad, as when we were breaking up i asked her if there was someone else and she told me no and when i looked in her eyes i can tell she was honest and i had always trusted her. As i was the one who always lied but she’d always catch me because id just burst laughing lol. That co-worker of yours mightve been in the situation im in, cause i know sometimes she felt neglected for me working too much and i only had 1 day off and it wasnt enough, but we lived with eachother, took turns sleeping at each others place but its not the same unless u get the whole day off and sometimes she’d get mad if i worked late or worked saturdays.

    you have wonderful friends, as i am glad they take you out every weekend 🙂 we can always rely on our friends.

    But i have been thinking how should i begin contact with her again when the time comes? do you think i should text her with something alongs of me accepting her decisions?

    in reply to: Just started – Im a crazy person! #68028
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    I have no idea how she met this guy. I never asked how, where or when. I didn’t want to know at that time, All i said was “Ok, I understand” when she told me. There is no face i can put on this at all.. i know her girlfriends took her out after we broke up and they went clubbing, and whatever girls do so perhaps they met at the club and she gave her digits, who knows.

    Before when we started talking a bit, i was at her house and we talked (i was at her house cause we were carpooling to go to her uncles funeral ) and she was telling me stuff like this guy we knew from highschool would follow her at the grocery store and she told me he was a creep, blah blah, and that this other weirdo came up to her car and dropped like a paper with his number and stuff.. seems like shes getting swarmed with guys as soon as we broke up lol.

    in reply to: Just started – Im a crazy person! #68026
    • Total Posts: 51

    haha thanks MsWB, as that made me feel better, but not on your behalf of holding on for 3 1/2 years but the fact that there is still much hope for me. How long were you with the cheater?

    Do you plan to contact your ex anytime in the future since you said its been 8 weeks with no contact? Or youre waiting for him to contact you, and eventually wait for the candle to die out?

    in reply to: Just started – Im a crazy person! #68022
    • Total Posts: 51

    Wow, i feel the EXACT same way today. I feel like, how could she have done this to me. If she really loved me , she would have never put me in this position! She said looking for other guys wasn’t her intentions and it was just for her to “do her”. That *$@&@!! how the hell she move on so fast on and be seeing someone already?!

    But this totally isnt me. I took a step back and accepted all the has happened. It’s fair game. She can see whoever she wants now since we are no longer together. But i started looking up things with rebounds and it made me so much better. As they it said majority of girls take atleast 6months or more to move on from a relationship that was 5 years+. Well she could be different as nobody is the same but just going by science lol. Perhaps she missed me and she needed someone to fill the void. It was annoying tho that she had to contact me and tell me she was seeing someone. Like damn, shouldve just told me not to contact you anymore.

    on a plus note, i contacted my cousin and will be going to Chicago and Dallas texas in Oct. Pretty excited but also bummed at the same time LOL.

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #68020
    • Total Posts: 51

    Just got home from work, couldnt message earlier but it seems you two and on the right path right now. maybe say the “I’m glad we spoke too. It was nice hearing from you” as i am afraid if you speak again tomrrow, you two wont have as much material to talk with? and the conversation may get boring? As i rmr in my relationship before id be on the phone with her and eventually we would have nothing to talk about LOL. fell asleep on the phone together, etc. But maybe others on the board can give you more ideas. sorry if i wasnt much help lol

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #68010
    • Total Posts: 51

    Definitely a good sign. You must be grinning ear to ear lol I’m damn happy for you as it gives me hope that this could happen for us also. What a day you had. Keep us updated, as we need positive vibes in this board

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #68008
    • Total Posts: 51

    Dude you are thinking too much of it, this is great moment and enjoy it! I wish my ex would reach out and I could have those moments. But play it cool, as if this is a whole new relationship. The past is the past and live the moment now. She misses you, she wanted to contact you otherwise she would talk to her girlfriends. Girls will always have time to help their girlfriends as it’s a simple call away. Great to see some positive vibes. Much progress has been made today for you.

    in reply to: 17 days NC #67997
    • Total Posts: 51

    Thanks sorcha, I hope I do stick out like a sore thumb in her mind lol as I am sure as she is seeing this new guy she is comparing us in every way. But I have decide to do NC for a month and leave her alone and will send a letter to her a month from now and go from there.

    I am sure you ex will come around to contacting you. Some men are very stubborn as I am sure he’s having a hard to getting you off his mind but he’s doing it in every way he can. Don’t give up yet.

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #67996
    • Total Posts: 51

    Perhaps he does want you back in the future but he wants to work on himself to become the best for you, Ver 2.0 of him. He doesn’t want to see you with a new man but it’s not fair to you if you wait around forever. That’s how I see it.

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