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  • in reply to: He told me he loves me but can't forgive himself #35622
    • Total Posts: 6

    So now he’s in Costa Rica and we’re no contact for the next week just because he doesn’t have cell or internet service. We talk every few days or so besides that. I just don’t know where his head is at…

    in reply to: He told me he loves me but can't forgive himself #33534
    • Total Posts: 6

    So we’ve chatted a few times since, partially me mentally breaking down because I lost one of my majors (so basically a degree down the toilet). I’m just GAH! Help me please!

    in reply to: I need help on this one! My ex is so confusing to me! #32940
    • Total Posts: 6

    Words and actions are different things. She most likely wants you to be happy and thinks seeing another girl will do so. Also she’s telling you all of this while you’re still wanting her.

    Go nc. Once she sees that you don’t need to talk to her, and can have a happy life without her, she might see that she can’t do the same. She’s only saying what she’s saying because she doesn’t expect you to follow through.

    in reply to: I need help on this one! My ex is so confusing to me! #32801
    • Total Posts: 6

    I hate to say it man but you guys got to do no contact for at least a month. She said she needs her space and you need some time to process things. Sometimes a break is good. Focus on making yourself healthy, this can’t be good for your heart right now. Also it’s not fair for her to break up with you if she knows you’re going to get back together. Just take a breath from each other and cool down for a bit. Then reevaluate after no contact.

    in reply to: SUCCESS!!!!!! #26956
    • Total Posts: 6

    Congrats! Hopefully I’ll be you in a few weeks

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