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  • in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #53745
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    Using the earphones he gave me the second last time we met :'( I told him mine spoiled and he immediately offer to give me a new one he had.. although we are already broken up that time. But we were still in contact. Well what now.. we’re like strangers with memories..

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #53744
    • Total Posts: 107

    hey there scatteredtracks πŸ™‚
    Seriously I’ve been thinking a lot. I do miss him bt it’s not like I’m 100% determined to get him back anymore.. I mean of course I don’t want to give up here. Because we are worth another chance to make things right. Maybe when one I’ll meet another guy that treats me like a princess but that’s not what I want. I don’t think it’s so easy to find someone that has the same heart with us. πŸ™ All those bonds created.. through years of love for each other.. Shouldn’t just end with some silly reasons :/

    Don’t stress too much babe. Stick to NC and try to keep your mind clear off negative things I’m sure soon you’ll now which way to head to. For myself I’m kinda confused too. I’m hoping he would initiate contact, even if it’s just a good luck wish for my exam I would be really happy. I remembered him telling me, that he’s glad he have me on his tough times, and I always never forget to wished him good luck in his exams and he really appreciated me for that. It hurts to much still to think that all those times are gone πŸ™ I hope your ex initiate contact with you too . Even if he doesn’t I hope things will go well when you do talk to him. After all both of our breakups didn’t end in a terrible way that end up in a tons of arguments and stuffs like that, I hope those negative feelings will fade with time and the good ones will take charge.

    The sad thing is .. we don’t need any reasons to fall in love, we just did. When it come to the end, even the silliest excuses count. πŸ™

    I’ll feeling abit low and I’m still okay. And abit lost too but I’ll keep going. Hope your day goes well! TTYL <3

    in reply to: People that tell you to just give up!! #53743
    • Total Posts: 107

    I am not too. I truly believe he is the one for me. We really had an awesome relationship together and giving up was never my option. Somehow life got into the way but my heart still want to fight for US. I just don’t know how. πŸ™ Thanks for the motivation !

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #53691
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    hey he surely will! you just need to give him some time off to take away the negative feelings and thoughts of why won’t you both work out. Some time couples take had been together for a long time (more than 2 years) end up breaking up because they got too comfortable ( in many aspects that results in one party trying too hard or stopped trying) , then they end up back together again. But at that meantime, two people chose to move on for themselves, they strive to become better, even date other people but only to realise they are the ones for each other. You see reconciliation sometimes takes several months even years to be exact. Sometimes you two need to be apart to realise if you both are meant to be. But anyhow we need to choose to keep moving forward, just no regrets from trying to work things out in the past. Maybe not now but, but one day we will be okay again with them

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #53684
    • Total Posts: 107

    I do too sri. But he seemed like a distant memory now..
    I wanna get beautiful too. On the inside and outside too.
    And just..hope for the best I guess.
    How to do you in fb? :/

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #53671
    • Total Posts: 107

    Hey guys great to be able to talk to you guys again. I’ve missed you all! πŸ™‚
    I slept the whole afternoon again as I got insomnia the night before.. Now I’m having a headache argh. Oh scatteredtracks! Weird that I actually have this feeling too.. I started to don’t have any hopes that me and my ex can get back together any sooner and thinking of just moving on. But I’m also wondering if I act like that, would I missed any chance? :/ What if they just thought we we’re really moving on already and they never crossed our minds again so they are trying their best to move on too while initially, they did thought of having us back? πŸ™

    Sometimes this kinda question just bugs me so much. But it’s not like I will have answer. I’m planning to ask him to hangout too after my exam in October. But I’m not sure how and should I too. I was thinking if he cared enough he would have contacted me by then, even just wishing me good luck like I wished him last week. I just don’t know too so I’m planning to go NC for myself until I’m emotionally ready. I feel better already though, I’m no longer desperate that we must get back together, or even miss him like crazy anymore. Its just that memories still haunt me a lot.

    Hey it’s really not fair that your sister get to bring her bf but you don’t.. I’m sure it’ll also remind you so much of him right? πŸ™ Stay strong girl. We all in this together things will get better soon we just need to held on for ourselves a lil longer. <3

    Sri, you are a brave warrior dear! πŸ™‚ Anyway, 5 years is really a long time. I don’t think he’ll just forget about everything. But I guess he’s just still not emotionally ready. I’ve been with my ex for more than 3 years too and they were all good times. But he also didn’t ask how I am or things like that recently. So I’m abit hurt on the inside knowing he can just don’t care. Or maybe they did , they just hate dealing with emotions. How ‘manly’ that made them -_-

    I feel that you having that mindset that you are planning to move on is actually a good thing. And do NC till you’re emotionally ready like scatteredtracks said. You deserve so much more than all this pain dear. πŸ™ If he truly love you, he will come back, really he will. But if you two are not meant to be someone else will come along and prove to us why it didn’t work out with them. But that isn’t our main concern now. Our main concern is to realised, we didn’t deserve all this pain. And the future is unpredictable but nothing would change if WE didn’t change. We just have to stay strong and hold ona little longer. Hope NC will guide us to feel more emotionally ready πŸ™‚ I’ll add you up in fb Sri!

    Also guys, now I’m worried if I did the wrong move. When I last meet up with my ex, everything went okay. later that night I send him a long ass msg, telling him I accept his decision and know that this is the best for both if us. He replied instantly with a long ass msg too, telling me the same. That he never regret we happened, that I brought out the best in him, ans he will never be who he is now without me. And he even said we can hangout as best friends since we know each other so well and he would be there for me when I need him. Did I just make it clear that I want to move on? πŸ™ When In actually still wanting him back? But I kept telling myself that this would work for the long term. Because we both need some growing up. But from that day onwards he stopped initiating contact with me. Maybe before that he was just feeling guilty so he actually try to care, but now since he knows I’m moving on tpo he planned to do the same? Oh no. πŸ™ But anyway I’ll just try to look at the bright side. And trust in fate. And stay strong together with you both <3

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #53644
    • Total Posts: 107

    Well sri I’m feeling like that too today I don’t know why.. I just hate him for giving up on us.. To walk away, was never my option. We were so perfect together, at least to me. Well life goes on! If we’re meant to be then we’re meant to be. No need to try so hard, just start loving ourselves, that’s the best bet to everything.

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #53632
    • Total Posts: 107

    scatteredtracks – Yeap! Sometimes I really want to just stay at bed all day although I really want to rest but sometimes my mind would just wonder about US too much :/ ohh sucks but have a safe journey to work dear! You know, I used to hate being alone because I would feel miserable without him but I’m proud to say that I no longer feel like that because I have so much things to do for my life! πŸ™‚ Life goes on no matter what I shouldn’t spend time lingering on the past and wondering about the ‘what ifs’ but look forward to the future again!

    Yeah I have the exact same feeling! Even when I’m finally ready to work things out with him again he may not be ready any sooner. :/ Of course they don’t have to be 100% ready, but as long as they are willing to fight for this relationship with a more mature mindset, then I’m willing yo give my all too. After all, I miss having someone so close to me to conquer the world together . LOL I’m exaggerating I know haha! But what I mean is, it’s great to always having someone with you , that will always be there for you motivating you and hearing you out even they can’t be with you physically but nothing is better than an emotional support, even if you both are in different paths. Let’s just take this journey as we are just growing up, and it will eventually lead us to true happiness, either it’s with them, or someone better in our destiny.

    I’m that kinda girl that what they call an extroverted introvert. I’m definitely always happy and bubbly and funny on the outside but deep now I feel alone in this big world. Like inside an abandoned forest. That’s why I’ve been loving him too much too I guess, I felt that he knew every part of me so I’m being too vulnerable . :/ Well but I’m looking forward to that one day, when I finally met the one , maybe it really is my ex, or maybe it’s someone else I haven’t even met, it may be in a few months or even years. We just don’t know , right? And we can build a family together with all our hearts and.. have lots of doggies in our house! Haha πŸ™‚ I’m just determined that I’ll find that someone soon, that love me as much as I love them. I just have no idea if it’s still him or not. I’ll just live on with the fact that ‘what is meant to be, will be’. But nothing is gonna change if WE ourselves don’t choose to move on for ourselves.

    I’m having an exam that’s gonna help a lot in the degree I would pursue in, haha. I still have a lot of choices now I used to be in science stream, but now I realised I’m more of an art person. :p How about you?

    sri – Don’t feel bad for yourself dear! You are on the right track now, you deserve someone who truly deserve all your love too. Not someone who just give up on you πŸ™ We are all still struggling but most important thing is, we must know either way, we should continue moving forward and be our better self. The right ones will come along as soon as we start loving life again nomatter it’s our ex or not. stay strong girl <3

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #53606
    • Total Posts: 107

    Yeah that’s the purpose of NC. Let him know you can live without him, in a way let him know that you can live without needing to contact him. It’s just temporary! Control..girl!

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #53603
    • Total Posts: 107

    Yes sri you must stay strong and prove that YOU DONT NEED HIM! ! When he see you moving on and doing so much better and picking yourself up and living your life to the fullest that’s when he’ll come running back. If not, this growing up journey will make the right one finally come to you and let you realise why it didn’t work out with him. Trust me dear! You don’t what to keep lingering around him anymore for now, disappear from his view and work on yourself, he’ll surely wonder where you’ve gone. And go on NC for a bit, don’t initiate any contact with him. If he talk to you then reply him politely, he may be just doing it to confirm that you’ll be always there waiting for him . So don’t let your emotions take control again ! Promise me okay, you must calm your thoughts , you must find yourself again because you are worth it, you deserve to be happy you are beautiful inside out. You DON’T NEED HIS ATTENTION to show your worth because you already are worthy!

    I’ll watch that movie when I’m free. πŸ™‚ Meanwhile I’m just obsessing over BIGBANG’S new songs haha! Their songs guide me through this journey a lot easier. :’)

    Anyway I’m glad me and scatteredtracks can help sri! We are woman too so we know how it hurts that’s why we want to be here for you πŸ™‚ But only YOU can save yourself. So get over hun <3

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #53597
    • Total Posts: 107

    Hello there scatteredtracks! Wow your post today had given me a lot of motivation hehe πŸ™‚ Yeah I also believed that my ex truly loved me. I still remembered all those memories clearly .. when he always ride / drove all the way ( we live 45 mins apart ) just to see me. We would cook together and cuddle all day talking about everything. And he used to tell me I looked best with my pyjamas and wearing my specs πŸ™ I miss clingling to him like a teddy bear and he always loved it too. We really connect in every way . I don’t believe all these bonds would break easily. I don’t know how he just stopped loving too. But I’m sure they didn’t just stop, but something is definitely blocking their view. Or just plainly, life somehow got in the way. :/

    ‘When you start truly moving on with your life that’s when they will come back if their your true love ‘ – This is exactly true! I just saw a video by Matthew Hussey in Youtube. ( Go search him up he gives awesome advices ) And I agree on one of his video on what is the reason men stop chasing. The main reason is because we ourselves stopped doing what we were supposed to do for ourselves. To chase our own personal dreams. When two people been together for too long they became evolved with one another. We got too comfortable with each other. They somehow became our priority and we unintentionally depend on them too much . This may not be the main problem but it definitely play a part in what leading to the break up.

    So to say it specifically, our best bet to get them back is actually move on. I agree on what you said, we should not let our mind linger on what may happen or what should have happened but live in the moment instead. We’ll never know what may happen in the future . We must start living for ourselves. Because even if we get to get back together in the future, the same problem would only happen again if nothing has changed.

    It would suck if they’re with someone else. But if that’s the case, then they don’t deserve our love at all. They freaking DON’T. If they could forget about us so quickly it’s ideal than it happen NOW then for it to happen after we got married!

    I am a high-value woman. I have my qualities and I won’t lower it for someone who didn’t even plan to stay. I’m planning to contact him in October too after my exam . But I’ll see how it goes maybe a little longer. He is my first serious relationship. So am I to him, I admit that act immature too sometimes during the so nomatter what happen in the future for us I feel this temporary or not temporary distance is needed for both of us to realise things and grow as a human. I bet its the same to for you and him.

    Let this forum be that one time when we let our mind think of them. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: should i hack my ex facebook id? #53537
    • Total Posts: 107

    I feel for now just stick to NC for at least a week. Because you realise what you’re doing now as in trying to build attraction is not going any better right? Or at least there’s no major progress. So stick to NC and let him wonder where you’ve gone. And during that time dont worry too much of what he may be feeling because you know what, we can’t even control things like that , we can only ourselves, how we feel inside. The truth is, he is already attracted to you and he still is. It’s just all these negative feelings blocking his ‘view’. Just let him be now or else he’ll have in mind that you can’t live without him and this would only make him not commit in this relationship because he knows you’re always there. Be that confident , cheerful woman again that don’t need a man. Then try to talk to him again but make sure you feel better internally. That’s what happen to me I chose to move on and focus on myself and then my ex contacted me. And when I’m feeling better I contacted my ex again he replied right away and I finally feel some connection. But when I’m feeling needy again he’ll start being resistant again. Someone I feel our emotions are connected in the universe. So if you’re feeling needy and insecure inside, your ex propably really felt that you are too.

    in reply to: should i hack my ex facebook id? #53532
    • Total Posts: 107

    Don’t delete him from fb.. not until you’ve confirmed you don’t want him back anymore. Because how awkward it is to add back him later? :/

    Just unfollow his posts. Deleting him would may him feel like you’re not ‘steady’ in this situation. If you still want to keep his number just change the name to something else.. besides the name you called him during the relationship.

    It’s gonna be tough but you can do this sri! Stay strong. I’ll be here when you need me

    in reply to: should i hack my ex facebook id? #53527
    • Total Posts: 107

    Just think as doing NC for yourself. Not for the sake of him. Go NC to calm everything down You’ll know if you should choose to walk away is the best for fight for him one last time. Don’t act according to your emotions! For now I feel you are still feeling so lost right? You can’t suddenly have a good connection with him like before you have to take one step at a time . In fact baby steps.. :/ If you tried too hard all at once it’ll just pushed him away ..
    Nomatter what decision you make in the need you should take time apart from him so your mind is clear what what you want for your life.

    in reply to: should i hack my ex facebook id? #53524
    • Total Posts: 107

    Aww sri I’m sorry.. you must be in so much pain now.. but please calm yourself abit dear. You don’t want to do things that’ll make you regret later? :/

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