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  • in reply to: My story updates! :) #58016
    • Total Posts: 107

    Thank You dear @wellconfused ! It’s a super tough process but I know it’s worth it. I definitely don’t want to give up on us yet. Yes I guess he’s just confused on which way to go now. Just like me, I’ve got used to the life without him. Maybe he got used to the life without me too. So it’ll take some time to realise whether or not we can fit each other in our lives again.

    I definitely feel better and more of myself when I’m with him . He told me the same thing that no one knows him better than I do. I guess I’ll keep a little distance for now and see how it goes. And I’ll definitely pray hard every night. It feels a little weird not talking with him still.. how long have you and your ex broke up?

    in reply to: My story updates! :) #58004
    • Total Posts: 107

    @AK We didn’t really went back together.. it just feels so good to be so close again .:/
    I’m not sure not what my next approach should be. πŸ™

    Yes I believe in that too. In fact he actually told me that too that if we’re meant to be we’ll find a way back when if not now, when we’re older and wiser.

    in reply to: My story updates! :) #58002
    • Total Posts: 107

    Yes for a few months already, since we broke up last June. So some time has passed and we actually had a talked when we met. Turns out he let me feel like he just wasn’t ready for a full committed relationship.

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #54953
    • Total Posts: 107

    Anyway I’ll type my reply again! πŸ™‚

    Hey hey it’s been awhile again! I’ve took some break of here because of my exam . How are you doing babe? I hope everything is going well. We just have to stay positive and have fate that things will work out eventually the way it should be. :* Anyway you are right! Your ex is obviously just moving on ‘physically’ , and I honestly don’t think that he achieved what you’ve achieved emotionally. Because for you and me, we’ve went through that ‘super devastated’ period, and we’ve learned to pick ourselves up from there , we’ve learned so much things on a new perspective and we’ve grown up for ourselves in so many ways :’) It’s a super tough roller coaster ride.. but always before we see rainbow , we have to go through storm.

    So I’ve learned to accept the fact that, this separation, whether temporary or not is gonna benefit both of us. It’s funny why we humans always only start to realise so many things only when we are out of the situation . πŸ™ That’s when we don’t let our emotional self control our true self. We’ll realise how stupid we are.. but at the end of the day, the conclusion is, only WE can save ourselves. And the hardest battle is not a battle with someone else but it’s a battle with our own self. But I’m glad that both you and me,have gotten so far together! :’) We’re still learning of course but we’re moving forward for sure <3

    That day I’ve read a quote that breaks my heart : The difference is, I’ve actually poured my heart out trying to save US , and you just said ‘Sorry’.
    Damn :/ This feeling is weird, sometimes I actually hate him for giving up on us, I mean man! we’ve build so much together.. we’ve been through so much.. we actually grew up can you can cut of me from your life and treat me ( a person you’ve spent 3 years with) don’t exist at all? He was trying so hard to push me away. I knew it’s my fault loving him too much and that’s why it hurt so much for me. But that’s all in the past now, I’ve see things more clearly. I’m happy that we were once happy, I never regret fighting for us I really didn’t :’) Maybe after we experience other parts of our lives , we’ll eventually find each other again if we’re meant to be.

    I seriously feel that your ex is just ‘covering’ himself up. He thought that was the only solution. And there’s still so many chance that it’s just a rebound. The thing is if he haven’t choose to be more mature internally, even if he eventually broke up with his new gf , and wanted to get back with you, maybe that time you won’t consider any more because you realise he doesn’t deserve you. He’s just acting like an immature kid. Also things may turn the other way round, and you both may end up finding each other again (the new you) and fall back in love, stronger than ever. But just like you told me, things will unfold naturally as time goes on. And we just have to continue loving ourselves, think positive and really start living life for ourselves. Life is too short to worry about stupid things, what is meant to be is meant to be. ‘ If two people are meant to be, they’ll always find their way back to each other , nomatter how far they’ve wandered. ‘ When we really start focusing on ourselves, that’s when positive things will happen! Funny but this is just how the universe works. God always answer prayers when we least expect it, he knows when we’re ready :p I guess it’s just a part of life we have to go through.

    Argh the way your ex is acting all ‘stranger’ to you is just an act of an immature kid. He was so blinded that he thought he’s finally in an awesome stage in his life ,little did he know that the worst will come when his ‘honeymoon stage’ run off it’s course. πŸ˜› Anyway..Did you reply to him? :O Oh andI have some updates with my ex! Before my exams, he messaged me and ask how was my preparation going on. We chatted a little and he even helped me with a maths question! He’s good in calculus so I ended up asking him for help. He end up asking me if I needed him to wake me up? Lol? I told him I may not even sleep,and he told me that I should and even a short nap will help a lot, based on his own experience. The next morning, I woke up early as I couldn’t really sleep anyways.. and HE CALLED ME! He asked if I had woken up , we chatted a bit, he gave me some exam tips, and he wished me all the best. And he told me his morning class ‘suddenly’ cancelled. He sounded.. so sexy being sleepy (haha ><) and he even called me by the name he called me when we were together! :’) After that I cut it off because I need to go prepare. He just sounded so sweet :/ And I really never thought that he will actually called, and I rethink and rethink because I thought it was just a dream XD Or maybe he was not sober? o.o But he doesn’t drink.. So after my exam I updated him about how it goes and he just reply me with a ‘like’ …and no chats after.. -_- LOL WHAT? IS this the so called hot and cold behaviour? :/

    Anyway I’m confused, but I know what I should focus not so I’m not letting my mind wander too much. But I’m glad and really happy that he made an effort to wish me, and I’m already very happy with that πŸ™‚ The weird thing is he changed one of his prof pic in social media to a one a took for him and uploaded a photo when we travel together? Maybe it doesn’t mean anything but maybe it’s just good to see that he went through his pictures.. I guess that means he went through our pictures? Maybe he does miss ‘Us’ .. or there’s actually no hidden meaning or whatsover hmmm ohh well WHATEVER πŸ˜›

    Nomatter what I’m glad that I didn’t give upon myself and now I’m finally really moving forward :’) I hope you’re staying strong too babe! I hope to still chat with you always! ^^ Did you receive my email? πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #54947
    • Total Posts: 107

    Hey babe! OMG I just typed a super long reply but it failed to post T___T Anyway I’ve sent you an email! Hope you will check your email soon so we can find a place to chat more^^ Just had my first paper down tho! Argh I’m so sad my reply is completed deleted πŸ™

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #54677
    • Total Posts: 107

    helloo @scatteredtracks! I’m back haha! Took a one day break from here πŸ˜‰ Oh no don’t worry you are not hindering my process at all! Honestly, I always enjoyed talking to you it just feels like you’re my best friend online and a sister across the globe <3 It sucks that I have no one that would be willing to be there for me , I mean I literally have no best friends.. only some close friends . :/ So I’m always glad to share everything with you and also hear you out! <3

    Yeah we are in the same case here alright! Things are slowly getting better then suddenly it turns upside down LOL. I guess it’s just that it take a lot of effort to keep a relationship. A long term relationship needs a lot of effort from both sides. Sometimes some misunderstandings may happen and worsen as it accumulates more and more. I bet for the reason why the relationship ended, it isn’t just completely their fault, we play a part too. But the thing is we only start to see things more clearly and what should be done instead AFTER it ENDED. It’s all because love doesn’t come with instructions anyway :/

    For me, I’ve realised a lot of things now that I didn’t realise earlier. I was putting too much effort, I was fighting too hard because I’m afraid of losing him. Then I end up not loving myself at all because I start living for him. He was focusing to enjoy every part of his life while I focus on him :/ That’s how he lose his attraction for me :/ But as a boyfriend, he didn’t hear hard enough, what my heart really think. I was depressed that time, I was stressed out with life, all my friends LEFT me.. I was in a dark spot of my life and to me that time, he was my only motivation. But he didn’t realise it in this way.All he thought is I was depending on him too much and ‘suffocating’ him :/ I mean I was there for him, I was there for him EVERYTIME. I ended up being ‘TOO AVAILABLE’ . I forgot to live for myself and chase my dreams. But I finally see things clearly now. But it was too late.

    Came to think of it, no matter what happen to me and him in the future. This parting (temporary or not) is necessary for both of us. As it make me find my own true self again, love myself again and start to live for myself again. I bet he also realised a lot of things he didn’t realise earlier. He too agreed that we had so many good times together. I hope this distance will make him mature too . I know that he’s just like me, on the outside we’re always cheerful and happy, always trying to make people laugh, but deep down we over think everything, we felt that no one really know us , we’re lonely on the inside.. that’s what we both used to thought.. that in this big , creepy world, we’re glad that we’re not alone because we have each other. Because we truly know each other. He had let me see his most vulnerable sides too, I’ve seen every part of him and so does he.. it’s really a shame to give up. We have so much in common.. I bet he still feel the same inside, it’s just those fogs blocking the way. I’m not desperate to get back with him anymore because I know if it’s meant to be then it will be, nomatter what the consequences is.

    Just like your ex too, he thought that it’s the right thing to do. He thought that he’s moving on the right way now. His mind is crowded with the thought of ‘why you both ended’ and temporally forgot all the good times. I’m sure one day he’ll start to realise. That his first love, will always be the purest of all, the most genuine kind of love. Me and my ex were still teenagers when we first started being together. When we love , we just.. really love every part of each other. We never judge each other by our family background,income,beliefs or stuffs like that. We just love genuinely. I bet it’s the same for you and your ex too. Someday he’ll surely look back and realise. They say sometimes some exs need to experiences other parts of their lives, that they thought are better without us, to realise they still love us. But its not like we’re always gonna wait for them. But if’s it’s fated, then fate will bring two people together again nomatter how much time it takes. Sometimes it would only happen even we date other people , who knows?

    The best solution is to continue moving on with our lives. Live for ourselves . I bet as we proceed we’ll surely start to see things more clearly. Thinking back we’re always so much better than when we just broke up right? πŸ™‚ So yeah we’re definitely making progress! <3 I’m glad that we’re in this together! I feel like I just made a lecture hahaha sorry babe! But I’m happy that it will motivate you even just abit! πŸ˜€

    Oh and don’t worry too much of him babe! Just let him live his live that he thought is better and start living for yourself! As we start really doing that better things will come I promise <3 I’ve become a more positive person now too! No longer suffering with depression of any kind πŸ™‚ But I still think a lot tho, I still care a lot, as I’m an emotional person haha. Good luck on your saving! <3 Yeah time will tell if you will contact him, he may even contact you too! Just like my case , my ex just text me yesterday again asking me about my exam!I only told him about the date but he mentioned about the exact day :p That means he checked his calender for me ? lol ! This only happen when I really stop worrying that much! I just finally start living for myself I guess πŸ™‚ So yeah it’s still a roller coaster but as long as we’re slowly adapted to the new mindset things will eventually get better and better πŸ™‚

    Oh anyway Kevin haven’t reply my email.. I will send one again right now! :/ Okay back to my Biology ! Talk to you soon ! I promise I will be here more often now hehe. Take care <3

    I’m so sorry! But I don’t know why I cannot find you in FB T-T Maybe it’s just me… I haven’t updated my app as my phone storage is full.. πŸ™ have you been lately? Hope you’re staying strong too ! <3 We’re always here for you. Hope to hear from you soon too! xx πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #54570
    • Total Posts: 107

    Argh Kevin still haven’t reply to my email asking for your email adress >< It’s okay I’ll wait for awhile more before asking again..Aww I’m so sorry for keeping you waiting babe πŸ™ I’ll check here once a day again now! ^^ Yesterday night has been a bit sad for me as I’ve thought things through again and wonder how good it is if we get to try to make things work one more time. I end up hearing songs with lyrics that hit right through my heart and was crying a lot too . Before I head to bed I saw my ex tagged me in another doggy video. Maybe it really don’t mean anything to him but at least I’m glad that he thought of me. As we’re on good terms I guess. Sometimes I even feel our breakup was something that happen too sudden. Of course we have our problems but everything was getting better and better. Before the breakup, I went on a trip with his family and we end up seeing each other too often ( I stayed at his place for about a week? ) And met each other everyday too before that because of the dog we rescued. Then we end up having misunderstandings and stuffs like that . I remembered my friend told me ‘Too much glue hurts’. I guess that may be the main problem that led to our breakup, we spent too much together and the way I’m always there for him make me feel like a doormat now. :/

    I know you really love your ex babe πŸ™ I really do too. I am his first love too and so is he my first love. That’s the thing about guys. They don’t want to settle down so early. They want to know what are the other options out there. Yes your ex may have moved on at this moment but it doesn’t mean it’s permanent. I feel it’s his way of dealing with the breakup.. He thought he can mend his heart by jumping into a new relationship. The fact is it is not a healthy way at all. It’s like adding salt to the wound and eating Anesthetic after. D: The wound would have worsen after the medicine effect fade away. We have no idea what will happen it the future but I guess the sure thing is we must keep moving on for ourselves. For now I feel you should just let things be and let his new relationship run its course.. the relationship he thought is gonna be better. But no one is sure is that yet. Maybe someday when we’re older and better we can meet them again and talk about things, and fall in love again with the new us. This reminds me so much of Kodaline’s song ‘ Moving On ‘ . You definitely should check it out! :’)

    Woo when are you leaving to UK? πŸ˜‰ I feel it’s definitely a great thing to do to take a break at a new place! Oh are you gonna stay there permanently? They say we’ll surely grow up a lot by gaining new perspective and experience life differently when we go to somewhere new/foreign. I hope your plan will go on well <3 Also I feel it’s not necessary to say goodbye to your ex too πŸ™ I mean I know one part of your heart want to just say a goodbye to him even it doesn’t mean anything but at the same time if you just leave this place full of memories and not leaving any words it’s like a sign to him that: ‘ Dude, you really have lost her this time ‘ It just feels this way to me. Take is as a break from everything when you head there. Also there’s one thing I realised after coming so far, that is it’s better to hurt by knowing the truth by living in blindfold as the hurt will double. So it’s okay if you find out where he is moving to or who is he moving to. Even though it hurts to know at this very moment, but at least you can take this as a motivation to move on, because you know he isn’t worth your time anymore because he don’t deserve you, he really DON’T.

    I miss my ex a lot to I must say πŸ™ But it’s the memories of him that I miss. He is no longer the old him now. So is your ex. Remember we always agree that our old relationship is dead and that we must first move on then maybe if it’s meant to be then we’ll surely find a way together again better and stronger than ever? So yeah we must always remember this! πŸ™‚ Anyway my exam is getting nearer and nearer and I have so much to study still… so I’ll go revise abit for now! Let’s stay strong together again as we got each other’s back! ^o^ Love you too scatteredtracks! <3 Good night! Talk to you tomorrow!

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #54520
    • Total Posts: 107

    My dear scatteredtracks! I am back! πŸ˜€ So sorry for being MIA for so long I’ve been focusing so much on moving on πŸ™‚ I miss you hehe <3 How did your travel plan go babe? Which part of UK are you heading to? πŸ˜€ I hope my Japan plan will go well too ^^

    How are you these days? For me I’ve been studying and Youtube-ing a lot these days. This place used to be the place I hangout the most as I’m desperate to get him back but not anymore now πŸ™‚ I mean of course I really feel that it’s such a waste that my ex chose to give up on us.. because we have really build a lot together. That day I saw a pic of both me and my ex’s friends (a couple, and we used to hangout together) They are still going strong and they made me think a lot about me and him :/ I know you must have been going on a rough patch now .. but you must always stay strong! One day you’ll look back and realise it’s really your ex’s lost. He gave up on someone who won’t gave up on him.. And if he really can move on so fast.. he don’t deserve you. Be thankful that it happened now instead of after you guys got married.. that would be much more terrible right? ;/ That’s how I feel now too, if he don’t know how to appreciate me and chose to leave, then I’ll be glad that he left now instead of after we got married!

    So that’s why we have to continue focus on moving on. If we stay strong a little longer for ourselves we’ll surely finally be clear of which way we’re heading to soon. Life will get better only if we make a choice to change for ourselves. It’s so hard I know.. But I’m confident to say that this breakup, had change me for the better, I became stronger and more attractive inside out . I’m no longer that stupid doormat or someone who would always wait for him like he thought I would =.=

    Anyway there have been just a little bit of progress (or not) for me and my ex. I saw pics of golden retrievers that day ( me and my ex’s favourite dog) and I tagged him in the pic without hesitation as I really wasn’t expecting anything. I just think they are so cute and want to share with him. Then after a few minutes he tagged me in a dog video tooo and the next day, he tagged me in some cute stuff in FB too. I was kinda happy as at least, I still crossed his mind. By that I’m already satisfied for now. Maybe I’ll ask him our for coffee after exam .. or not. I’ll see how it goes πŸ™‚

    oh yeah! I’ll ask Kevin for your email okay! Hope I can find you in FB soon ! ;D

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #54232
    • Total Posts: 107

    hey yo! wow where are you planning to go babe? πŸ˜€ Hope everything will go well when you meet your councillor. I’m making up my plans to go Japan and live at my friend’s place. I’m going to see my idol in Tokyo Dome omg. It still feel so unreal haha. But then I have to focus on my studies first for now.

    Nah I’m not hoping anything anymore. I’ll see if I should ask him out to catch up after exam. Just catching up on each other’s life on a friendly manner. And if it really feels like we both would know but if it only come from me and if I really talk to him about this I will only end up hurting myself. I will not let that happen again, he had hurt me enough and enough is enough. I believe he still cared for me I know. Maybe he thought my life would be better without me too that’s why he’s just ‘letting me be’ like I’m ‘letting him be’ ? I don’t know. I’m just too tired to care anymore. I guess I’m somehow starting to immunr to the pain. Although sometimes it still hurts because I really would give us another shot. And I believe he too agrees that we had an awesome relationship. I just hope somehow he’ll always
    remember me that’s all.

    We should continue moving on our life and see where life take us babe. ‘Do you love yourself enough to get through this?’ I learned this from you hehe! I received a missed call from my ex’s dad this morning LOL. But I bet he must have pressed it accidentally haha . I really miss hanging out with his family though. And it’s really not easy building so much together . I hope my ex realises that. :/

    Stay strong babe! <3

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #54120
    • Total Posts: 107

    ahh I’m so sorry @scatteredtracks! It’s been so long since I’ve been here :/ How have you been doing babe? πŸ™‚ I’m missing him a bit today :/ Although I don’t hope as much anymore but I guess I’m kinda moving in the right direction? Not 100% sure but for sure it’s not 100% the wrong direction either. Yeah I also got a feeling that maybe after a few years only will me and him really reconnect with each other. We just won’t know the future right? And how we truly fell for them in that time.

    I guess the best think we can do now is move on with our lives. I’m glad that you’re finally living your life for yourself too babe <3 And I really hope that we could travel together someday maybe when I can afford it! But I am living at the other part of the world from you probably! I live in Asia D: But we can still plan hehe πŸ™‚ I still cannot find sri btw I don’t know why.. TT

    Somehow I just know one thing, if I have the choice, I would choose to fight for us one more time. Because that way I can move on knowing I’ve tried my best. But then it seems like it’s best to leave it like this too. :/ At least me and my ex are somehow still in talking terms? :/ I just don’t want to linger around hurting myself anymore anyway! Even if we love them wholeheartedly and would be willing to fight for us everytime, it doesn’t mean tat they would do the same. Somehow, I hope someday we’ll find someone with the same heart as us. Who won’t give up. it may be them after a few years or even someone else that proves to us why they didn’t work out. I believe it we stay positive, better things will be coming our way <3 I’m gonna come here less now but I’m still always happy yo talk to you babe <3

    Sri – Aww girl. I feel the best thing you can do now is not focus on him but yourself. Focus on being the better you, focus on being an independent who don’t need a man. If you’re feeling that you really NEED him in your life, that means it’s not a healthy relationship. As least it’s not gonna be in the long term. We need to be WHOLE first to be with someone else. You may feel like he’s your ‘other half’ but in reality we humans, are alone afterall. And another human being won’t make us COMPLETE but they will definitely make our lives better and inspire us for a better future. But if you”re feeling like you’re so empty without him then you definitely need to learn to pick yourself up first BABE. Sorry for being honestly but this will help you in the LONG RUN. We need to learn to be okay alone. That’s when they will come back, it they’re all true loves. Stop focusing on trying to attract him because love don’t work that way.. when you’re feeling better inside, you’ll know what I mean. Stay strong girl! I’m here for you! πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #54017
    • Total Posts: 107

    Aww yeah I wished we could chatbin fb too! I’ve searched for sri with her email add and nothing came out so I searched for just her name but there’s so many people with the same name πŸ™ Can you tell me which characteristics does hwr profile picture has?

    I’m really glad I have you with me here too. I can’t imagine how miserable I would be without chatting here with you and have someone and understand me so much too. Thanks babe <3 Ahhh I’m feeling the same! But I don’t really wanna date yet I just want to make new friends at the moment. Because although I seem like an extrovert person but really, I don’t have much trustable friends and it suc. Aww good luck on your travel plan! Maybe we even get to travel together someday haha πŸ˜‰ I’m saving up money too because I really want to go to my favorite band’s concert in Japan in November! It seems like a big dream but I hope it can happen haha. I hope I don’t get too distracted too as my exam is just around the corner :S

    Ohh btw my ex dod reply me. After he asked me about my exam, he sent me an emoji the day after because I didn’t reply him, which means that well, he actually cared for my reply πŸ˜› Anyway we chatted back and forth a little, he asked me about my exact exam date and I asked h about his classes and just some random things nothing much. I ended the conver after I have out of things to say. :/ I down care anymore but I have a plan to maybe ask him out after my exam. not that I miss US so much but I really do want to care for him still. :/ I don’t know ill see how it goes.

    Anyway let’s continue living our lives and striving our dreams! We don’t need them at all. And is meant to be is meant to be. Let’s havw faith and keep moving forward . Life is too short to be wandering around peeple who doesn’t deserve us at all. Love you babe! πŸ˜€ Have a nice day!

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #53923
    • Total Posts: 107

    Hey scatteredtracks πŸ™‚ Yes I believe only true love lasts in the end. We may not know for sure if they are really the one, but for me I guess the best things to do is move on with my life too, I’m no longer at all thinking of wanting to get back with him. I mean of course I still love him, a lot a lot. I don’t think I’ll ever love anyone this much again. If I can turn back time too there’s a lot of things I wished I’d do also thingss that I wished I didn’t do. πŸ™ Sadly life doesn’t work this way so.. we gotta learn this hard way . I just.. never regret of loving him, because I must admit, time spent together with him are still the best times of my life. I never regret fighting for us to work. And a part of me will always wait for him. I got a feeling that he will too.

    I’m not sure what is your ex thinking babe.. It may be a rebound or even GIGS. (Grass is Greener Syndrome) Because nothing beats the bonds that you both build together for so long. You may have differences but true love conquers all. My heart is partially moved on now. I didn’t give up or stopped trying , but I no longer cry so much and over think things. I just want to focus on what I should be focusing now – my studies.
    Our break ups suck because we really loved them with all our heart. Simple as that. :/

    And OMG my ex texted me! He asked : your exam coming up? On thurs but I didn’t received any noti .. Then on Friday he sent an emoji ( kinda like a sad face) but still I didn’t receive any noti until now! ( Saturday) Why… it’s so weird that I only received the noti now :/ He must be thinking I was ignoring him >< Do you think it’s a good sign? Haha :/ I replied him back and he haven’t replied back yet. Not hoping anything much more though, but I’m glad he remembers :’)

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #53889
    • Total Posts: 107

    Aww @scatteredtracks πŸ™ Now I seriously feel that your ex is a jerk who just choose to avoid everything just because he don’t want to deal with emotions. I know, guys hate that. My ex once admit that before to me, that he hated when we quarrel even about small stuffs. What sunshineflower said is somehow true πŸ™ But also, if they really ‘clicked’ at the moment it may be possible that it’s just an ‘at the moment’ relationship. I’m saying this based on my personal experience. You see I was talking to a guy after the break up ( about a little more than a month ago) I aim nothing more then just someone to chat, because I was feeling lonely. I wanted to get to know someone else. But then we just ‘clicked’. We like the same music, and we always talk about it, we chatted the whole day, he tell me his work schedule and places he’s going , treating me like his gf, we even planned of hanging out and even planned of cuddling when we meet and created our ‘cuddle playlist’. We even planned to go gym together and he wanted to be my coach! LOL. I was even starting to forget about my ex.. To me it kinda feel right too at the moment. I was even thinking about that guy throughout my day! ‘___’ We were flirting.. he said he would love to play me a song with his guitar and cook me spagetti.. al right I’ll stop this nonsense TMI haha!

    Then all of a sudden something come up in my mind and then I was thinking : ‘ Wait, this doesn’t feel right. No, this isn’t right at all! ‘ Then I started to ignore his texts, giving him neglecting replies. Then we stopped talking, because I guess he could feel it, that I don’t want to have any connection with him any more. As I think back I realised I was actually just distracting myself from the thought of my ex. I really miss my ex after all, and I was depending on this other guy and treat him as a ‘substitution”. Although I admit I have some good feelings for him but yeah, nothing more than that. Of course we did ‘click’ or else we wouldn’t even continue to chat, but the thing is, this kind of feelings are come and go just like a freaking tornado. It may feel so right when it hit you, but it won’t last forever, the tornado will pass and that’s when you realise the rain is still falling above you.

    So I’m saying that your ex may be feeling like what I was feeling back then. I mean there is possibilities that he is feeling this way. Luckily for me I picked myself up in time.. because I don’t want to end up hurting another person and hurting myself at the same time. I’m a person who will give a lot in love. That’s why this cut is so deep. πŸ™ So don’t worry too much babe, focus on finding yourself again and the Sun will start shining again , brighter than ever. He may be just so blinded by everything that’s why his telling you things like ‘you should go date other people’ so to make himself feel better.

    But life moves on and we shouldn’t linger or wait for someone who just walk away on us. It’s not that we give up everything. But we must move on and leave the past behind and focus on the future. Strive for ourselves. ‘What will be will be. ‘ Such a common quote but has meaning deeper than the ocean. So for now keep moving forward babe, you deserve that beautiful smile on your face love <3

    As for me, I’m missing him all of the sudden now. During midnight. As I was watching videos in Youtube I heard something feel on the floor : It was the note he left at my room 2 years ago. It made me think back to that moment.. We were supposed to go to an event together. It was a social event at a state quite far away from ours. There were prom nights and we were so excited as it’s the first time we’re gonna attend a prom together. And we share the same group of friends so we thought everything would be so awesome. Turns out he can’t go at the last minute, so does all his guy friends. ( It’s a club event , we were both joining the same club but under different admin ) He was devastated that when we meet up before I leave, he cried in front of me, saying he’ll miss me so much. I know it sounded childish, but I know he was just dissapointed, that we weren’t able to do all the things we’ve planned to do when we go there. πŸ™ I was just as devastated..

    So as the event falls on my birthday, he was even sadder as he can’t celebrate it with me. Then there comes that day when I leave our state and go to that event for 3 days 2 nights. He was so emotional those days. He even simply just wish me a ‘Happy Birthday baby’ when the clock strikes 12 that night. I called him but he didn’t even want to pick up his phone. I was so sad that I become moody the entire trip. He was still texting me all along and say things like : ‘I hope not many guys will look at you, I would be so jealous. ‘ As it was practically, a rave-like prom night. I was jumping so hard with my high heels I even sprained my ankle lol..

    Okay so the event ended and me and my friends sat the bus that took hours to reach home. And when I open my room door , tears came running down my cheeks : It was full of colourful notes decorated all around my room. And on my bed, was a blouse he personally picked for me :’) With a card and couple phone pluggies he picked for us .. I was so touched I cried in front of my dad >.< Because he weren’t close with my family yet at that time so he took the courage to text my dad and asked if he can do a surprise for me in my room. It must have took him a lot of courage lol πŸ™

    From the notes he was sharing with me his inner feelings since I left, to random ‘I Love Yous’ and ‘I Miss Yous’. He said in his notes that he doesn’t want to pick up his phone when I called is because he was crying. He was missing me so bad because he wanted to be the first person to wish me in person.. He was shedding tears as a man.. for me πŸ™ Ahh…sorry for this long story! I was just reminiscing all our times together. At this late hour, I just know that he really did love me. Maybe he still does deep down.. But life got into the way I guess.. we had so many good times together. There were no bad times except towards the end. They were nothing compared to the good πŸ™

    I really miss us :’) I’m sure he did too. After our break up, I don’t want to look too much into the signs that he’s still interested or not and things like that. because I don’t want to get hopes and hurt myself again. I’m still focusing on the future still! πŸ™‚ You should do the same alrighty. Thank you for reading my long long post <3 I bet you both was really in love before too. We just have to leave it to fate in the end and move on . It’s the best mindset we can adapt for now I’m sure πŸ™‚

    For me, maybe I’ll initiate chat with him after my exam if he didn’t. Maybe ask him out and catch up and tell him things I want him to know. I’m know I’m not hoping at all that we’ll be getting back together this soon though. But I wanted him to know that I want he to strive for his dreams too. we should strive for our dreams together. If we’re meant to be, then we’re meant to be. Simple as that.

    How are you doing today babe? πŸ™‚ I hope your day goes well <3 And I’ll try adding sri again in the morning! My eyes are closing *.*

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #53842
    • Total Posts: 107

    Aww babe πŸ™ First let me give you a virtual hug.. I’m so sorry you have to go through this. Btw I meant I want to give you my email so you can contact me easier and we can be able to chat easier. I wanted to add you both in FB to but then when I search Sri’s email nothing came out I don’t know why. πŸ™

    Anyway babe. I feel that there is no guarantee that their relationship may be a long lasting relationship or not. But also you shouldn’t live with the thought that it’s gonna be a rebound because it’ll only lengthen your healing process. And I feel that moving on for now and disappear from his life would be the best bet for your happiness, either he’ll realise and come back or you finally found someone who really deserve you. Seriously, he’s not over you. He was just avoiding everything and thought what he have now is the better. He has no idea he was so wrong and there are many definite signs that it’s a rebound. So just disappear for now and think it as, it’s the best solution for the long term.

    It’ll leave an impression of you on him that you don’t need him, and you won’t wait for him like a fool. Being able to walk away is attractive, I guess I could say. But like you said, it may end up be the love of his life , or not. It’s a 50/50. But if you leave it here, any further negative impressions can be prevented. Guys are attracted to girls that can be independent and those that want to strive for their own dreams. So by walking away , you’re in a way in the process and getting back together . Either it’s a few months later, or the next year/s. What it yours, will eventually be yours. That is what I’ve learned so far.

    I’m afraid too that my ex may be in a relationship. My heart aches to even think of that. I bet you’re feeling so bad worse than me.. I’m here for you babe. πŸ™ But I also reach that point to realise that. : ‘Well, if he can forget about me SO EASILY, after everything we’ve build together in 3 years, then he FUCKING DON’T DESERVE ME. Enough is enough. It hurts now but if I let myself endure the whole process again and again, not only it wont change anything but it’ll only make me look pathetic. When he is the one who don’t deserve my love. And I hope the best for him that he’ll find someone that love him as much as I do! -_-‘

    I just wished I could physically be there for you when you need someone. πŸ™ Anyway I hope my words can help you , even just a little. I’m be so glad already. I have no idea if I’m progressing on my situation , He haven’t talk to me . But he liked a video of a dog I posted in FB. I guess it doesn’t mean anything more than that. Maybe I’ll ask him out after my exam which is in end of October. And tell him things i WANTED HIM to know, don’t care if it’ll push him away or what because I’m tired of mind games! At least, I’ll be able to move on easier. Although sometimes I have the thought that he missed me too and he was just as sad as I am. But another part of me thought that he may have don’t give AF about US anymore and everything were just memories. And we’re nothing but strangers with memories. πŸ™

    It suck. Everything freaking suck. But I’ve learn that one can pick up my broken pieces beside myself. So do you my friend. He hurt you too much. He doesn’t deserve your love anymore babe πŸ™

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #53798
    • Total Posts: 107

    Oh my my dear, I’m feel so sorry that you are going through this babe. πŸ™ You don’t deserve all this pain at all. And please please don’t blame yourself for having hope , because you really did loved him that’s why. I have an instinct that his relationship is probably a rebound,and he was saying all those words like ‘we will never be healthy together’ because that’s what he convince himself to believe it’s the reason behind everything while it not necessary is . Since he is in a relationship now, that girl is all in his mind. He thought she’s gonna be better he thought they are gonna be better as a pair. But they only started dating but you both have been together for so long. It’s really not so easy you know, to build so much with someone, to be able to connect in so many ways with someone. He is blinded by the fake reality I tell you. :/

    It’s such a shame of him that he chose to walk away just like that. It’s his loss losing you. He’ll never find someone that love him this much as you do. And he fact that he is willing to meet you up, means that he really still does care in a way, but he is also at the same curious of the other ‘option’. That’s why he convince himself that you guys will never be healthy because you know what! That’s how to get through all this. That’s how he endure all this. I think he never really got over you after all. But young guys are like this, even they know deep in their heart what is the best, they don’t want to settle down just yet without experiencing more. Sadly, this is the truth. It’s completely a different concept from us woman. At least most of us.

    So I would say the best thing you must do now is move on. Leave him behind. Let him be. I know it must be really hard but at least you have a clearer vision now right babe? πŸ™ If he truly does love you and you both are meant to be, you paths will definitely cross again in the future. But right now you must move on with you life dear. Don’t wait for him anymore. But it’s okay to still deserve a place for him in your heart. He is ..just like a ghost now. The memories will linger but he’s not there anymore.. go on with your life and make the best out of it. He walk away from you and you should do the same.. it doesn’t mean that you give up, it just mean that you will move on knowing that you had try your best. If you try too much it may end up them getting closer.. so the best bet is disappear from his life. He’ll seriously feel bad one day, for doing this to you. He’ll regret but when he do come back, you may not be there anymore. You must stay strong alright! πŸ™ No matter what decision you make I will support you mentally with all my heart. Here’s a quote for you babee:

    At some point you will realise that you have done too much for someone, that the only possible step is to stop. Leave them alone. Walk away. It’ not that you’re giving up. It’s not like you shouldn’t try. It’s just that you have to draw the line of determination from anything that won’t help the situation now. What’s truly yours, will eventually be yours and what’s not , nomatter how hard you try , will never be.

    Cry all you want babe.. but remember to pick yourself up dear πŸ™ The sun is still shining the Earth is still spinning. But it would be a better place if you’re smiling. Check out a song ‘ Baby Don’t Cry – Daesung ‘ Even if you don’t like the song look at the lyrics. It speaks to my heart when I feel devastated. I have hope that my life is getting better and I will take this opportunity to grow up. And just trust in fate. I’ll be here if you need me! You can ask Kevin for my email!

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