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  • in reply to: No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC #5348
    • Total Posts: 2

    So like I said 6 days of NC and I decided to text my girl friend about her procedure tommorow. I texted her “hey good luck with your colonoscopy tomorrow hope everything turns out well” and she replied within a minute saying “thanks for remembering, hope it goes well too!” But that’s it she didn’t ask about how school went for me or asked me anything….is she really moving on this fast after 3 year!? I know it doesn’t make sense but its still driving me crazy. I’m continuing NC but I feel like I cheated already and it hasnt even been a week.

    • Total Posts: 2

    So 6th day without contact but tomorrow my ex is going through a medical procedure that isn’t life threatening but it’s still important to her. and I’m not sure whether it is the right thing to send a short text or even call her about how it went. she broke it off after 3 years together because she wanted to work on herself and didn’t think it was a good idea to be in a relationship in the moment because she doesn’t know what she wants. plus it doesn’t help that in the past few months we’ve been bickering and arguing a bit but nothing too serious. we ended on a good note we were even intimate before i left. i was even going to sleep over that nightbut after making love she basically fell asleep crying and after she did my head was spinning and my first reaction and thoughts were I need to leave now. So i did. and when I got home she called me freaking out crying where I went. I told her I couldn’t stay and told her i loved her and hung up. well this was on wednesday of last week and went NC until friday evening which was when I called her to tell her that I was going to delete my social networks and take some time to heal.( I didn’t mention that i was also planning on not contacting her via text or call) I told her I understood her decision and that I can’t be waiting for her to decide when it convenient to be with me and i told her that i want the best for her and to take care (during this I was very calm and rational minded) she began to break down and tell me that she loves me and wants the best for me too and then she told me she missed me and I told her that I’d call her to see howthe procedure went and she said she’ll also check in on me to see how my first days of school went. we said good bye and that was it. i decided to restart NC all over which leaves me on the 6th day of NC today. Since then she has deleted our couple pics and I did as well and deleted my facebook. she hid her relationship status and has been posting plenty of things according to a friend but just her hanging out and stuff not with other guys or partying. I have been busy with work college hitting the gym and going out this past week it still hurts but I feel great on certain days. What should I do about contacting her about her procedure tommorow? I dont want her to think that i dont care and also i did tell her i’d check in….but at the same time she told me she would ask how school went since its my first week of college in a long time( returning student) but its already thursday and she hasnt contacted me so maybe I should continue NC????? help…I still care about her especially her health.

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