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  • in reply to: 2 weeks – he contacted to…Dumpers? #9142
    • Total Posts: 4

    I feel for you Bee, we’re just couple for almost 2 years but it hurts so bad. You know that feeling that you want him back but it’s already hopeless. I wish there’s so much I could say to make you feel better. I can only say to trust everything in God. He’s the only one who can put an end to our miseries. πŸ™‚
    I, myself has beedn struggling everyday, NC is very hard but I guess it’s the only way for me to get back on my feet again. My ex no longer contacts me and I got tired of chasing him. I want to be out of this obsession and desperation so I could go on my life with or without him.
    Stay strong. In time, everything will be fine πŸ™‚

    in reply to: No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC #9141
    • Total Posts: 4

    Doing my very best to cope up. The thought of him not wanting me anymore, it seems like he no longer cares for me is just so painful. But I got tired of chasing him. I still wish him love and happiness.

    in reply to: No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC #9133
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    Hi, it’s my first time to join the forum but already had time to read all the articles. I’m just so glad I came across this site coz it really help me a lot as I;m trying to move on and start doing my NC. I wished I had read those pripor to making those deadly mistakes. Anyway, I’m already on my 9th day NC and it was an everyday struggle. But I know this will benefit me in fact, I can say that I already know how to control my emotions. Before doing so, whenever I miss my ex, I can’t help myself texting him, telling how sorry I am, telling how much I miss and love him. I was very needy and desperate after the break up. I kept on sending him dramatic messages in fb which I guess pushed him further.
    This NC is the first step for me. To re-assess and contemplate on things that led to our break up. I messed up a lot and I have a lot to work on myself. I already accept that I lost him and preparing myself for the worst, of him not coming back. I see potential for both of us because ours was so great, though we’re on LDR but we had a ery good communication. Our was not perfect but we made it so far despite distance.
    So now, I’m doing my very best, I;m doing NC for an indefinite time, maybe until I’ve reached my goal- not being needy, desperate, jealous, controlling, I think too much sometimes. I have to be more confident first not for the sake of getting him back but to improve myself. I think 1 month NC for me is not enough. I was too focused on him as what he said and I agreed with that. I even thanked him for letting me see my mistakes, he was very patient with me and I guess break up would only be the best solution to work on thos things. I know he loved me, as much as I want for him to come back, I just have to deal with myself first. I’ve hurt him so much. I’m not yet ready if ever he’ll come back.
    I’ve stopped liking his posts on fb, which I knew he found unusual for me, coz I am his # liker, as he is for me. He can’t unfriedn me coz he said I will always be special to him. What he had was wonderful, too bad he needs to set me free for me to grow and focus more on myself.
    I understand now and realized the reason for the break up. So I guess I’m making progress, not having to text him or call him whenever I miss him. Not having to like his post or if I saw something that made me think too much, cause me to get jealous when there’s no reason, too. I unfollowed him on fb, so I wont get any updates on him. I did my very best not to visit his fb profile but sometimes, I failed. But then I maintained my poise and controlled my urge to confront him about things I found unsual for him.
    I’m doing NC whether or not he’ll come back. Though I love him so much, but I also believe that God has made someone, someone thta’s really meant for us. I thanked him for seeing the good and bad in me, and for allowing me to work on the bad. In time, things will get better. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 4

    Thank you for sharing! God bless you πŸ™‚

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