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  • in reply to: Got back with my Ex! #25312
    • Total Posts: 94

    Thank you for sharing!! It gives us hope that there is a chance. Ive been feeling bad that the longer time goes on the less likely it is that we will get back together, but your story makes me think the opposite!

    I looked through your previous topics, you said you started NC in August – was that right after the break up? Did you only do 1 round of NC?

    • Total Posts: 94

    Thank you both for the kind words. I will try and express my feelings in healthier ways. If that doesnt work I may seek a therapist. I want to enjoy life..its just so hard when you know youve lost someone so important to you. I wanted to be with him the rest of my life and I would have done anything on earth for him.

    I really hope I can get him back. We were always laughing and having fun together, I was kind and caring. I treated him like gold.

    in reply to: Ex is with someone that doesnt want sex? #23039
    • Total Posts: 94

    Yes it is weird for a guy that age not wanting to do anything. It’s very odd. It makes me think that they don’t have a strong relationship.

    in reply to: Ex is with someone that doesnt want sex? #23038
    • Total Posts: 94

    It sounds like she isn’t serious about this guy. I do think it’s a rebound. Maybe they aren’t doing anything because she doesn’t feel comfortable. Maybe it’s because she does want you back and doesn’t want to go too far with anyone else?

    in reply to: I don't know myself anymore. need help #22476
    • Total Posts: 94

    I guess the reason I said I don’t know myself anymore is not because I couldn’t be myself without him it’s because everything I thought I knew about love is a lie.

    And I did try hard to be with him because he said I meant the world to him, he needed me, loved my more than anything..but wouldn’t live with me and wouldn’t hang out with me more than 2-3 times a week

    in reply to: I don't know myself anymore. need help #22474
    • Total Posts: 94

    Does it sounds like everything I’ve posted that I smothered him?

    in reply to: I don't know myself anymore. need help #22469
    • Total Posts: 94

    Thank you for your advice. I understand that I did get wrapped up in being with him.. but we were so happy together. I always tried to give him his space that he said he waned ..I don’t think I was clingy I think I was normal for a gf. But its like since all of this has ended its like everything I thought I knew about love has gone out the window. I always thought if you tried hard enough and gave enough things would work out. I did sooo many nice things for him alllll the time simply because I was in love and that’s what I thought you should do. I cared about him more than myself. Any time we got in a fight or disagreement he would ignore me.. sometimes for days. I was always patient and tried to work it out. His family loved me, we had the same friends. Its like even though I gave my all… its still my fault he left me. It makes me not want to be with anyone ever again. I do want him back obviously.

    And I don’t get it! I see all these other couples moving in together, getting engaged, married and they haven’t even been together as long as we had. He always said I was perfect for him. So what did I do wrong? Its like I thought being in a relationship for 5 years meant something and when you have a deep connection like that you try to be with that person and build a life with them.

    in reply to: I don't know myself anymore. need help #22466
    • Total Posts: 94

    Just to add this: I was on here under a different username… someone I know found out about it and I had to have kevin delete it. Background:
    ex and I 24, 25 years old, had a good relationship, I was kind/caring/fun, he got a job and moved abroad to Europe in December (he will be there for 2 years), said he didn’t want to be with anyone bc he wants to do it on his own (when originally he said he wanted us to be together). We were together 5 years and much in love. I helped him through some of the hardest times in his life… and I was always so good to him. After the break up I was messed up..but was starting to get better.. and now its like all out the window.

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