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  • in reply to: Just sharing about your NC here #61176
    • Total Posts: 11

    Hi Herma

    How are things with you and the ex?

    in reply to: Just sharing about your NC here #60286
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    I try to.. its hard i overthink things lol.

    So today back at work.
    I walk in and he said hi lisa how are you.. i answer then he starts talking to me about his dad and mum, his had problems with his mum…
    I just had to bring him back from site and was talking about work and his personal life, how his broke with money he needs extra work etc.

    in reply to: Just sharing about your NC here #60203
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    I’m bit of a weird mood, yesterday made me realise I miss him.
    So Monday was first time we seen each other for 2 weeks we haven’t spoken he hasn’t flirted or nothing hardly seen him this week. Today I went in the kitchen to wash my cup up he comes up behind me and blows in my hair… Then said he didn’t have any paper to write stuff down for me, he said u took all the sticky notes I pack it away move it for you and I don’t get any, I was like that what you men are here for, we both laughed made me realise why I liked him. Anyways I left 5 minutes early and everyone sees me go and he makes a comment ” oh I see ur leaving early so we can lock up”.

    I don’t know what any of this means, if I’m looking to much into it or even if it means anything.
    He cannot expect us to be friends on how he treated me.

    in reply to: Just sharing about your NC here #60183
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    Yes i know what you mean, i wont look to much into it..
    We was just having a laugh a minute ago both laughing and just reminds me how much of a laugh we had so i hope he sees this.
    Since he did that in the kitchen we have been talking about work stuff and been laughing at eachother so nice change to be honest.

    Erm i wouldnt jump at the chance, i am not desperate for him, i want him i dont need him.
    IF we got back together we would do some talking about stuff and take it slow and have a completely new relationship but his got some apologizing to do

    in reply to: Just sharing about your NC here #60181
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    i was meant to say he blew in my hair not hand lol.
    I hope it was flirting, i am so bad at signs lol, i just want him to realize i was good for him.

    in reply to: Just sharing about your NC here #60179
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    def flirting i was in kitchen rinsing cup and his behind my and blows my hand so i move and walk away…

    in reply to: Just sharing about your NC here #60177
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    so update, ex came into my office today about work stuff and we worked as a team and it was good how well we do stuff as a team, that is all but feels good been long time.
    I also looked him in the face for the first time for ages as it was hard and just came to me how i fell inlove with him.

    No personal progress though.. but gets easier. 🙂

    in reply to: Just sharing about your NC here #60160
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    Sorry i havent read your full story but NC is not a chance for them to get over you and if she can get over you in 30 days then she wasn’t worth it.
    The NC is for you mainly for you to find yourself and figure out if you want her still, what went wrong and become stronger and realise what you want and gives you time to heal.
    Doing NC will give her time to miss you and gives you time apart to miss eachother.
    Continuing the snapchat thing you have, is not a good idea.
    I know it was your thing when you was together but hard as it sounds your not together, she needs to know your not going to do the same stuff when you was together (snap chats) let her see you have drawn back.

    in reply to: Just sharing about your NC here #60159
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    People that move on so fast after a break up is usually a rebound and most the time it never lasts.
    It will hurt, each day not seeing that person it gets easier, you need to distance yourself, keep busy and if he wants you in his life he will be in contact and if he doesn’t then he doesn’t deserve you..

    Nope, we been together 2 years, we banter a lot had great chemistry talked engagement, kids etc.. i was happy with him for rest of my life.. i sent a pic for a laugh didn’t go down well, we didn’t talk for few days so i can 4 days later and we spoke for over an hour, he said something isn’t working here so i said ok shall we break up? HE said i am not saying i want to break up, i just need some space so i gave that to my ex but for month after told me he loved me, texted me, asked my opinion on furniture etc… so for month i tried but now i done the NC for 30 days and now im on day 32.. we had 2 weeks apart he went on a stag do and i went away, since coming back Monday we haven’t spoken but also he has not been in the office a lot as he is an engineer and is out on jobs daily… i did see him look at me today, i was walking towards him to get into a door which was half way towards him and saw him look at me and i walked away so i was facing away from him so i walked and showed him what his missing lol..
    I don’t think he has met anyone, even if he had i would not know and that would be best for me..But i am in a better place than i was 2 weeks ago, i would love for us to be together but would not want the same relationship would want something more mature.. i have been looking at quotes and on my screen saver i have “If they miss you, they’ll call. If they want you, they’ll say it. If they care, they’ll show it. And if not, they aren’t worth your time.”

    That keeps me going, also the best revenge is to move on, get over it and continue to succeed. Never give someone the satisfaction of watching you suffer.

    This sounds so hard and it is, it will get worse before it gets better.
    I learned hard way, my family just say lesson learned you will be fine.. my mates say you can do better.
    Nothing or no one has helped me through this, i lost weight, was depressed and didnt get out of bed at weekends and would cry..
    Its horrible but now i dont do any of that, i am going gym getting into shape, taking care of my skin (which isnt the greatest) going out with friends, i even out a new picture on my whatsapp of me with my mate to show him im not sitting in waiting…

    in reply to: Just sharing about your NC here #60132
    • Total Posts: 11

    It was difficult but it was more difficult when we rowed and for a month he gave me the impression he wanted me with all he said the texting etc… then when i said stop the flirting if you don’t want to be with me.
    He then moved to unnecessary talking at work, would ask my opinion on things when he had others around him, would look at me if i looked in his office small things… but 2 months of not seeing him outside of work – i want nothing but for him to text me and say sorry but will it happen? I doubt it but never say never… I am open in talking to him if he ever gets in touch.
    We had 2 weeks where we didn’t see each other which helped, but now we just don’t talk its sad because we was so close now were nothing.

    I am sorry your ex has a new partner but rest assure this is a rebound it wont last they never do.
    I don’t hear any personal things about my ex at work which is good as i would go straight back to the beginning if i knew he was with another girl.

    I totally agree, i don’t know if you read my story on here on what happened, but what i did wasn’t bad for him to act this way.
    When we talked after the row he told me something isn’t working here, i said ok do you want to break up.. he told me he wasn’t saying he wanted to break up just some space that was 2 months ago, i have asked many times are we over or on a break he ignores so i took it as were over and his not man enough to just tell me he chooses to ignore me instead..
    But i guarantee both our exes will be back soon enough when they realize they had a good thing and messed it up…
    I re-read texts and events and to this day i still have no idea what i did to deserve all of this.
    He made me question myself, if i was good enough, if i was to blame, i was very low and depressed.
    My ex also blocked me on facebook and Whatsapp – so that helps not seeing pictures.

    You need to keep yourself busy. If you ever want to chat or vent im here. 🙂

    in reply to: Just sharing about your NC here #60091
    • Total Posts: 11

    Hi Guys

    So today is my 30th day.
    Problem is i have to work with my ex, as i cannot do the complete no contact.
    If he talks to me about work i keep it short.
    But i have not texted, called or emailed in 30 days, which at the beginning was so difficult but today its been 2 months since the row but for a month he told me he loved me, was texting me, he told me something wasn’t working with us, so i said ok do you want to break up and he said i am not saying that so we talked and thought it was good but clearly not.. for one month i texted, called, left voicemail’s and even emailed got nothing back… so today is my 30th day of not contacting him, he also has not contacted me.
    It does get easier, don’t get me wrong i still love and adore him but i look at it like this, if he wanted me in his life he would make it known and would contact me, it kills like hell but time does help.
    Also doesn’t help i see him everyday but i am better than moping around.
    I decided to get in touch with old friends and done a bucket list.

    I hope you all get your exes back and i still hope i do, but also need to think it may not happen or not happen yet… hang in there.

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