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  • in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #27420
    • Total Posts: 241

    It must be quite hard after all that time! I mean, my relationship was only 5 months. But I think the main thing is that it wasn’t a circumstance of falling out of love or the relationship dyin. There are obviously sttill emotions. The worst circumstance would be it ending with apathy.

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #27418
    • Total Posts: 241

    He definitely is! Again, look at the success stories on here. The people who came through it had similar doubts, but kept strong. Some do not get any response until 2 weeks after the magic letter! We will be fine! Time and space πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #27410
    • Total Posts: 241

    Ha, thanks. Well, I won’t analyse it. She hasn’t unblocked me yet, and there could be many reasons. I think she does like the other guy. Bit I know what we had was speciaL and did not die. But I will keep positive! The main thing is that her attitude changes towards me.

    I am sure your ex is already thinking ‘where is she and why has she not got in touch?’

    Thay is great news with your new job. Today I have a long busy day haha. I cannot believe we made it this far!

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #27406
    • Total Posts: 241

    Ha, no she hasn’t unblocked me yet. But she knew I had another account and can see it. Although she may not be certain that I do anymore. But yea, I will not read too much into it. But it’s nice when forgets about her Facebook lockdown.

    I know, day 16! More than halfway to 30! We will definitely return as better people. I am so glad that you are feeling better now πŸ™‚ and he will be back.

    What are you doing today?

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #27404
    • Total Posts: 241

    A little better thanks! I looked at her Facebook today and she has changed her profile photo to a sad on, which is unusual. She last did this after we broke up. Also, she has made this picture public. Usually she will make photos private straight away.

    This could also be due to the fact that her long term boyfriend before me recently got into a new rerelationship. She and him broke up around 10 months before we met.

    But her behaviour is changing, which can only be good.

    How about you? I am learning so much from no contact! Restraint is so important sometimes.

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #27385
    • Total Posts: 241

    He is definitely thinking of you, as he is not sure he can have you anymore due to your silence. We all want what we Cannot have πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #27254
    • Total Posts: 241

    It is natural to feel that way. But I think you will be pleasantly surprised. You have a history, that is so valuable. Those memories will always be there and he will miss you.

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #27249
    • Total Posts: 241

    We do. As I said, we ruined it ourselves. It is up to us to mend things and be the person they fell in love with. They probably dream to meet those people we were again. No one can replace us.

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #27234
    • Total Posts: 241

    Haha, yes, the same happened with my date. I am not too bothered. It’s just nice to have company, but would feel weird getting into a relationship with someone else.

    I think this is more like a marathon, in that at times we will feel like we can’t go on and lose hope, but we can do it! Day 16 is tomorrow, and with each day we can grow stronger!

    I am still waiting to see if she unblocks me from facebook. Maybe she won’t until she is back in the UK for around a month. I think she thinks I have stopped texting her, as I know she is back in her home country. So, I need to take it really slowly.

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #27203
    • Total Posts: 241

    He definitely hasn’t moved on.too soon. Give it time

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #27202
    • Total Posts: 241

    Well I text my ex for 3 months with no response at all.

    Maybe they both need space and time.

    I have saved her on my phone as ‘space, time and understanding’

    Patience is key.

    In my mind, she is thinking ‘thank god that psycho has left, now he can leave me and my new boyfriend in peace’

    Sorry, a bad moment. But atleast I will not text her, which is progress.

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #27188
    • Total Posts: 241

    Well I text my ex for 3 months with no response at all.

    Maybe they both need space and time.

    I have saved her on my phone as ‘space, time and understanding’

    Patience is key.

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #27178
    • Total Posts: 241

    From reading the success stories, on a lot of occasions it takes more than 2 weeks for an ex to get back in touch, so stay positive!

    Yes, of course. Well she cheated on my and obviously didn’t care about my feelings, as she got with that guy. It feels like she values me so little and does not care about hurting. And to make things worse, she ignores me. It’s so belittlin and sad, especially as we were in love πŸ™

    How could she do that to me?

    Today has been Ok. I have kept busy again. Be positive though. You are no longer thought of as desperate. That is a step forward. He probably misses you.

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #27162
    • Total Posts: 241

    Keep positive. Yes, I think a holiday would put me in a good frame of mind before sending.

    I think we all have moments of weakness. Today, for example I felt angry again and wanted revenge! But these things are good and expected as we heal. How is your Day?

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #27095
    • Total Posts: 241

    What brought on the urge? We are halfway there now. I am looking forward to a holiday in April and plan to maybe send her the letter afterwards.

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