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  • in reply to: Struggling during NC #28779
    • Total Posts: 241

    Hmmm. Well she is seeing him now. And ignored me since October, although I bombarded her with texts.

    My advice would be to give it time. It seems like she is playing a game to see if you will break. Don’t play her games. She didn’t fall out of love with you, as is evident from her words to you.

    in reply to: Struggling during NC #28772
    • Total Posts: 241

    Yep. I found the same thing. Basically, one night she is going mental and crying above t how I ruined it and is trying to break up.

    The next day I look at her apparent ‘deleyed’ Facebook account and see she added this guy recently who changes his relationship status to with my girlfriend…

    I go mental and eventually talk to the parents, when the truth comes out about how I apparently have no respect for their daughter and how they urged her to break up with me and consider others. Apparently she always ‘heeds’ their advice. She cries saying she didn’t want to see him.

    But there they are now, getting into a relationship. I agree, the pain was unbearable. First knowing my lovely girl didn’t want to be with me, secondly the parent’s involvement, and the most devastating of all, knowing she had replaced me and was dating something else. He was texting her before and capitalised on my mistakes and her parent’s wishe. It is so unfair.

    I keep getting told it is a rebound, but they are getting closer now and she ostrcacised me e. It is pure hell.

    The only thing I can say is pretend to be Ok with it. Otherwise you will push her away. Being Ok with it is attattractive. You can do it!

    in reply to: Struggling during NC #28765
    • Total Posts: 241

    I am in the same situation. She has a bad image of me in her head. I feel highly emotional. There is this other guy, who she is getting closer and closer to.

    The only thing you can do is give it time. That is the key for removing all the bad memories and for her to miss you

    in reply to: Struggling during NC #28759
    • Total Posts: 241

    Hmmm, I felt the same way. But I had a different relationship with my ex. It was more romantic. She will miss the things you did.

    Time is crucial. Stay distant. He is available to her anytime. You are not. That is a very attractive thing, I’d she thinks she cannot have you.

    Time is key.

    in reply to: He came Back-my reconciliation story #28755
    • Total Posts: 241

    Congratulations and good luck!

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #28750
    • Total Posts: 241

    3 weeks, Caz! Any latest? My ex changed jer profile pic again, this time to a happy one and made it public again. Cannot be too long until it is made private again..

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #28633
    • Total Posts: 241

    But they do like eachother. They texting eachother whilst we were together. When I made a mistake, her parents used that and urged her to consider others and split up with me. She wouldn’t have been speaking to him if she didn’t like him. She did cry and told me her parents made her see him, but who knows if that was a lie. He is not a bad looking guy, and is her type.

    I should just give up. Sorry, I feel so down. My friend told me there is no way back, after how I acted.

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #28593
    • Total Posts: 241

    Remember what great news this is for you, Caz. The ice is niw thawing. I think if I told you he would unblock you and text you a week ago, you would have disagreed. One step at a time, remember.

    I am here to help you. I may quit this forum soon. As I have zero chance, but I will stay awhile to help you out.

    in reply to: Struggling during NC #28587
    • Total Posts: 241

    Well, in that case you need to prove you have changed. Once she sees you are a changed man, then she will start to have feelings again. Just stay positive. She is reaching out to contact you still. He is a rebound and it will end soon.

    Keep up no contact and come back a changed man. Don’t worry about the other guy.

    in reply to: Struggling during NC #28578
    • Total Posts: 241

    But remember, it could be an act. I think you need a longer amount of no contact, so that yoy can feel better about the situation and allow her some more time to regret what happene. This guy sounds like a rebound. Just stay strong. If I was the rebound guy, I would not be happy if she was texting you, even if it was to ask if you are Ok.

    in reply to: Struggling during NC #28570
    • Total Posts: 241

    Well that at least shows she cares! You need to just go away and allow her to miss you more. Also, she needs to know you are having fun without her, or give that impression. Are you friends on Facebook?

    in reply to: Struggling during NC #28565
    • Total Posts: 241

    She is still in contact! That’s good. My ex never responds at all. Which means it is dead. If you have communication still, then anything is possible! Keep positive. Be the prize.

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #28553
    • Total Posts: 241

    I just don’t know. I feel they are in love now and she is pleased to be rid of me. My friend told me there is no hope. Especially as I threatened her and told her parents we had sex.

    I am afraid there is no hope. I have lost her forever and now she had fallen in love.

    in reply to: Struggling during NC #28528
    • Total Posts: 241

    I was in a similar situation. She was urged by her parents to split up from me and see another guy. She met up with him behind my back. Afterwards I was so worried and ended up going crazy at the thought of her getting with someone else so quickly. Eventually I drove her away with my obsessive texting and begging / anger.

    It would have been a lot easier if she didn’t have someone else.

    Learn from my mistakes. Do no contact for at least 31 days. If she contacts you, do not respond. She knows she can have you anytime she wants. Go away for a while, let her wonder. The more you try, the more harm it does. It sounds like a rebound with this guy. Keep strong.

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #28526
    • Total Posts: 241

    Keep it private and change the picture at the weekend. Keep on the right track. It is working. It is no longer a thing of faith. You have proof it works. Keep silent. Keep him wondering 🙂

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