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  • in reply to: no contact when she is with someone else #24675
    • Total Posts: 241

    I have just noticed that some of my texts sent last weekend did not go through to her, and I think that is because she has gone back home for a few weeks. I am nervous that they will all go through once she returns. I have not contacted her since Tuesday, and would hate the no contact ruined over something so silly.

    in reply to: no contact when she is with someone else #24640
    • Total Posts: 241

    Ok, so I have not messaged her since Tuesday,which was another apology. I have set my Facebook to private, which she has done to her own. She has me blocked, but assume that she is using a different account to spy, as I am. She created a fake account before, although she messaged me from it, and I then had this deleted before she unblocked me. I then made her block me again. I have been blocked since October. I wonder if she will unblock me, or take her profile off lockdown. So far. I feel good. Although, I now know she is with the guy that her parents made her see. We will see if there is any reaction to my silence.

    in reply to: no contact when she is with someone else #24615
    • Total Posts: 241

    Thanks LA, i am scared she will never speak to me again.

    in reply to: Breakup Situation #24528
    • Total Posts: 241

    Also, she is in her home country atm for 3 weeks, so she will not expect to receive anything from me, and may miss this other guy instead.

    in reply to: Breakup Situation #24527
    • Total Posts: 241

    Do you think 90 days would work better? I was so so horrible to her. She may have even been scared of me and my craziness. But all I know is that she did love me a lot.

    in reply to: Breakup Situation #24522
    • Total Posts: 241

    Hey Belle, thanks! No, I was learning how to be a better boyfriend and when we were together, we were fine. But when we were not, her parents were pushing her to break up from me, the other guy was pursuing her and she was naturally jealous and insecure.

    It wasn’t her decision to break up with me, it was her parents. She told me she loved me, but could not go against her parents. It was heartbreaking for me. We had a holiday planned together. I really did like, her and out of all the girls I have seen, she stood out. I am devastated, now I am the weirdo / psycho ex and meanwhile she is probably getting serious with the guy who her parents made her see!

    Argh, it sucks so much.

    in reply to: Breakup Situation #24516
    • Total Posts: 241

    And no, it’s because I really do love her. She is friendly, kind and considerate. She asked me to give her space after we split and i didn’t, I regret it so much. She actually called me desperate and said she wanted nothing to do with me before I went crazy, but that was because I messaged her parents when she had told me not to. Also the weekend before this time (September) she told me there was no chance of us getting back, because too much damage was done. After that I got angry and stupidly said that cheating was the best decision I made. This made her say that breaking up with me was the best decision she had made. Anyhow, a week later, she blocked me from Facebook and then messaged me with that message under a fake user. I soon got that account deleted, after which I was unblocked from her main profile. I then begged her for a week to block me, until she finally did. I know this is muffled, but I am still devastated.

    in reply to: Breakup Situation #24514
    • Total Posts: 241

    Thanks LA, she probably thinks I am such a creep and crazy now though. How can I mitigate this? Thanks

    in reply to: Breakup Situation #24473
    • Total Posts: 241

    Day 2 of no contact and I notice that the guy who she went with (at her parent’s) urging has been added by her best friend on Facebook. Obviously, this means they are probably seeing eachother.

    Feeling pretty down. It is just such a terrible situation. Her parents made her see him instead of me! He was trying to get her to see him for a long time when she was with me and she always said no. Why does someone like that deserve to be rewarded?

    in reply to: Breakup Situation #24273
    • Total Posts: 241

    Thanks. I do really love her. But I obviously have my own issues to work on, since I acted so terribly towards her. I don’t know if she will ever talk to me again. I have been so bad, and it hurts so much – I feel so hopeless. She also seemed to like the guy her parents made her see. But I have to keep remembering, that it was me she chose. Her parents have control over her. I need her and her parent’s to forgive me. I can make her happier than anyone, and I wish I had made her feel more secure and made an effort with her parents. I know I can make it work it given the chance.

    in reply to: Breakup Situation #24258
    • Total Posts: 241

    Yes. A lot of damage, and I regret it so much. This girl is the one, and I am scared I ruined it. Please, can you give other advice? I have apologised so many times aswell. How long do I wait and what do I say when I resume contact?

    in reply to: Breakup Situation #24129
    • Total Posts: 241

    Ok, so I will stop contacting her. For the past 2 weeks, I have not been texting everyday. But I have sent some long apologies and acknowledged that I accept her decision. This is going to be really difficult if I am to ever even get her to speak with me again! I am so lost. I even threatened suicide, and then later when angry claimed she wanted me to die, as she never responded. Gah

    in reply to: Breakup Situation #23965
    • Total Posts: 241

    Is this possible? I did some really bad things. I told her parents we had sex, also told her parents that I cheated and told her to get checked for an std test. It was bad, but I only said those things to atleast get a response. Because she was completely ignoring me. Her parents hate me, and seem to have complete control.

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