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  • in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #25766
    • Total Posts: 241

    Exactly, I feel the same. I had mixed responses from friends, some told me to leave it and that there is no hope. But I think we have both been alive long enough to know when someone is special.

    I think my case is extreme, texting non stop from early Oct until Mid Dec without a response, sometimes obsessively and threatening suicide, telling her parents we had sex, even though I knew how much this would hurt her and her family. At one time I pretended to be a friend texting from my phone, saying I was at hospital because of her. I later apologised and told her it was a lie. It makes me cringe when I think of those things.

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #25762
    • Total Posts: 241

    Yes, I made her block me twice. I made other accounts, which is so bad. I had the account, which I was using when I saw that she didn’t block me. That is the same account I spoke to her parents on. I ended up calling them crazy and saying I didn’t want anything to do with their family and logged off. I then found they had blocked me. So I made a different account to send them a message of apology, and later sent them those bad messages.

    I think we do need to become the hunted, but also be the prize and show them that we have changed at the same time. I no longer get urges to text. It is good that you are restraining yourself, keep it up! If you ever get a big urge, post here and then we can analyse it, if it helps.

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #25754
    • Total Posts: 241

    Thanks Caz. Means a lot. I am certainly seeing the relationship from a different perspective and discovering what went wrong. Although the parents were still a major factor, and who knows how long they had been pushing her to split.

    Day 10 will feel good πŸ™‚ are you looking at his facebook for signs that he misses you? I am waiting to see if my ex unblocks me.

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #25742
    • Total Posts: 241

    That’s true. But she used that against me. Pretended she was working, when she saw him instead. Jeez. I need to stop getting angry first.

    How is your day going? You seem to be in a good frame of mind.

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #25738
    • Total Posts: 241

    I did exactly the same. I think being light is definitely the best way to go. I haven’t written anyone a letter for so long. I suppose this is a unique way to show someone you care.

    I just found some old messages on my phone (I deleted most) and I found one from an argument we had in late August.

    It went like this.

    Me: ‘Hey, I need to sleep now. Meet you tomorrow out xxxxx just after 6. I can’t wait to hold my baby again πŸ™‚

    Her: Tomorrow? Huh? Not tomorrow. I’m working tomorrow. Next Wednesday I meant. 27th. Oh no…Baby, sorry…

    Her: Darn it. Sorry I should have said dates.

    Me: I’m going to sleep.

    Her: My next day off is on Wednesday 27th. Sorry labs (love)

    Her: Wait. Don’t go to sleep angry.

    Me: You said you’re free Wednesday, and a week ago you also said you were free on bank holiday Monday. I don’t know what to think.

    Her: Sending screenshots of her work schedule.

    Her: That’s my schedule. See it?

    Her: Hmmm. Thanks for the show of trust. Tsk. This is not working out. We’ll just keep disappointing eachother. Tiring.

    Me: Ok, let’s end it, if that’s how you feel.

    Her: I’m doing my best to spend the rare days off I have with you an still you doubt what I say. You’re right. You need a girl who’ll be at your beck and call. I’m a nurse, with the schedule I have, that’s not going to be me πŸ™ hey, I’ve only wished you happiness. Hope you find what you’re looking for. Take care.

    Me: I’m calling you just after I get into work at nine. Let me know if there is a more suitable time. Love you.

    Her: The next time you tell me you want to end it, I’m gonna take it as final. Sorry for turning off my phone last night. When I’m angry I need time because otherwise… Sigh. Anyway. No need to call. Concentrate at work. Sigh. If there’s no trust, no amount of love will make relationships work you know. I am sorry for not being clear on my schedule in the first place. Message. Don’t call. Otherwise i’ll be crying and it’s too early for tears.

    I find it funny how she speaks of trust. This is one of the few arguments we had.

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #25709
    • Total Posts: 241

    Plus, I will have to send it to her work, and I don’t want to seem creepy. Although, I am probably way past that point.

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #25708
    • Total Posts: 241

    I really have no idea. I have said so much already. I even sent video messages. Just nothing worked. I just don’t have a clue what to do. Part of me thinks that she is trying to cut me out of her life forever, as it is too difficult for her to cope.

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #25701
    • Total Posts: 241

    It would be a lot easier to have mutual friends. Otherwise it feels like that person is dead sometimes.

    And yes, we were big parts of their lives. They probably talk about us still. How long do you intend your letter to be?

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #25682
    • Total Posts: 241

    I think time will heal the bad memories and he will remember the good things. Do you live close to him and do you have mutual friends?

    I have no mutual friends with my ex, it was always me and her – no one else. I am having a bad day again today. I am just remembering the lies and hypocrisy. She lied about deleting facebook and saw someone behind my back. Also, why was she speaking to him in the first place? Especially with how she reacted and how jealous she was with other girls. At least they were friends, and I did not hide it. Even days before our breakup, she was asking who I went to the cinema with.

    And all the while there was this guy messaging her. It annoys me so much.

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #25568
    • Total Posts: 241

    Yes, my ex is stubborn as well. Although, I think you guys have been through too much to just not speak again.

    I just hope my ex is still thinking of me πŸ™

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #25563
    • Total Posts: 241

    I think 60 sounds about right. I really hope it works out for you. I think you will come back a new person and hopefully he sees that, because I think he wants to love you, but not whilst he thinks you can still hurt him.

    My ex deleted me after I changed my profile picture with that girl, although her parents may have ordered her to. She then blocked me when she added that guy, and claimed she had deleted facebook.

    I made her block me twice. I have been blocked since October now. I have deleted all of my rebounds from facebook, and made my facebook friends public, so she knows I am no longer playing the field. I have also deleted the girl I cheated on her with.

    I really hope it works. I know, but who knows? She may be like she was with me to every guy. She told me that she wanted us to be together forever. Her jealousy was extreme. She kept complaining we were not compatible, because I liked to go clubbing and would drink, whereas she didn’t. But I told her that none of those things mattered. When we split, I explained how I was talking to a friend who happened to be a girl and her response was ‘wow, so many girls’. I need to prove that I have changed.

    I hope she does not fall in love with the other girl. But then again, how can you be in a relationship when it has been forced at the expense of someone you loved?

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #25539
    • Total Posts: 241

    I think it needs to be more than 30 days for me. I would say beginning of March. She is back home right now, and probably misses the other guy. Jeez. We are both at the same stagem how has your day been?

    Also, she has blocked me from Facebook at my urging. But I think she made another fake account to spy on me. How private to i make my profile?

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #25524
    • Total Posts: 241

    Other girls were part of the problem too. She saw me as this playboy character, and claimed I had too many girls in the past.

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #25522
    • Total Posts: 241

    Ha, I will. It’s so difficult. My day will be good and I will forget, and then I will feel this emptiness. I dated so many girls afterwards and I just couldn’t find any who made me happy. I miss her so much. I just fear I have lost her forever and that this other guy will take her away πŸ™

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #25478
    • Total Posts: 241

    Will do! I have a feeling today will be a tough day.

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