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  • in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #27076
    • Total Posts: 241

    I knOw! I cannot quite believe it. Yet I also feel distant from her, like she is no longer alive,if that makes sense?

    How about you?

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #26944
    • Total Posts: 241

    Thanks Caz, like I said, they were still in love with us. Being needy, desperate and mean cannot change that.

    I just saw the text she sent me, the morning on the day we were supposed to meet up for closure, she said:

    ‘Can’t. Will work. You rest today. Tc.’

    So short and cold. If she could have given me the closure, it would have been fine.

    Hey, day 15 tomorrow and we are halfway through!

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #26892
    • Total Posts: 241

    Thanks Caz πŸ™‚ I no longer have the urge to message her, which is great, as it did develop into an obsession. But I now feel so down. I am not the guy she fell in love with and I ended up being spiteful and humiliating her. Sometimes I question how she could possibly still love me. But this is just a passing moment, and I am sure she may have those same moments.

    I bet our exes still think about us a great deal. We just need to make coming back to us worth their while. We need to be who we were before, but better.

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #26853
    • Total Posts: 241

    Thanks Caz! I think I may very well do that. She has been so brainwashed by her parents. And I proved them correct by my behaviour πŸ™

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #26850
    • Total Posts: 241

    Just our first date. The chemistry was there from day one. We did so much on that date, and had such fun. It was on a wonderful sunny day. Then after that we had more amazing dates and she became scared I would leave her. That was her number fear throughout, that I would leave her. She thought I was too good. I just cannot get my mind around how it came to this situation πŸ™

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #26840
    • Total Posts: 241

    Ok, going through a hard time again. Going to a meeting and had to do the same route we took on our first date to canary wharf…it’s hard for me. She lives just outside London, so she is not surrounded by the memories like I am πŸ™ i miss her so much. It wasn’t supposed to happen, what her parents did was so wrong.

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #26803
    • Total Posts: 241

    Thanks so much! Likewise. We are still early into our Nc, so anything can happen!

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #26798
    • Total Posts: 241

    I hope so, but maybe she thinks that I haven’t text her, because she is in a foreign country. This is why I want to wait longer.

    I hope she makes contact and remembers how we had such an amazing time.

    But yes, positivity is the main thing. Time and space work to our advantag, allowing them to miss us. And then we have th the magic letter. So there is plenty of opportunity!

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #26792
    • Total Posts: 241

    Yes,give it time πŸ™‚ she will come back to this country again soon, although I am scared she will miss the other guy πŸ™ or that things went too far in my craziness. I was so crazy.

    Today is good, I am at work and am quite busy, as I have lots of meetings to attend.

    How about you?

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #26783
    • Total Posts: 241

    I feel ok! I keep checking to see if she has unblocked me from Facebook, alas not yet. It’s as if I am looking for gratification when I meet milestones.

    Glad you are well. And yes we can!

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #26761
    • Total Posts: 241

    Two weeks, Caz! We made it! One more day and we are halfway to 30 days!

    How are you feeling?

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #26641
    • Total Posts: 241

    Thank you! You too πŸ™‚

    I am feeling so much stronger than before. I hope she still loves me.

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #26623
    • Total Posts: 241

    He says that in the moment. I have seen success stories when the ex has said a similar thing. You can do it! I know, 2 weeks! We will get them back, Caz πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #26611
    • Total Posts: 241

    Wow, that is what people told me too. But we both know our situations are so messed up and we know what we had with our exes was special. Unlike a lot of others, our exes did not fall out of love with us, we drove them away. We are the ones they wanted.

    Do not listen to naysayers, most people don’t succeed, because of those negative mind sets. You can get him back if you really want him, and I believe you will. Emotions simply do not go away. We are not even at two weeks yet. I think you will realise many people on this forum have had to wait much much longer for the results.

    This forum is for those few who really want to get their exes back, and I believe we have a better chance by following the rules and working on ourselves than we would otherwise. This forum is for lost love, not random flings, which most relationships are and cannot be fixed once damage is done, because there was no love.

    We are the rare exception. We were in love and that is a rare experience – and again I will stress that there are success stories, but only by those who kept to the rules, including no contact. He is probably already wondering about you. You can do it. Of course he meant it. He wasn’t just a random guy, you had a deep and meaningful relationship! Two weeks tomorrow!

    in reply to: Struggling – day 7 NC #26606
    • Total Posts: 241

    I think it is easy for me (from an outside perspective) to see that it is not over. I think you live in a prison in your own mind and that the situation is a lot better than you might think. He will be back!

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