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  • in reply to: The Mornings Are The Worst #30878
    • Total Posts: 241

    Hello ChrisLovesChris. I want to tell you something, a miracle last night all due to an amazing human being named Merchaunt on here. Although I would liken him to a gift from God.

    I think a few people on here know my story. My ex’s parents (but most importantly my own behaviour) made my ex break up from me and consider someone else, who she saw behind my back. I learned she was in tears when the parents berated her for choosing me and that she didn’t even want to see him. It was my fault, I was immature, and afterwards I harassed her for 3 months to the point she would no longer contact. I texted her sometimes 20 times a day with no response. I was so nasty and I regret it so much, but I just wanted her to acknowledge me.

    I tried talking to her friends, they did not respond either, I even got one of my best friends to message her on my behalf, again no response. Then yesterday happened. I saw on her Facebook profile that the guy her parents preferred had posted a picture of her having Valentine’s drinks. I could not take it. It upset me so much, I went clubbing was so upset and then afterwards I shared his status so that everyone could see and stated that her parents made her see him to the point of tears. It was so stupid and basically me giving up.

    I told Merchaunt. He insisted she still loved me and would talk to me again. It was hard to believe any of this. I had given up. He asked for her Facebook address, and I did so, then went to sleep.

    And do you know what? The next thing I hear is my phone ringing, and it’s her. She contacted me! And we spoke on the phone. It was amazing. She said she was angry and asked me to take down the shared post, but stressed that she wanted us to be on good terms again. Afterwards I spoke to Merchaunt, and somehow he had convinced her to speak to me. Once more, he asked if she loved me and she did not answer. I could not believe it, we were even texting. She had also unblocked me from Facebook.

    It is amazing and an absolute miracle. I am now planning to better myself in every aspect and respect and honour her and her family. I feel that I can get her back now.
    It still feels surreal. And it is all down to this guy who came from no where, known on here as Merchaunt.

    Listen to him. Please. If I had not listened to him, I would not be in this position. Just please, trust him. He wants nothing in return. He just wants to help, and I owe him so much.

    in reply to: I broke no contact after 29 days… #30678
    • Total Posts: 241

    Yo guys, thanks. So I received some advice from a certain someone yesterday and contacted her parents on Facebook, via a fake Facebook account (as they blocked me) and I stated that I was very sorry for the way I acted, but that I do love their daughter a lot.

    So far,they haven’t read it. They may not bother and delete it.

    I think the parents are the key to this. I think you may be right in saying another 30 days of no contact might work. I plan on sending her a letter.

    I want to get across that life is good for me and that I really would like her in my life.

    It is a battle against all the odds to even get a response from her. She may be happy with her new guy and just wants to move o. Although I am not sure how a relationship works, if it all down to the parents…

    I have to be honest with myself. She probably wants me to leave her alone.

    in reply to: I broke no contact after 29 days… #30413
    • Total Posts: 241

    Hey guys. I guess I lost hope. It was her decision to leave me and she was talking about our that guy before.

    I have done some unforgiveable things and have basically been stalking her. I mean pretending to be a friend texting from my phone, saying I was in hospital and hopes she got what she wanted? 20 texts on some occasions, all crazy?

    I sent long messages apologising before no contacT. I just feel it is hopeless. She will never speak to me again and is happy with her new guy. Her parents are also more important than me.

    in reply to: I broke no contact after 29 days… #30298
    • Total Posts: 241

    And if anyone is, she will never reply.

    in reply to: Help me..!!! 30days NC #30282
    • Total Posts: 241

    Merchaunt gave the best advice you will ever receive. Would love to know what you think of my situation, Merchaunt.

    in reply to: Help me..!!! 30days NC #30267
    • Total Posts: 241

    This girl sounds like a waste of time and very confused.

    I think you news to create a false friendship with her and make her think you’re seeing other girls. Don’t chase her, make her chase you!

    in reply to: Struggling during NC #29201
    • Total Posts: 241

    Yes, and you haven’t acted crazy yet. Please, just give her space and time.

    in reply to: Struggling during NC #29196
    • Total Posts: 241

    Na, she wanted me out of her life. Nothing I can do. Parents against me, new relationship. I acted like a psycho stalker. I am doomed. I am kind of Ok with it now though. She was the love of my life, but not a lot I can do.

    in reply to: Struggling during NC #29193
    • Total Posts: 241

    She also told me to leave her alone, is seeing something new else, blocked my number and ostrcacised me for 4 months. I doubt I can.

    You will be fine. Just think positive, but give her space.

    in reply to: Struggling during NC #29188
    • Total Posts: 241

    Just give yourself time to get over her before you try again

    Don’t mess up like me. A lot of people tell me I can get my ex back. But I know it’s over, I messed up too much.

    Don’t do what I did

    Good luck

    in reply to: Struggling during NC #29179
    • Total Posts: 241

    I wouldn’t take it too seriously. But I would also listen to her. I think you need to give it time still.

    But it is positive that she holds no bad feelings towards you. Just be positive!

    in reply to: Struggling during NC #29174
    • Total Posts: 241

    I know how you feel. The guy who is with my ex was hitting on her before, but she wasn’t interested, and he finally wormed his way in, after the parents made her see him. He must be pretty proud of himself.

    in reply to: Struggling during NC #29170
    • Total Posts: 241

    Sounds like his purpose was to help her get over you.

    I think your ex needs to see that you have moved on, if you see to get her back and start a NEW relationship.

    Please, take this advice. You can get her back. But only if you convince yourself that it is over and she will never get her back. This will help you get over her, and only then will you have a chance.

    in reply to: Struggling during NC #29068
    • Total Posts: 241

    NC is not just about your ex, but about yourself too. You need to heal too. And it’s not just about getting her to miss you, but erasing those bad memories and her forgetting you as this needy desperate guy. You will come back a new you and start a new relationship.

    Do not worry, she won’t get married if you leave it longer. She won’t go away.

    I am trying, so so hard. I fear I have done way too much now. I was absolutely psycho for so long.

    in reply to: Struggling during NC #29028
    • Total Posts: 241

    Well they tried adding him to Facebook and he didn’t accept. It wasn’t because they liked him. They just wanted her to breakup from me and to move on.

    I would keep up no contact. Maybe 60 days of no contact? She will miss you eventually. She probably already is. She seems to have moved on too quickly. Try not to worry. You still have a lot of hope!

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