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  • in reply to: Desperate here #109784
    • Total Posts: 26

    I would unfollow, not unfriend, but unfollow the friends he hangs out with a lot and him too. just so you don’t see any notifications about your ex. Continuing NC is the only chance you have in getting him back. You need him to make him curious about you. Make him miss you. usually that will make a person reminence the good times. you can do this! Just go out and enjoy life! Pick up new hobbies and meet new people.

    in reply to: NC – still living together #109783
    • Total Posts: 26

    Doing NC while living together is tough but it is possible. Proceed NC but since you do live together only respond to the things that are really important. like topics about the bills, chores, and house problems. other than that he doesn’t need to know anything else that deals in your life. you can also give out quick and simple answers but don’t go into details. Don’t start any conversations. let him be curious about you.

    in reply to: Feeling anxiety 16 days into No Contact. #109782
    • Total Posts: 26

    It’s pretty tough. But I give you so much credit for staying in NC. Everyone has their doubts in NC methods, but it really does work. It made my ex text me back everyday, every other hour, and trying to plan dates. At the end I decided not to go back. There was no point going back to the person who lost my trust.

    My best friend who is dealing with a break up and is trying no contact, had her doubts about NC until I sent screenshots of my success of NC. Which helped her feel a little bit more confident. You also would really have to creat a list of good and bad things about your relationship. Making a list helps you determine if it worth saving. as time go by just build a better you. Go out and have fun! Meet new people and pick up a new hobby 🙂

    in reply to: Ending no contact #109671
    • Total Posts: 26

    How long were you guys together? if it was long and meaningful you might have a chance again if you imply NC and improve yourself.

    in reply to: Help! I broke the no contact rule! #65474
    • Total Posts: 26

    Only one thing to do dear.. Restart no contact and stay fully commited to no contact for 30 days. during this time you should be rebuilding yourself, keep yourself busy, do the things you love to do, or meet new people. Do not fill your head with worries that your ex will jump into a new relationship. If it does happen that is out of our control, right? There is no point in consistently worrying about it. What will happen will happen regardless. All you can do is focus on yourself. Know your worth and know what you deserve. If he has feelings for you, he won’t go anywhere. So be strong for yourself and do the no contact. You can do this (:

    in reply to: In the early stages doing the 30 day no contact rule #51983
    • Total Posts: 26

    speaking of unfriend. My ex just unfriend me. Hah. *rolls eyes* it hurt but I am still not going to contact him.


    Right now your ex is full with negative emotions. So of course right now all he could think of is that the break up was a good idea. The first time my (ex) boyfriend and I broke up (this is our 2nd) he had told me face to face that we were done and that I should move on. he texted me before “don’t worry I know someone out there will treat you the way you should be treated.”. So when I applied NC for almost a month he called me back crying. Because I been ignoring his text. His text came from “how are you?” to “hey can we have dinner” to “please let me see you”. Then one day after work he called me, crying. he wanted us to meet. I was iffy about it but he kept insisting. My point is let NC do its wonders. even though I have experienced this before I’m also iffy about my situation still. Like I feel like “maybe we are done at this point now.” Since this is the second time we broke up. But just trying to get by and act tough and do NC. You can do it too. We are here for you.

    in reply to: Does Facebook breach no contact? #51788
    • Total Posts: 26

    You can actually still be his friend on Facebook but unfollow everything he posts. Go to his profile, and unfollow him. His post will never appear on your news fed. That’s what I did. I use Facebook as an advantage to make him wonder, curious, and miss me. I would post up pictures of me having fun with family, work outs, etc. I would prefer you don’t post up pics of you getting crunk in the club, drinking relentless, anything bad actually. (Just as an example.)
    Let him see that you’re doing fine.

    • Total Posts: 26

    Hi everyone I am 25yrs old is/was in a 7 years relationship

    Day 5

    I don’t even know where we stand. We argued and you told me to just told me to leave you/break up with you when I tried to apologies. I walked away hoping you’d stop me. why do you always do that? Why do you always push me away whenever things get tough? all the things you said to me like marriage, traveling, and family seems so distant. I hope you didn’t mean what you said and giving you the space you need will clam you down and hoping we could really fix things.
    I really hope to hear from you soon.

    • Total Posts: 26

    @all one

    Keep yourself busy :/
    please don’t stress yourself.
    I know…”easier said than done”
    My NC is killing me too. But please try keeping yourself busy. it probably won’t hurt as much as checking yourself in a mental hospital if you do.

    in reply to: In the early stages doing the 30 day no contact rule #51533
    • Total Posts: 26

    Don’t respond to that. He’s probably waiting to hear a response. Don’t give him that. Just keep up the no contact rule.

    • Total Posts: 26

    Don’t be too available to him. You guys are still not official so there’s no need to be there for him all the time – you have your life too. Don’t be needy or clingy because that will just push him away. You said he wants to take it slow, so just observe how he treats you or this relationship “slow” and just follow how does it. Don’t have sex if you guys aren’t official.

    • Total Posts: 26

    About 2 weeks. He texted me to check up on me. I felt like it wasn’t important text to reply to; so I ignored it. After that he started to message me often. The more I ignored it the more he felt anxious wanting to see me and talk to me. He asked me to have dinner with him, I still didn’t reply to it. The second time he asked I kindly rejected it and told him I needed my space and time. I think a few days later he ask if we could meet or have dinner again (see how effective my nc was?lol.)
    I actually kinda miss the NC Stages to be honest. Now that we are back together for almost 2months I feel that he hasn’t tried to make plans for me as much as he did when he tried to get me back. But I’m trying this thing, which is almost like NC. Hopefully it I will have some progress
    How is your Nc so far?

    in reply to: 3 Months and I still miss him- Please Help! #47094
    • Total Posts: 26

    I really can’t explain but I want you to search up in Google. Put “understanding men by a new mode” the site should be anewmode dot com. It helped me understand more of why my boyfriend grew apart from me. I’m sorry I didn’t get to finish reading your story for me to fully understand, but what I read is what I been through. My boyfriend was really lost. He had been stressing out over double jobbing, fixing his car, and other things.

    When you go to that site, I want you to not only read that article but at the end of that article you’ll find PINK colored links that will relate to your situations. Read them. They helped me a lot. It’s actually very calming to me for me to understand.

    Reading articles from that site and others helped me stay calm and made NC bearable and of course keeping myself busy by going out with friends and going gym.

    in reply to: sex after breakup…is there hope? #42323
    • Total Posts: 26

    By the looks of it theres still a chance because whenever you tried doing NC she would still contact you. Try NC again and this time be more strict. I believe you can still reply to her, but she has to be the one who initiates the first text. Your replies should be short and simple. If you text back a long reply back, she is going to know that you miss her and right now you are trying to make her think you dont. Also, try not to reply right away and try not to hold a long conversation. If she calls/texts dont sound depressed or angry. Sound like you are fine and maybe happy. Maybe tell her all the things you been doing to keep you busy and tell her all the fun things (hobbies) you been doing. Small talks only. Be the one to end the conversation.
    Dont have sex unless you guys are officially back together.

    in reply to: Got a text not sure how to respond!!! Important! #42087
    • Total Posts: 26

    Not too sure how many time you can actually do NC until it doesn’t work, but since she knows you’re still talking to her and talking about your relationship, she has you wrapped around her fingers. Sometimes, an ex knowing that you still have that feeling helps them get over the break up. That’s why being friends is never an option. Maybe down the road when you no longer have feelings for her as a girlfriend, but as of now you want her more than a friend, right? Try applying NC again. If she initiates the first text you can reply, but short answers. Try not to have a long conversation. You need her to miss you.

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