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  • in reply to: How to fill the void? #61150
    • Total Posts: 47

    LauraH ,thanks for support. I can’t think clear anymore . Yes it’s very good point .If he did moved on within 28 days he never loved me .Its very good point. Idea with travaling is very good. But I just been to Mexico.Read my story please here
    I think it’s all my fault. He treated me very nice , I am the one who been wrong about thing. I the one who didn’t compromised. And he probably got tired of that one day.But after I started contacting him and see him I changed and compromised . But it was too late. He moved on.
    I don’t know about if he stared date some one or not . But yes he acting weird. Especially after one of the party he been too. I have feeling like he must met somebody there. Because before this party he did seemed like he still interested in me .Now not . I asked him directly yesterday ;” did you met someone and staring dating? ” He said no. He said ;I just want to start new life , work a lot , I sell my house ( he lives there for 16 years) See my friends and bla bla bla. I really didn’t understand what’s going on with him. He completely changed within 28 days. Seems like he trying get rid of everything what what he had when we been together . I don’t understand why is like this ? Is he panishing me for something ? I guess I offended him so deep that he can’t forgive me.?

    in reply to: Help me please #61082
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    Updetes .
    So here is and of my story ?unfortunately.
    I seen him today , I will explain all now , two day ago he had party with all his best friends. We met with him 3 days ago just to grab a drink .And he tald me there ,that he going to go to the party with his friends on Saturday. He didn’t invited me .Yes , he didn’t .? So today I texed him ;” how are you , and how is party? “. And he invited me to grab some lunch , today . So , i met him . He kissed me , I asked him how was the party and I found out he was at the party where is all his friends been with their gilfriends .I and I asked direct ” if your friends been there with all their gilfriends why ! why you didn’t took me there ? And you know what he said !? He said ; I am not his girlfriend, you and I broked up .? I said calm ,( it’s really was explosion in my soul and my had and in my fellings ) ” then Why you are tryed to have sex with me then ? ”
    And he said ;” because I am just a man “. I just want sex.
    I asked ;are you still attracted me physically?
    He said – yes . It’s so good Karina ,that you are didn’t give me sex ! it’s would be a problem , it’s would be a such mess between us ?. I am so happy we didn’t had sex .” period …
    That’s what he have said. Really.?
    I really was in shock . I have no feeling to explain how did I felt at the moment. Then I asked him to explain how he feels like , what he thinking about our relationship, about me , about us . He said he wasn’t happy , and we are not good much . And this month made him feel and realize that a lot . He is going to sell his home , move go into sport and exercises a lot and work . He said that when I left he didn’t had any hope for our relationship any more . Let that’s mean that’s it.
    That’s all. We said good buy each ocher, I went one place ,he went to other . That’s all. It’s the and of our story, unfortunately. I did all could , I try to compromise. It’s did work out . I just want to say tto the all people who read now , I sue some people read now or later .just small tips , First; never say goodbye to people you really love and it’s going to be and that way. You will not have chance and more . And other never give sex after you broked up. Just read my story. You you get the conclusion.

    in reply to: Help me please #60946
    • Total Posts: 47

    What you can recommend me to do ? I so need your advise !
    He wrote me agein just now ;
    Morning. Maybe an episode of ….”…” tonight?( Tv show we used to watch together ) ?
    He only want one thing , sex . What I must to say ?He is waiting for my response. So it’s doesn’t sound rude , because then last time I said no , he disappeared .

    in reply to: Help me please #60945
    • Total Posts: 47

    He keep inviting me to his home.
    He doesn’t say date, he doesn’t invite me to restorant . He say , lets match movie at my place .?
    What should I do ? How to explain I am not interested in just sex ?

    in reply to: Help me please #60857
    • Total Posts: 47

    So he has texed me ; how are you? and sent me a lot of pictures of this work .
    I v noticed he goes back and force . One day he is nice , other day supper cold . Talking to me like he knows me 1 week.

    in reply to: Help me please #60799
    • Total Posts: 47

    He is a nice man . And good person , kind. I know his best friend , him and her dated in college . He can be friend with ex. I don’t know what is in his head now . He changed a lot and behave very different.
    I completely lost with him . I just decided not sms him any more . If he will sms me fine , I will respond . If not , I don’t want do that again .
    thanks for your help !??

    in reply to: Help me please #60791
    • Total Posts: 47

    That’s a long story . And not very nice story .
    We fought about financial part in our relationship. So ,he makes lets say 10 -15 k a month or more and I make 3k per month . When we stared dating he knew , when we been traveled he paid for all , but he is who offers that . When we went to restaurants or bars he paid. And in 11 month he tald me first time , Karina , you never pay for anything . All my friends are pay with their girlfriends 50/50 or at least 70/30. I said him , hey , you make much more money than I do , I can’t pay 50/50, are you seriouse ? Then I offered him option so he can feel better , I will buy you a drink if we have some out night , will you feel happier ? He said -yes . then I left for couple weeks to my home country to Europe , to visit my parents . The day when I came back we spent awesome .Next day in a morning he started a bad mood and stared talk to me like this ; Where is my breakfast ? Are you going cooking me breakfast ? Let’s go to gym , you are not exercise enough. All day he been in bad mood and me too and I could see that there is something annoy him . At 6 pm , he said he is bored and want something to do , and I was in enternet ,We started fight , that I was in Internet and he said he will leave than . I got mad that he wants to leave and wants leave me along at his home , because I have not seen him 3 weeks .And he got mad that I was in enternet . Finally we started fight and money topic came again !!!!He said I am not enough Financially committed , and again and again talked about his friends . How they date their girls .? So we couldn’t talk any more calm and he left . And I left too . But before that we both said , like -let’s brake up than if we don’t understand each other .,
    That’s the story . ? And he left me at his home , I left his home in 2 hours later . He never texted me month . I did, I tald all the story here, First time he seems like he into me again , happy that I texted . Now after I didn’t give a sex , he is cold , uninterested, never text me fist. Talk to me like I am a stranger for him . ?
    I finally texted him said like; it’s would be nice if you at least have said like have a safe flight and how are you ? And in couple hours he texted me bake ; “Did you just text? I saw something come through and than it disappeared.
    Hey you how is the wonderful Cancun?Any ways hope your having fun!Ah there it is. Sorry if you feel like I wasn’t concerned. I just think air travel is safer than driving in a car. What have you down there so far?”
    I sent him some pictures , he said – awesome ! that’s it . ?
    No conversation , nothing . He looks like he makes me a favor that he responding sometime . And treat me like I am an acquaintance . I don’t really he any future with that kind of relationship , when one person don’t want anything there is nothing you can do . ?

    in reply to: Help me please #60787
    • Total Posts: 47

    Thanks a lot for help !
    I really don’t know that to do .
    We been in almost year dating before broke up . We had very closed ,tender very intuitive and honest committed relationship . He had been sharing with me private things and I did same too. He loved travel with me , before relationship with me me he traveled only in to a few countries , when we met we stared travel abroad ones in 3 month at least and a lot in USA too . I by myself spoiled it all , that was good relationship so far . This month completely changed him . I am not recognize him .
    He act like he don’t care . He doesn’t text me it all ! Only respond if I v texted .If he comes to see me he looks like he made me big favor. Last time like I said I slept at his home , but was no sex. I didn’t wanted to sleep in his place either , he asked me for , promised if I don’t want we will not have sex , just cattle. He knows I leaving to Mexico , he has my viber ,email , phone but … he didn’t texted me to say ; have a safe trip , no have are you , if I landed or not ? What’s what we did when we dated always . I think that’s it . He moved on. I can see that . He don’t thinking of me , don’t care , Don’t text . I feel like I must have move on too .What else I can do ?
    I contacted first , I did texted first twice . He does not looks interested . He has no plan about me in his life . His birthday coming , I asked if he wants to do something , he said that he is not care and probably will stay home . I don’t know …
    I wanted to text him from here Mexico , but I don’t want now with that kind his treatment to me , I think I shouldn’t .?

    in reply to: Help me please #60774
    • Total Posts: 47

    I felt like text him and say ; It Would be nice if you at least would say : have a safe flight !
    I didn’t texted , and I feel I shouldn’t do that . But … I so much want !

    in reply to: Help me please #60773
    • Total Posts: 47

    So … I texted him yesterday . Because he wasn’t text me it all 5 days after we seen each other last time . It wasn’t very good honestly . I texted him afternoon and asked how he is doing , he responded in 3 hours ,but he been at work , that’s why . Then me and my friends went out and had a drink , I been little texting with him and he doesn’t sound like he interested too much texting me back , but, I still asked him is he wants to joint me . And he said – yes . So he walked to the place I been ( my friend left at the moment ) And his face expression was like he made huge favor for me because he showed up . I even didn’t knew how to act . Then he had few glasses of wine and started slowly warming up . Then he invited me watching movie at his home and we cuddled. Then I said I need go home . He started asking me about stay and sleep with him . I said I am not ready for sex and he said it’s ok . Just wants cuddle . Then in the morning he tryed having sex I said -no still . So he dropped me home .He said that he will see me after my trip to Mexico . So , I am at airport , and it’s 10 min before my flight . He even didn’t told me have a good safe flight . ?? He did that all the time before . Not any more . What should I do ? How should I act ? He just don’t care about me any more !!! really , it’s so sad …
    I probably must to move on with him finally . Should I ? I need your help .

    in reply to: Help me please #60641
    • Total Posts: 47

    You said your ex been angry too . What did you do after that situation ? Did you contacted him or he did first ? And how long did you waited before you contacted , or him?

    in reply to: Help me please #60640
    • Total Posts: 47

    Germany ,very cool ! I v been to Munich , very beautiful country ) Thanks , I will try to have fun .?
    When do you think I should text him ? When is the best time ? I am leaving on Thursday and he knows about that by the way . So we seen each other on Saturday last time , after that, silence …
    Do you think it’s better write him on Wednesday the day before I leave or from Mexico ?
    And what to write ? That’s the question .
    You know how we anded last time lol . When he agrecivly attracted me with sex and I was not ready .
    Interesting what is in his head now . He is angry , insecure or opposite, thinking that I will do what he wants ?
    Last thing I want that he thinks that I am doormat and he can use me for sex when it’s convenient .?
    I got so confused about what I should do with this relationship.
    If I will keep texting him every time first he will lose last respect I think . What is your opinion on that ?

    in reply to: Help me please #60599
    • Total Posts: 47

    Sorry for my grammar ,I am from Europe , English not my first language.

    in reply to: Help me please #60598
    • Total Posts: 47

    Sofia1997 Thanks so much for warm words! They supported me a lot. I came back home so disappointed. I thought all went well and there is a chance us to be happy together . Till yesterday night . Now I see he doesn’t care much . May be like you said it was just his ego. Oh yea … here we go , she came back lol , She can be doormat . But I want back nice committed relationship like we had before ,not just sex on the weekends.I am 32. So you think I shouldn’t contact him? What if he will never wants to contact me anymore ? He dropped me off and he was discouraged, didn’t looked happy it all. I said , I had good time today , thanks for the brunch. Have a good night .And I left . He didn’t said anything…
    I going to take a trip to Mexico in a few days and he knows about that, I tald him yesterday when we had brunch .Yes , I do feel betrayed. ?

    in reply to: Help me please #60581
    • Total Posts: 47

    I came back completely disappointed today , almost crying .Here what happened .
    So ,I didn’t contact my ex for 28 days after breakup. Then 3 days ago I v decided contact him for the first time . I wrote to him : Hello , how are you ,we haven’t seen each other for sometime , I hope all is well with you. He did responded back immediately . He said like he is really sick , He has cold . I offered him some help . Brought him some food. We watched movie together and I went home , and he paid for the lyft. Then next day he sms me at 10 am he said like he decided pay for my gym again (membership) . And next day he texted me , he said he going to go to the gym with me next day. So ,basically we spent all day together today at the gym ,then he I had offered to go to restaurant have some brunch and then after that have some food at his home and watch tv . So , we cooked some dinner together ,opened bottle of wine ,had a good time …then I said I need to go home it was 10,30 pm . He started kiss me and wanted basically having sex!!!!! That was really unexpected. He wasn’t try to kiss me or so all these days . 2 of them we seen each other .He attacked me and tried get my pants off and fuck me (.I am in shock still . I said him -no! I am not ready for sex аnd don’t touch me please.
    He got offended I could see that and he dropped me home and I think thats it. He even didn’t sms me saying I am sorry for that . Just I am pretty much sure he will not call me any more. I think that he thinks because I have contacted him first I am ready for everything just to return him back (. But I am not , I have self-respect . And what should I do now? Please help me .

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