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  • in reply to: How to fill the void? #63485
    • Total Posts: 47

    My therapist says he never loved me . Because if he did he would never done that with me . And would wanted to give a chance for this relationship. My ex ( my therapist thinks) loved himself in that relationship. He felt himself especial . That’s why he been there for a while .

    in reply to: How to fill the void? #63482
    • Total Posts: 47

    Laura.H you been so right that my ex never loved me in a first place ! Never . He just love himself .

    in reply to: How to fill the void? #63480
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    Be very careful . My ex did the same . When he texted me he said ; Oh Karina , you are world traveler , I really miss travaling with you .
    Tell your mom hello from me .
    I am very happy you staring your own business .
    Are you still go to our gym ?
    I still pay for our gym , for your too .
    I missed your cooking really .
    Let’s go and eat to your national food restaurant .
    I mentioned about some good Hamburger place in city , he said , I want take you there.
    See , I try to by gentleman open you door , I never done that .
    And when he had sex he disappeared for 8 days . Non text , non calls .
    That’s what he texted me after I asked why he came back to me ;” I wanted not end things on such a bad note , and then we ended up sleeping with each other too soon. I don’t think I will make you happy in relationship honestly , I am too set in my ways of being selfish.”
    And this is the person been saing that he going to preposal me !?
    And this is the person who said to me on 6 th date I am woman of his life and he love me!?
    And this is the person was in my county and wanted meet my parents ?!
    And this is ther person took me to introduce me with his mom !?
    And this is the person who took 6 month my native language classes ?!
    And this is the person I been really worry about and been keep saing how good person he is!?
    Remember ? 3 month ago basically .
    I am not recognizeing him. That’s the person who is came to fuck me and leave in week and broked me hart just to prove himself that I still in to him lol. That he is cool . Because I really didn’t contacted him 1,5 month and seemed fine without him .
    Few month ago Kevin had article here ; He said one woman wanted her boyfriend back so she can brake up with him , because she wants to make him feel as bad as she felt . That’s pretty much what my ex done 2 time with me after brake up .He is just miserable shit . He really doesn’t deserve any of my tears:(
    Don’t believe your ex . He wants it for self gratification.
    I can’t believe I was so naive I stated trust him back . ???
    I have no doubt my ex will try to do that again . What do you think ?
    And you don’t trust him . He is full of shit probably . Sorry .

    in reply to: How to fill the void? #63466
    • Total Posts: 47

    I think my ex came to take revenge . Because of my slap at the bar . He pretended that he wanted to come back to me and wants relationship and in reality he just wanted sex and prove me that he wone . Prove him and me that after 1,5 month I still want to be with him . I did not know that he is so Cruel person. I really hate him now . No feelings nothing .I sincerely hope that life will punish him for that …

    in reply to: How to fill the void? #63305
    • Total Posts: 47

    Thanks ! I think he thought that *friends * -person who he can fuck when its convenient lol Its not going to be like that with me !
    I made mistake that I slept with him on 3th date . But in normal cases if people really love each other its fine. WE not 19 years old . And we been together for 1, 5 year so far. I hope he will never come back any more .Because I just don’t want hear about him. He is just piece of shit.

    in reply to: How to fill the void? #63298
    • Total Posts: 47

    Generally, after sex, I have not heard from him for 8 days. I texted him today because I’m not move on , I was waiting and can’t work , live , create ( I’m a photographer). I wrote to him directly and asked what was going on and why you disappeared ? Of course he started making excuses ,like he was busy and or so. I told him we need to talk and figure out the relationship . I’m not going to tolerate this attitude and demand respect. I asked why he didn’t texted ,me a week and whats going on ? Why did you come back to me the first question . You know what he said ? He said ,he came back to make a point lol
    Because when I slapped him and felt ,that looked like we broke up too messy. And so he decided to play with me and be my friend , but suddenly we slept together too fast ( he said so) And he doesn’t want me for relationship. Here’s what he said , you have a bad character and I have a lot of my problems with the head , fears, etc. but I want to be a friend with you. I told him fuck u , I’m not going to be friends with you and sleep with you when it suits you, and I wrote him a very harsh text.
    I wrote that he is not very confident and immature man that I don’t need that, I completely disappointed his him . That he needs to finally grow up . I also said that someday he will understand that it is necessary to appreciate someone who cares about you , thinks and wants to be with you . You finally very disappointed me , hurt my fillings , that was your last chance,never try to contact me. Thats all. I don’t want hear about him , I finally realized he is not very good person it all if he treated me like this.

    in reply to: How to fill the void? #63290
    • Total Posts: 47

    I text him . I tell you what he said . When I will stop cry.

    in reply to: How to fill the void? #63282
    • Total Posts: 47

    You are right .

    in reply to: How to fill the void? #63280
    • Total Posts: 47

    I have updates lol
    Two weeks ago my ex texted me after 1,5 month we didn’t socialized .Do you remember what happened between us last time ? I slapped him right at the bar .
    , (1,5 month non seen,non talked ) So he started texting me , calling me , ask me every day how I am ,have a good night , reporting what he done all day , sending pictures . We met , we talked , we said sorry each other . And Stared seen each other again . And he really seemed like he sorry. Guess what he did next ? On 3 th date we had sex and he disappeared .? Can you believe ? I tryed texting him ones , I texted like ; hello , how are you ? What’s new ? And he talk to me cold , responding my text in 2/3 hours. And never texting me if I didn’t texted him first . I been with him last time 8 days ago .So since then silence .
    I am in shock . He distriyed my life basically.??I just stared recovering . I just stared feel ok .And that’s what he did with me . I don’t know that should I do now ? Should I talk to him again ? Would I tell him I am not going deal with that kind of treatment ?

    in reply to: How to fill the void? #62489
    • Total Posts: 47

    I hope you celebrated you birthday well . And had good time .
    My trip was ok . My gilfriend really tryed her best to entertain me .
    She showed me around .
    I still love my ex. I was on 3/4 dates . Didn’t helped much . I still think about him every day . I can’t change anything yet. It’s a month since I v seen him last time . Still a lot of questions why ? Why I love him and he don’t , Why he forgot me and I didn’t forgot him. Why he lives his life and I don’t .
    I thought I will fine , but I am not . I have therapyst now ones in 2 weeks . I can’t handle it by myself …

    in reply to: How to fill the void? #62121
    • Total Posts: 47

    Did he texted happy Birthday ?

    in reply to: How to fill the void? #61871
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    anyway ??

    in reply to: How to fill the void? #61868
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    Happy birthday !

    in reply to: How to fill the void? #61705
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    It’s crazy how our story is similar ?
    Yes , delete him every where .
    I am not going text him and don’t even want respond if he texting , which he will never do.
    I Threw away almost all his gifts , toys and photos . I removed it all his contacts . Skype , emails , sign out his Instagram , viber, phone number.
    He does not deserve me.
    He simply turned into another man for the last two months . I am sure that he cheated on me. And still date other woman . This woman he met at the party . That’s why he treat me like that.
    He is just a cheater and lier .
    I pretty much sure he will regret soon about what he did and how he treated me . I think even more , I felt like he already do regretting . That’s why he responded on my ascendent call immidetly . The call did looked like mistake , no body call 1 sec. And why I would call him on viber if I am here in USA and I have his phone number . Doesn’t make sense . And also when I texted him happy birthday at 11 pm he was in viber sign in. He was waited all day my apology for the slap and happy birthday . I know he was , I sure , because he is never goes to viber , only if I am in my home country or I travel , so me can talk . I feel like he did realized already what he did with me it’s too much ,”he made the cup run over.”And I am complitly moved on and not going trying date him any more .
    Yes , defiantly I am going have fun in Italy. That’s the only thing I can do now . My heart is completely destroyed .
    This Saturday I am going to be there already .In Italy .
    Today one of my friend came to the city from New York. Going to go with him to one of the best restaurant in town .He pays .
    Will try to entertain myself as much as I can . ? And happy for you that you having fun there too.
    Love Budapest !? Have fun there girl as much as you can ! Make sure you flirting with all of them there lol.

    in reply to: How to fill the void? #61697
    • Total Posts: 47

    Today he texed me ; thank you .
    I didn’t saying anything . And I will not .Thats it. that’s the and of the story . I start my new life.

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