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  • in reply to: Kinda success… #33538
    • Total Posts: 151

    Talk limited and when she is taking interest what do you want to write a letter ? Sometimes if other person is missing you,delaying it further or ignoring her might not help…so talk like how are you and how are things at your end ? etc etc no talk about miss you love you or set up a time to meet up,take it slow,btw I am not a expert

    in reply to: Kinda success… #33535
    • Total Posts: 151

    I think you should talk normal and reply on very limited note and don’t show your expressions,how long were the relationship and when did you guys broke up ?

    If you started Jan 1st I think its fair enough time to miss you and get some results, which in case you did got now.

    in reply to: What if I Can't Contact Her? #33077
    • Total Posts: 151

    If the other person is not interested or wanted to talk with you,its a good idea to leave them alone and walk gracefully,I did begged,cried,flowers,became a door mat,apologies,presents and what not for 5/7 months and still hope that my ex g/f will come back.But in jan beginning I gave up on everything and gave her space,i would not contact her anymore now.If she is interested she will.
    It happens for 2 reasons :-
    1) She was not satisfy with you when you were in relationship
    2) She was building hatred towards you when you did some actions which she didn’t like.
    3) You didn’t care or took her for granted.
    4) She found more better guy in terms of love and respect and she feels confident about the future.

    If you were seriously in love hold on to your emotions and I know its very tough and see if she comes back but same time live your life and not be a player but a happy person.

    in reply to: I tried, but now it's really over #32643
    • Total Posts: 151

    Just do NC and give her much needed space so she can forgot negativity from the relationship. You should check with her after 30/40 days.

    The hurt doesn’t came in all of sudden,it was building in her head from long time and there should be definitely breaking point where she decided enough is enough.

    So take it easy and give her space,period

    in reply to: Neutral Response after No Contact #31406
    • Total Posts: 151

    Hi Angel : If he is replying he is interested but may be hurt or doesn’t want to show his emotional part,take it slow and see the responses as moving forward and act accordingly,but don’t do too many texts or calls.It is the most tough situation after the break up and I know it hurts esp when you controlled it for 30 days.

    What was the reason for your break up and how long you guys were together ?

    Are you in 510 area code ? I am in Fremont….LOL

    in reply to: I proposed my Ex.. All went Wrong..Plz help!! #31296
    • Total Posts: 151

    Work on 3 things :- I am not expert

    If you can’t than it will spoil even the friendship zone and than you will have no chance at all.
    And if you are in hurry and can’t control your emotions and wanted to get in relationship very fast than you should move on.

    Decision is yours.She is hurt and it will take some time to be back with her.

    How long was your NC ? and for how long you both were dating ?

    in reply to: How to get my Scorpio woman back #30735
    • Total Posts: 151

    btw I forgot my ex g/f is scorpio too that’s why I

    in reply to: How to get my Scorpio woman back #30734
    • Total Posts: 151

    Scorpio women are very mysterious and hard to know about what’s is in there mind.My girl friend I should call her ex too,was in love for 4 years and gave me her 100% for 4 years and now right after I blocked her last year,she became cold,distant and never came back,but she gave me mixed signals which kept my hope up and still it.But its been a year I am trying and she don’t wont even budge.

    Its hard to convince them & also same time they are very mysterious personality and don’t tell there plans to anyone even very close family member.

    I would say give her space and keep communication really low.Also once they decide on things its very hard to change it.

    Trust me I am trying from last one year and she doesn’t budge.You have to found root cause and than work on it.

    in reply to: He came Back-my reconciliation story #30002
    • Total Posts: 151

    Good Luck @ This is success story and I hope everyone with serious intentions and efforts get there ex back.

    LAbound and Patrick are amazing @ big round of applause for them…:))

    in reply to: NC killing she looks cool and full of anger #29750
    • Total Posts: 151

    Any updates Rahul @
    Is she contacted you and are you doing your NC.
    I am on 3rd week of NC and plan to do atleast another 2-3 weeks.

    in reply to: The Mornings Are The Worst #29706
    • Total Posts: 151

    I know how it is and let me tell you it is unbearable pain,it is much when you wake up and esp when there is no work.Yes I am been confused of all mixed stories of ex coming back and also not coming back.
    I have no clue if this NC is going to work or not.Because other party just don’t care my g/f is very cold and stubborn and she was never like this for 4 years of relationship.
    Its tough to do but what else we can do we have to live and keep going…((

    in reply to: Day 5 of No Contact #29297
    • Total Posts: 151

    Hi Michael…lol
    No i didnt tried to hijack her thread here,i was trying to post my link but for some reason I end up pasting the whole story,and i could not found the link for deletion later,Sorry about that.

    Thanks for your advice,appreciate it.

    • Total Posts: 151

    Yes right I am not sure if she is seeing some other guy but the way its been 6/7 months and her constantly saying me move on with my life bugs me that she does have a guy. She is keeping her social life very private and don’t talk to anyone about her personnel life.

    I think it is also hard for me to accept at this time that she is seeing someone new and I know one day, I will surely find out as she lives only 10 min away from my house and in same city.

    I am 37 and she is 28 and very attractive with no kids(never married) and where I am divorced and with one kid and had bunch of issues to deal with my ex wife all this past 4 years of my dating period with her.

    Yes I am making positive changes but it will take some time and also i will start dating after a while right now I am not ready to move on.
    I really hope she comes back after this NC even though she told me numerous times that she will never come back in my life.

    Thanks Michael @

    • Total Posts: 151

    Thanks @ Michael for the great information and I feel you.

    I am on NC now from Jan 13th and I don’t think I will contact my ex even after 30 days I might need atleast 2 months, so all her negativity towards me goes away.She is full of negativity all this time and me trying to make up with her,begging,sending flowers,apologies and be her door mat made it more worse I guess first she was chasing me like crazy and now after the break up I started chasing her.

    So, lets see how this NC plan works,my girl friend is stubborn kind too so that is taking a huge part.

    90 % of the people I talk to say it is too late now and I have very slim chances that it will work out btw it is almost 6-7 months but we were in touch all this time may be thru text once in week or meeting once in month.From last 2/3 months… I think I pushed her away or may be she got comfortable with some guy… that she kept telling me to MOVE ON as she has moved on with her life. First, after the break up she wanted me to wait if I want now its move on from her side.

    Thanks again Michael for your input.Appreciate it.

    in reply to: Day 5 of No Contact #28872
    • Total Posts: 151

    Hi Patrick,Can you please give me your advice after seeing below :-

    Hi,I was in approx. 4 years relationship with this girl.We had good/bad times together but mostly my time in 4 years was very rough as of my ex-wife,daughter & finances.My g/f stood by all this 4 years and was very committed to make it happen and get married.She waited all this years so I can sort out my differences with my ex-wife but when I was very close to settle with my ex-wife,i blew off my g/f when we had a fight & I blocked her for approx. 2 weeks.I called in after the blocked apologized and gave her flowers.This happened in Approx June 2014 and guess what my gf was never the same.I tried everything to get her back except NC.I gave her flowers,apology 1000s times,cried,begged,gifts,taking care of her mother,sister and saying sorry multiple times but in initial stage she told me to wait and as the time went by now after 2/3 months close to Nov she started telling me to move on as she has moved on with her life and she will not forgive me for my past mistakes where the most recent and outrageous was blocking her on cell phone and going vacation to vegas without her.She is been very distant,cold and don’t call or text or want to meet.I pissed her off all the time by contacting her texting her sending her flowers talking to her sisters & friend.
    Finally I gave up and now started doing NC from Jan 13th.Do you guys think I have a chance or its already over.
    All this time she communicated with me and was very angry and mentioned all my mistakes I did in all 4 years of relationship and where the breaking point was blocking on her cell phone and going on vacation.
    She was very sincere,wanted to get married and settle,infact march 2014 I also gave her ring which she loved.

    Please advice if I still have chance of getting back with her.I really loved her and she stood by all this time with me.

    Thanks in advance.

    January 29, 2015 at 1:18 am #27379 Reply | Report


    Total Posts: 13

    Oh Same time every time we talk oh phone or text(may be once in 10 days) she said all negative things about me,for example I blocked her on cell for 17 days,i went to vacation without her,i insulted her in front of my friend,i didn’t marry her when she was begging me to get married,i used her for sex,my mother is bitch,my daughter always came in middle of our relationship etc etc.
    She keeps repeating this all from 6 months and not getting tired of this,plus she tells me oh now its too late,she don’t want to come back to relationship,she wishes I should have thought this earlier,she will never forgive me,she will not come back even I die,she is happy without me and doing good blah blah blah.

    Thanks in advance @

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