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  • in reply to: Need Happy Birthday Plan and advise please. #56502
    • Total Posts: 151

    Also,if she has moved on and detached herself…she should not take any gifts from me..she took it last time on her bday and this time too.

    If I have no connection with anyone, I will not take any gifts from him/her on any occasions no matter.

    She tells her sister that I have given her very hard time when we were in relationship,not sure what does that mean and which hard time I gave her.I didn’t marry her when she was begging me for 2 years but I had lot of personnel issues with my ex wife which were still pending at that time.


    in reply to: Need Happy Birthday Plan and advise please. #56501
    • Total Posts: 151

    I am sorry for late response,i am sure my ex is emotionaly detached herself from me and the bangles are not going to make any difference.It is just me who is not accepting the fact even thou it is 1/5 years.

    She didn’t even bothered to say thank you in an email.I spoke to her sister and gave her a very small gifts, which she gave it to her and asked her that she should go back with me as I am waiting for long time but my ex response to her sister was very rude and basically told her to mind your own business.

    My ex is one of girl who once closes door it is very hard to open,her sister told me that one time she closed the door on her and didn’t speak with her for 2/5 years even though it was her real sister.

    She also said she is not sure what is in her mind,and she is not seeing any other guy at this time.

    I am not giving bangles and my bday is 13th dec so I will see if she wishes me or not.

    Thanks guys for support.When relationship ends it is loose for both parties not just one,so she also gave her 4 years to me and also will have unpredicted future and the same applies to me as well.

    REDVELET 10 yrs is very long time either you have too many qualities that this guy is not giving up or may be he is big time looser that he is not getting anything.This is long time and also I feel if other person gets a good partner they don’t care about previous partners anymore,end of the day it is all about how you get partner in future.If it is better than ex you don’t care or if it is worse you regret and feel it was part of your destiny.

    Thanks both red @ anthirum.

    in reply to: Need Happy Birthday Plan and advise please. #56402
    • Total Posts: 151

    Yes,she was in madly in love and begged me for 2 years to get married but I could not as of my personnel reasons.(ex wife divorce + other issues)

    Now I have been trying from 1/5 years and she don’t even budge,she is not seeing anyone else but doesn’t want to come back to me.

    I have done my best to bring her back to my life and proposed her to get married which was her long time wish,but now she doesn’t want to do anything related to me,no phone call,no text and not even emails.

    I think it is worth for me to move on now…:( I did made lot of changes and worked on all my mistakes but still she is not opening up door or giving me atleast last chance.

    f*** this stupid love

    in reply to: Need Happy Birthday Plan and advise please. #56375
    • Total Posts: 151

    I guess once the girl closes the heart and do break up,you cant open it no matter what you do to bring the relationship back.

    I think I am done,i wished her bday thru email after doing 4 months of NC and it was 2nd NC,but she didn’t even bothered to reply thank you.

    I will try to move on by end of the year,not worth waiting and working to get her back even I didn’t give up for 1/5 years.

    Good Luck everyone.

    in reply to: Need Happy Birthday Plan and advise please. #56359
    • Total Posts: 151

    No response from her…:(

    in reply to: Need Happy Birthday Plan and advise please. #56349
    • Total Posts: 151

    Ok.I wished my ex happy birthday today in an email,very simple 2 line email wishing her.Not sure if she will respond to it.Its been 4 months of 2nd NC now,last time I spoke to her was July2nd

    I have done my part as always and left it on her.

    Thanks everyone,wish me luck…now it is almost 1 year 6 months I am waiting for this girl and have not moved on.

    Never knew love can change me so much.

    in reply to: Need Happy Birthday Plan and advise please. #55956
    • Total Posts: 151

    Thanks Anthurium @
    You are genius

    I will email her first and if she replies in positive mannery,i will ask her if we can meet up & than take flowers/card with me.
    I am not sure how I will do fake friendship part,as I have still very strong feelingss and also I am not sure if she will reply to my email or would agree to meet up.

    Right now I am getting all ready and nervous,just on diet plan and hitting gym,will do nice haircut a day before and will prep myself,just in case she wanted to see me in person.

    Hoping it will open up the door and if not my bday is also coming up on 13th dec,so that is the 2nd option to connect and see if she wishes me bday.

    If none of the options work,than I will play the bangles part and see how it goes.

    I generally don’t give up so easy but this girl did hurted me bad and if she doesn’t agree on all 3 occasions, I will try to move on with my life….(

    Thanks again,btw how are things at your end ? Any updates or progress.

    in reply to: Need Happy Birthday Plan and advise please. #55924
    • Total Posts: 151

    Anyone with ideas or views ?
    If I meet in person should If she agrees which is highly doubtful,should I take some small gifts like tshirt etc ? or just flowers & cards is fine ?

    in reply to: Need Happy Birthday Plan and advise please. #55784
    • Total Posts: 151

    Yes,thanks scatteredtracks,i will email her one line wishing bday and see response to it and act accordingly…I think she might not respond to my email but keeping my fingers crossed.

    It is very hard to move on and I never imagine my life will change like this,where I think about her everytime and its been 1/5 year now…:( sucks.

    Gold bangles I thought that it might give her security that I still love her and that’s why I got expensive gift for her but you are RIGHT I cant buy her out esp she is not materialistic at all.

    Thanks again !

    • Total Posts: 151

    Again,what could be the reasons that my ex changes her cover and profile pictures in every week or so.Mostly love or hurt quotes.

    I stalk less but I see she is been active on facebook with hidden timeline.

    She was not a facebook person and had no facebook or less friends for a while.

    What is she trying to achieve by changing cover and profile pictures,keeping in mind that those pictures are visible to everyone even you are not friend.

    Does she puts it for me or for some other reason or may be new b/f,I am not sure and very very confused on this action.

    fyi :- I haven’t seen her for 4 months and spoke in one line email approx. 70 days back.So I am not NC and its been 1/5 years…I am waiting for her.

    • Total Posts: 151

    I am doing fine anthurium,thanks for wishes.I do miss her but I guess it is ok she is happy without me,so in my mind I want to see her happy.

    Its been 4 months I saw her and almost 70 days before I talked on an email which I sent her and she replied with one line response.(that she is ok and I should not worry about her)

    Its all good.Hope you are well and please focus on your life and well being.

    • Total Posts: 151

    Ok Thanks Anthurium for your advise all the time,i guess I now left it on time,it will heal…I don’t think I have chance and its fine,i will not regret as I really tried very hard to have her back…like they say if it is not in destiny no matter what you do,you will not get it.

    Keeping my invisible mode till her bday on 21st Nov…that’s it for now.Doing less stalking to her facebook now and literally I can only see her cover page and profile picture only,so It doesn’t give me much details anyways.

    • Total Posts: 151

    I know anthurium.Thanks for advice as always.If you were local I should have took you to dinner or show you san Francisco around…:))

    She is putting new love hurt quotes every week on her profile and cover pictures,and you need to remember now I am on invisible mode I am not on facebook,whatsapp and moreover I don’t talk to her sister also.

    So if she is putting quotes either she got hurt with any other guy she fall in love into or may be it is for me.In both cases I do think I have win win situation,if it was for someone else she is broken now or if it is for me she have started missing me and strict NC is working.

    I am taking it easy and relaxing till her bday,same time I am open for another relationship as it is been 1/5 years.

    in reply to: SHE AGREED TO COFFEE FACE TO FACE! #54538
    • Total Posts: 151

    Good Luck wondering,take it easy and be nice to her,i know it hurts but if you have loved this women its ok to have her decide on relationship.

    Girls if they get hurt it will take way more time to come back esp if it were very serious towards marriage,kids and family.

    Wish you the best luck for tomorrow and hope you have good time with her and again no pressure of coming back.Just relax and be nice.

    • Total Posts: 151

    Hi Anthuirum and Elanna :

    Quick Question :

    My ex changes her profile and cover picture on facebook with different depressing quotes about love and sometimes a picture with her g/f
    Her friends and timeline is hidden,i have deleted my facebook few weeks ago and but I do have 1/2 fake id where I keep checking her cover/profile photos.

    What does that means ?

    Like her profile or cover pictures get changed over the weekend,like her new profile(background picture) quote is :-
    ” loving the wrong person doesn’t mean you are stupid,it was stupid of that person not to appreciate your love ”

    I mean last week she had quote of don’t love too much don’t trust too much because that too much will hurt you so much.

    I am more than willing to work with her on each and everything and ready to settle,so why she is putting all this quotes for or may be there is someone else involved and I am just keep thinking about it.

    Please advise.Thanks in advance @

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