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  • john1234
    • Total Posts: 4

    @nell sorry to hear that nell 🙁 sometimes i get the urge to ask that same friend i talked about if my ex misses me, but with this possible new guy she might be interested in, idk if thats a good choice to ask. I dont want her to find out anything about me and end up pushing her. Also i read in another thretvad that theres someone like me that had over 2 months of NC and somehow after 3-4 months NC worked for them, so im not sure about reachng out now. I know my situation best but i should maybe try some dates now and not contact her. I dont wont want to seem desperate again.

    in reply to: How To Get Your Ex Back (Seriously) #24120
    • Total Posts: 4

    @amy90 thanks for that, im kind of on the fence about contacting my ex (except shes a girl, so i applied it to that). Its been 2 months and almost a half and im not desperate and clingy you could say, but by no means am i over her. In fact i recently saw a guy hitting on her in social media (didnt search for it and i dont have her as a friend.) And it made me angry. So i promised myself id let her go. That’s when i posted in the Anonymous Struggles with NC forum. And people suggested i wait a week or so to maybe contact to try and make a casual friendship, but now im not sure. Id give a link but im on my phone :p what do you think?

    • Total Posts: 4

    @Nell i want to thank you on ypur reply! I think that is a good idea and i will try that. Ill wait until this next Wednesday or thursday and if ready, i will come up with a draft for a letter or text. And ill ask for your guys’ opinion on this same thread so be on the lookout 🙂 thanks guys. Stay strong and positive, and keep up the good work with NC!

    • Total Posts: 4

    I made a another thread a couple days ago, and figured id post it here too for more advice…. under “Where do I go from here? In NC forums…..

    Hi guys, ive been reading a bunch of threads and stories since i took a look at this sight two months ago (my break up). At first i didnt feel the need to ppst anything about my story but now, 2 months later, things seem to have not really moved at all. I dont think the story is needed but heres where im at. 1. We broke up 2 months and some days ago after a 2 year relationship. 2. Shes not “best” friends with one of my close friends but they text/snap eeveryday if not every other day, eeither or or both.(Really bothers me) 3. Im still in a good relationship standing with her parents. 4. She blocked me on Instagram, and deleted me on facebook. 5. She hangs out with a mixture of guys and girls when she can, sometiems more guys, they are friends of my friend sometimes so thats how i know. I was pretty solid with NC even though day by day it got a bit harder but after reading the steps and other peoples stories, i knew i needed t stay positive. I would get down time to time hearing about guys she hangs out with or her texting my friend alot. A bunch of different small things, yet the jealousy in me makes me think theres more to it. I at least brought it up to my friend and he assured we are like brothers, even though i still dont feel sure about the situation. But i admit i was feeling a bit better after that. Just i feel like it implies smomthing more and i dont want to be that guy that says he has to stop, only fearing her finding out and thinking im super jealous. As far as the guys she hangs with, i dont know them on a friend level but i know them, and some know me, yet kick it with her and invite her places. Ive been hurt by friends and exes before doing stuff so this stuff truly bothers me a little bit.

    I got her a few small xmas gifts because i felt like doing something nice, nothing i got was emotional or hinting at me. Just some things i know she likes. I was in a good holiday spirit. I jist asked her parents not to tell her it was from me, and instead from them, so it wouldnt recieve anything negative and i felt it would just be better that way. I didnt do anything after that until New Years, where i simply sent a messagr sayimg happy new years and nothing else really, no response….

    It stung a bit but i kind of expected it. You take a leap of faith trying to get some reaction, some civil ground, and nothing comes of it. Should i restart another 2 months of NC? If i do start over, is there a chance of amy of these guys, including my friend, possibly getting with her? Is there a chance she even thinks about me, let alone wants to be friends? Shes a strong girl who knows what she wants. And honestly i just want to be friends for a while before i even think about going back into a relationship as i know im not ready. But that seems unlikely. So yeah, im stuck, any thoughts?

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