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  • in reply to: No time for a relationship – Should I bother? #45365
    • Total Posts: 73

    please dont pay too much attention to facebook status, pics etc…people say/put things they dont always mean. Or may be she is just trying to make u feel jealous ! who knows…
    Exactly how u said, take it a day at a time. Make weekly plans. Keep urself busy. Dont allow any negative thoughts in your mind.
    We never know what future will bring. She may eventually realise what she is missing and come back…But it will be a torture for you to keep ur hopes high all the time.
    Stay strong !
    and if you feel like writing your feelings out, we always here to listen πŸ™‚

    in reply to: No time for a relationship – Should I bother? #45251
    • Total Posts: 73

    I think u should let it go in ur mind and if she comes back, u can decide what to do…
    Trust me its nothing that u said or done that put her off. You have put ur 100% effort in the relationship, u told her u will be understanding and supportive … U have done ur part.
    She might be busy with work but when u have someone so understanding, loving and supportive person like u, u just dont let go of them…
    This situation might be temporary and hopefully she comes back but for now its better to spend time on urself and not contact her.

    in reply to: Devastated and don’t know what to do #45247
    • Total Posts: 73

    Hi Liz,
    It seems to me u keep urself in this vicious circle which doesnt help/improve the situation at all…He broke ur heart, walked all over ur emotions, moved on with another girl and u go to cut his hair, drive him around to his work, to his mum, u go to his sons game etc… Why would u do that? U are forgetting how horrible he has been to you and u are not together anymore… And everytime u stay close to him u end up feeling hurt over and over again…Yes you may also have spent some quality time as well but for how long?
    Whats his mother has been telling u is right. You need to spend sometime apart and he has to make up his mind… You need to give him sometime to think. And meanwhile you need to think as well if this guy is still the person u want to be with…this is not all about what he wants. You also need to evaluate if u want to stay with a guy who had been treating u like this…he might be crying, saying he loves u etc but this doesnt change the current situation that u are in… He has not done anything solid to change the situation. He is still with someone else!!
    I think u should take a step back. Keep away from him..Its ur life and u are in charge of it but i think u should not always listen ur heart. Its time to listen to ur logic as well…

    • Total Posts: 73

    Hi Kaila, i have tried to read most of the postings …
    I think u should see this as a challenge in your life.
    For me the reality is that none of us know what life will bring. But to keep hope for this guy may result in you missing out from other great guys, probably even better guys…
    You are very young. There will be other guys that will treat u like a princess and will not want to hurt u at all… I know it sounds like a fairy tale to u but you will see the difference when u actually meet this guy and u will for sure regret being upset for ur ex..
    I believe you are overthinking about a lot of things and blaming urself… You are not fair to urself…
    You see from this board as well that so many people go through a lot of difficult times and most of the cases there is no point in trying to put blame on urself or the other partner…
    i think u should take things slowly in ur life… First of all, i would suggest to stop analysing what happened, how it could have happened etc…, just try not to think about it…u can cry and get it out of ur system but dont blame urself for things anymore…
    Then try to do smtg fun at least 3 times a week… Sports works best for me… I am focused and dont think about anything at all…

    It will get better and by time u will not even think about contacting him…
    I have faith in you πŸ™‚ … You can do this !

    in reply to: HELP ME!! #44375
    • Total Posts: 73

    Hi brokenhearted, i have tried to read most of ur posts..
    I fully agree with Finntoga and Dragongirl. You need to find ways of feeling happy by urself regardless of if he is coming back or not. Its our big error (mine too) to fully depend our happiness on our partner being with us … U HAD a happy life before he was in ur life and u can still have a life without him.
    I am not trying to say he will never come back but i am trying to say u should get the control of ur life.
    Open a new page in ur life, try not to check his profile in any social media, try thinking of him less and start thinking of ur future plans (even if that is daily plans).
    I understand this time is very difficult for u but trust me there are worst things in life that u can not reverse… i have lost some of my family members for cancer, heart attack, sudden death. I would do anything to bring back my father so i could tell him how much i love him but nothing will ever bring him back… You have a chance to replace this guy and be happy with someone else !!!
    Trust me no guy is worth being sooo upset …

    in reply to: Devastated and don’t know what to do #44371
    • Total Posts: 73

    May be i am wrong but i beleive the best solution is to openly speak to him and tell him how much u love him and love to make things work but of course if he is willing to as well…and u could tell him that u will give him the time he needs but he has to make a decision ultimately so that u know what to do (to move on or to stay with him)… I am sure u can select the words better than me so it doesnt sound like u are threatening him…
    And then u will really need to back off for a while and let him think without u (so he can miss u)…
    I believe you shouldnt accept having sex or spending time with him knowing that he has sex with another girl too!!… This is so unfair … he has to respect u.

    in reply to: Devastated and don’t know what to do #43721
    • Total Posts: 73

    I think u should move out of the house. The longer u stay, the more frustrated and upset u will be…
    And if it comes to the moment that he throws ur stuff out of the house, it will be very very upsetting for u … Pls dont allow this to happen. Be a proud woman, keep ur dignity and move out..
    Regardless of this new girl is and how happy they look together, they have a deadline for their relationship.!! They are on their good flirty days and it will come to an end !!
    u really need to relax and calm down a bit but it seems u cant do it if u stay…

    in reply to: Devastated and don’t know what to do #43687
    • Total Posts: 73

    i think your ex’s mom has summarised the situation well: he can not have best of both of you…
    I think its best for you to stay away from him for sometime. What you have gone through in the last fee days is too much to handle. you need a break from this emotional torture.
    Take things one at a time. Try not to analyse what happened anymore, this is just making u feel worse. and try not to think what will or may happen. Just think about what u will do on the day. i know its very very hard and it looks like the end of the world. but trust me its not. You HAD a life before he was in your life and you can have one now as well. i am not trying to tell u its over and u will not be together. I am just trying to say you should have some days that you can relax and calm down.
    I honestly believe things will brake down with this new girl, they will start having problems…
    and by time YOU will be the one that will decide if you want him back or not…

    in reply to: Ex sent me this text. #43438
    • Total Posts: 73

    I also agree that calling u from annonymous number, trying ti make u feel jealous wiht the new biyfriend etc are totally immature.
    I think she knows she has done a big mistake by letting you know and she is very hurt inside. As u confirmed she seems to be not making right decision even after ur brake up.
    You sound very strong, concious and logical…I totaly envy you πŸ™‚
    You should be proud of yourself ! πŸ™‚
    I hope someone much better will come to you sooner than u think..
    And if two of u are meant to be together, i hope she comes back to u changed …

    in reply to: Devastated and don’t know what to do #43427
    • Total Posts: 73

    And you are not alone ! We are here to support u when u need …
    As u can see from this web site, people go through different difficulties in their life and this is just part of life. Trust me there r worst things in life. You have ur health, you have ur family and friends around you…
    You will ultimately build a bridge with him again but its just gonna take more time and will require a lot of patience…

    in reply to: Devastated and don’t know what to do #43426
    • Total Posts: 73

    Hold on there Liz. Please dont think that its the end of everything. You are saying this because the incident is fresh and u r full of different emotions…
    You may not have acted correctly but so did he…he is NOT handling this whole situation correctly at all.
    I agree with coolcat. I dont think they will last long if this other girl knows u slept together but doesnt care about it… May be its a rebound relationship for her …
    For now please try to calm down a bit. I am sure u are still thinking of what u did but please dont. What happened, happened. You cant change this now…
    I agree with dragongirl, you should stay away from him for sometime. You need sometime dear to heal and feel stronger…

    in reply to: Devastated and don’t know what to do #43359
    • Total Posts: 73

    Liz, my dear, his heart is with you…
    everything will be fine. Just stay extra strong for sometime.
    Sooner than you think you will be writing us a big paragraph describing how you got back together πŸ™‚
    and i will be more than happy to read it πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Devastated and don’t know what to do #43344
    • Total Posts: 73

    ok, interesting point dragongirl.
    I must admit its much better if he is the one who will say lets get back together in time. But what if he just doesnt say this since he has both of the women in his hand now and Liz showed him that she will be there for him even though she knows he is dating other woman. I was just worried he will take her for granted and not make any further step. I would really like to hear your view on that. Thank you.

    in reply to: Devastated and don’t know what to do #43338
    • Total Posts: 73

    wow, really a lot happened …
    I really think you will win him back. He repeatedly told you how much he loves you ! and i am sure he means it! I think you should have faith in yourself.
    I think you really need to be patient here without sacrificing too much from yourself…
    May be you could try to have few more happy days with him and then openly speak to ask for another chance for the relationship. You can give him sometime to think …
    May be not now but at some point he needs to know he can not go back and forth between you and the other girl…
    He will need to make a decision ….

    in reply to: Ex sent me this text. #43336
    • Total Posts: 73

    Considering the fact that she has cheated on you (emotionally or physically) 3 times before and if you believe she often lies to you, i think you have acted in the correct way by not answering to her message and by not initiating further contact. She has to prove to you in action that she really wants to you back not just with one text…
    I think you have evaluated your situation very well and you seem like you know what you are doing.

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