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  • in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #68001
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    I’m wondering if it is a good idea if i asked her if she minds me phoning? Is this a good idea or should i keep texting?

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #68000
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    I may have over reacted she wasn’t ignoring me last night she replied in the morning while I was getting ready and said

    “Nah we didn’t tbh we just chilled oh where did you go to
    Yeah i fell asleep btw
    Hope you enjoy uni”

    I didn’t reply cause i was getting ready and didn’t want to reply without thinking. So i left it the whole day till i got home ( as i have no internet connection while im out) . It’s 6:42pm now and i still havnt replied. She litteraly just messaged me as I’m typing this saying

    “How did it go today”

    Is this a good sign? I havnt replied and she’s still wanting to talk? Or is she just being friendly to ease her own pain to make it easier to move on?

    Today was great at university btw! Thanks everyone! I’m wondering if i should call her or not aswell ?

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #67979
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    Hey guys can’t reall talk much in detail as I’m getting ready for university so I’ll talk when I’m back but from what ive briefly read it seems pinpong you still have much hope and so have you MrsWB. Pingpong you clearly were there for your ex through thick and thin and she will remmeber that. When she starts missing you till the point she can’t cope she will contact you. And same for you MrsWB. However i think he might take abit more convincing since hes not happy with his financial situation. But I’m sure he’ll come around.

    As for me, i know my ex has been active on social media this morning but she still hasn’t read or replied to my messages but i know she knows I’ve sent them her. And probably has read them. Is this a bad sign? I don’t want to keep is casual and boring throughout the whole of this. Do i go back to nc till she replies or do i start building attraction? It’s so early. I’m not even sure she was thinking straight when she messaged me.

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #67940
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    Hahaha that is right! Haha. I’m about to go to bed. I’m definitely alot happier but still unsure it will work out but time and positivity will tell.

    Hope you all a have a good night sleep and remain strong and positive no matter what you encounter.

    You can do this! We are here for eachother throughout this!

    Good night MrsWB , Paul@33 and all!

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #67937
    • Total Posts: 133

    Sorry i didn’t see the latest replies. Paul you are right. But as you say if you really want something to happen then make it happen. Don’t wait around for her that as you no is not what nc is for. It’s for improving yourself and proving you can live and be happy without your ex but if you want her back don’t quit so easily.

    Can’t stress it enough but thank you all once more … again!

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #67936
    • Total Posts: 133

    Yes definitely not yet MrsWB.

    This is how it’s been going so far.
    Ex: I miss you
    Me: Well you know i miss you too
    Ex: How have you been what you been doing
    Me: I’m good driving instructor is pleased with my progress. What about you how’s work
    Ex:Good that’s really good I’m really pleased for you. Urm it’s ok. Have you started uni yet
    Me: I start tomorrow. I’ll know how you feel waking up at 6am now. Did you do you your first aid training if so how was it
    Ex: oh really you looking forward to it
    Well I wake up at 5 now and it would of been this week but they cancelled it for me because Sally said she didn’t want me out of the office for that long
    Me:Yeah I’m looking forward to it hopefully it will be a change from college. How long was the course meant to be for then?
    Ex: Yeah course it will be I think you’ll really enjoy it. Monday to Thursday how’s your mom
    Me: Moms fine really enjoying her job. How’s your mom and dad I’m sure it was your moms birthday
    Ex : Good I’m glad. Yeah their fine and it was yesterday
    Me : Did you celebrate it. I went out last week for a meal for my aunts 60th

    She didn’t reply after about 15 mins so i assumed she was asleep so i said.

    Me: You’ve probably fallen asleep we can talk tomorrow if that’s ok with you night

    I’ve kept it as short and casual as possible. Sorry if i keep spamming this board here just want to I’m not doing or saying something i shouldn’t be or if you had some suggestions to keep it interesting that would be great. She was replying quite fast around 1-4mins i took around 4-10mins. I guess that is a good sign right? Is it? From what you can see is this a good sign or is she just trying to be nice? Thanks.

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #67925
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    I’ve replied and she immediately asked me how i was. This is the conversation so far.

    Ex: I miss you
    Me: Well you know i miss you too
    Ex: How have you been what you been doing
    Me: I’m good driving instructor is pleased with my progress. What about you how’s work

    Would you say keeping it casual is the good thing to do? What does this show? It’s weird she has never been like this after a breakup.

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #67923
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    Thank you MrsWB I just messaged her back saying “well you know i miss you too” and left it at that. I need to go to bed as it’s 9:15pm here but i have to wake up at 6am. So if she does reply i will wait till tomorrow is that a good idea? Thanks again this means alot!

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #67921
    • Total Posts: 133

    Would it be ok if i just reply “well you know i miss you too” and leave it until she replies or for a while? Or ?

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #67920
    • Total Posts: 133

    I’m so sorry about that. I’m sure he will eventually break and text you. It is clear he still cares for you so it’s only a matter of time MrsWB.

    And yet again thank you.

    What would you recommend i reply to that? You are right in my mind I’m freaking out but I can’t show it. I don’t want her to feel like she has an emotional grip on me but at the same time i don’t want to drive her away. :(. Im really confused in what to do/say.

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #67917
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    I understand we haven’t had any time to heal yet. You’re right I don’t want to be the typical young love couple. I don’t want this where we split get together split etc. I’m still unsure she’s thinking straight. All I was trying to say was should i ignore this as I’m doing nc? Or keep it casual? It’s only been 10 days.

    Although i want her back i am no where near ready to get back together straight away and i dont think she was imitating that. I’m trying not to play games.i don’t want the arguments i can’t deal with them and we don’t argue alot anyway. Only after we broke up.

    A family member tells me to stop playing games and not to ignore her. She told me to keep it casual say ” i know how you feel i miss you to ” or something casual. From your opinions what would you recommend i do?

    I don’t want to fall into the category of the typical young couple either. I understand i was immature but i want to learn from my mistakes. I don’t want to drive you all away by seeming like its a typical young couple. I class you all as friends here. I just need advice as i clearly need it lol? I don’t want to act on impulse and i dont want to ignore it completely to the point it seems like i dont want anything to do with her. Thanks

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #67915
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    WHAT THE HELL! SHE JUST MESSAGED ME “I MISS YOU”. I was right! She did snap to get my attention. Should I ignore and carry on nc? Should I reply?

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #67914
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    Thank you fishingthesky! You’re right! This is why i vent here. You guys all keep me strong. I wasn’t playing mind games i just know how she thinks.

    You’re right though my mind is so occupied with what ifs that it’s clouding my thoughts. I’m going to university 9-5 this whole week so my mind should be occupied else where hopefully.

    P.s she pretty much removed the snapchat about 30mins after i viewed it. I have a feeling she did it to see if we still had each other as friends. But enough of me over thinking. If i even want a slight chance with this girl i have to concentrate on my self. I may vent here fron time to time but i will do nothing drastic or stupid. I come here to my note pad to write as a form as therapy. I’m sticking to the plan. Thank you yet again.

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #67911
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    I don’t want to respond in a fight just want to know how’s she’s been doing etc. I know it’s not the right thing to do. I just want to talk to her cause it’s killing me but I won’t.

    In your opinion would it make her miss me more if I deleted her? If she even does miss me? This is litterally destroying me. I’m in a sensitive position with so many changed happening in my life. I really needed her to be here supporting me … supporting each other but at this point I almost want to crumble. But i wont allow it. Im fighting the urges but sometimes it can get too much.

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #67907
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    So when we last broke up she got a new tattoo and if was underneath her boob. She doesn’t ever show cleavage in her photos and when she took a picture of her tat she showed her hand just covering her boob and you could see the outline of her boob. When we got back together i didnt maker her remove i but i told her you know.. she was showing alot. So she removed it. Now i deleted her on facebook and whatsapp and she blocked me on twitter. But kept me on instagram and snapchat. Now she is posting snapchat story of her tattoo but not showing cleavage but alot of skin. I can still tell with the smerking emoji that she still has me as one or the best friend on snapchat. Is she posting that to provoke me. It’s really making me want to contact her.

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