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  • in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #68263
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    Only 6 days? Dude! You have alot of hope believe me in that case she will most likely contact you in the next week or two if not tomorrow! You have alot of hope since this was your first break up right? Dude! I’m happy for you because her twitter may also be a sign of a positive sign. Try not to focus on when to give the letter, it’s good to have handy but you may want to change it as the coming days/weeks pass by and you rethink things. If she hasn’t contacted you by 21 days then sure send it but I think she probably will. I would save the letter for as late as possible so it can make more of an impact as she would miss you alot.

    As for me and my ex tonight has been weird. I ignored her text to reply later but i also missed a call by accident. By the time i replied im assuming she’s asleep so i missed a good chance to talk :(.

    This is how the conversation has come out today.

    Ex: How was uni 7:40pm

    Missed call from ex 8:23pm

    Me: Did you phone? 9:06pm

    I then attempted to call her at
    9:07pm and 9:30pm

    Me: Uni was good hope work was ok, didn’t see your messages if you’re a sleep we can talk tomorrow night 9:46pm.

    I regret taking my time to reply as i should have known she goes to sleep early. I really feel bad as i want to talk to her and dont want to make her feel as if i dont care :(. Have i fucked up by missing the chance to talk? Or is it ok? I really miss her. Is this driving her away? Ah this sucks. It’s currently 9:55pm and no signs of her even being online. I feel like I’ve fucked up. I truly want to progress but i feel like I’m messing it up.

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #68259
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    Heys guys! So i didn’t reply to her message as i was talking to my family and got carried away and lost track of time. Anyway after about an hour she rang and i had a missed call off her. I saw it then replied “did you call?” Followed by a phone call. The message hasn’t delivered and she also didn’t pick up the phone. Not sure what’s going on but thought I’d update it here.

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #68258
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    ….weird. she just messaged me a simple “how was uni” as I’m just about to complain about how she hasn’t replied but she has been home for 3+hours. It’s so freeking weird how everytime i come here to vent about her not speaking or replying or just acting weird she does something. This can’t be a coincidence lol? This has happened so many times if you read my posts! …Also, it seems my ex has shortened her texts dramatically … any idea why?

    Not sure about the profile picture pingpong. It could be a positive sign that she hasn’t moved on or it could be she just hasn’t bothered to change it. However as i said my ex has photos we took when we were out (not of us but the locations that we first hung out that clearly mark a special time when we were together) So I’m not sure.

    How long have you been nc? Also what do you work as?

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #68253
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    Thanks Pingpong. I guess I can’t expect her to just come running back and be all talkative. She does show mix signals but I guess that’s just her or me over analysing as usual.

    Yesterday I kind of left it to her with my last text

    “I know try not to puke on any kids tomorrow let me know how you got on
    Good night”

    So at the moment it is up to her to reply. I did this so she could also put the effort in so I don’t feel like the only one. Now I just wait if she replies or texts me today. So as of now I’m going back to nc unless she texts me as i feel like I’m suddenly the one starting and ending conversations.

    I hope this is the right thing to do :).

    How has everyone been?

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #68237
    • Total Posts: 133

    Thank you for taking time out for this MrsWB appreciate it.

    I’m just not dealing with this well as i feel when she replies now compared to the day we first talked she’s not putting as much effort and I’m scared this is just pushing her away. I know i shouldn’t over think I’m trying…lol.

    I just can’t handle small talk between us. I feel like it’s going no where. Like the more we talk the less she’s interested.

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #68217
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    So she replies the longest she’s ever replied to me an hour and 20mins with

    Ex: She’d make me vacate a building with her breath

    So i replied
    Me: I know try not to puke on any kids tomorrow let me know how you got on
    Me: Good night

    Ex: I’ll try, will do thanks night night

    I usually don’t reply to her for anything from 10-50 mins. Is this a bad? Not sure if this is positive signs from her or not to be honest.

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #68214
    • Total Posts: 133

    Ok so I’ve been abit frustrated today but didn’t show it to her. At times I felt like whats the point in talking and like i didnt even want to talk to her cause she’s not showing much interest. I can show you the conversation we’re having and see what you guys think. Thanks.

    Me:Had a really good day today had to work on a production the uni might publish. How has your day been?
    Ex: Really what sort of production. It’s good thank you
    Me: It’s a superhero concept we’re working on but with our own twist. Been working on it all day it’s been good then a group of us went for something to eat.
    Ex: Oh that’s so cool ahhh I’m glad your enjoying it

    At this point she didn’t carry the conversation and i was getting annoyed so i wanted to phone so we could talk as text just seems so boring so i hinted that and  just said…
    Me: Are you busy?

     (Usually i say this before i call)

    Ex: I’m still not ready to talk on the phone plus I feel really ill I think I’m coming down with something sorry I don’t mean to be horrible

    Of course I was upset so i tried to make it look like i didnt want to call but was wondering why she wasn’t replying so good so i said..

    Me: Ok
     I didnt mean to call i meant it seems like you’re busy or tired? Anyway hope you feel better
    Ex: No sorry I’m not busy I can chat I was just chatting to brother at the time
    I’ve been looking after a sick girl today and every time I move I feel really Nauseous and headache
    Me: You need a hot water bottle and snoop

    ( we nicknamed her dog snoop … can you guess why lol)

    Ex: Snoop only goes where chicken is
    I have no chicken
    Me: What was wrong with the girl? Have you caught soemthing off her or just physiological
    Ex: She was just being sick all the time and I might have caught it cause I feel really sick
    Me: Ah that’s shit you should probably sleep would  you rather speak tomorrow ?

    I wanted to see if she wanted to talk cause she wasn’t extending the conversation

    Ex: No it’s fine I can talk
    Me: You think you’ll be ok for work?
    Ex: I hope so can’t take a day off
    Me: I’m sure if you feel sick you can’t come in after 24 hours?
    Ex: It’s only if you’ve been physically sick or the shits

    She wasn’t giving me anything to go off so i just said…

    Me: You should be ok
    Ex: Yeah hopefully

    I didn’t reply to this as it seemed like she didnt want to talk but then she replied about 5mins later saying…

    Ex: Snoop joined me
    Ex: She’s left now
    Ex: Scratches weren’t good enough
    Me: Poor snoop its a good thing her breath will make you physically sick

    (Her dog has extremely bad breath and we use to make fun of it so i tried to be funny…lol)
    It’s weird she litteraly tells me she wants to talk but doesn’t show interest in conversation. Am i going about this the right way? Is our conversations too boring? Is she showing negative signs? Or is this good progress? She hasn’t replied to my last message and usually she’s either instant or within 5-10mins.  It’s been 25. Not sure if these conversations are good. I feel like I’m making all the effort at the moment. Am i?

    I know i might seem like im overthinking just don’t want to mess things up if it is positive progress. Thanks.

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #68212
    • Total Posts: 133

    So i replied to her text when i got home and said “Had a really good day today had to work on a production the uni might publish. How has your day been?”

    Do you think keeping like thisnis good? Or amci being boring by talking about the same thing all the time? And good advice for interesting conversation starters/topics? Thanks!

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #68211
    • Total Posts: 133

    AH that sucks MrsWB. Hope you are ok and are feeling better and you do deserve a wrest. If you ever need to talk we are all here. Thank you again for everything.

    As for me I’m just being casual with my ex. I almost feel too casual? Is that even a thing ? I feel like we are havjng the same boring conversation over and over again… how was your day? Etc. She wasn’t enthusiastic yesterday like you guys saw. Lets see what she is like today. 🙂

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #68146
    • Total Posts: 133

    I get that fishingthesky. I contradict my self alot. Too much. Lol.

    I completely understand i can be frustrating but i do follow everyones advice here. I guess i let my self go when i did the call thing earlier. But belive me i do respect and follow all of your advice although it’s not a 100% of the time. I’d say around 85% of the time i follow it lol. But belive me it means so much to me that strangers from all over the world have come here to help me on thisboard. It’s truly amazing. Thank you again! I can happily call you all my friends if not family.

    Anyway i want to keep this short cause it’s exhausting me and I’m tired. She replied saying “ok goodnight. Thank you have a good day at uni. Yeah that’s fine.”

    So i guess she still wants to talk but she just misses me and shes finding it hard?? LOL confusing but ill take it slow as you guys said. I hope you are all enjoying the entertainment and frustration i bring….Lol. thank you all so much again. And be feel free to post any problems you have as I’d really love to repay you as much as possible. We are all here for each other. Shedding a damn tear lol.. (joking) good night everyone !

    P.s if you guys ever feel emotional upset… whatever is on your mind. Just post it here. I don’t mind at all. Even if you are mad about a video game, work, your car? Traffic? Anxiety? A zit? Stupid thoughts? Anything no matter how ridiculous or crazy it is. Just post it here. I don’t just want all of your help. I feel selfish, I want to try and help you and of course each other. Thank you for the billionth time.

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #68143
    • Total Posts: 133

    LOL i do need scolding. I’m stupid. You are right. I over reacted and wanted more. After she sent me that last text above. I just replied

    “No it’s ok I do understand. You’re probably getting ready for bed so I’ll say goodnight. Have a good day at work. I’ll text you when I’m home if that’s ok with you.”

    So I showed understanding. I was considerate and asked her permission if i could text her so she didn’t feel uncomfortable.

    You are right though and this is why i come to this board. When my brain is running slow or not working you guys fix me lol. I need to go at a slower pace than i expected. I think there is some hope as she is replying and constantly saying she misses me. I guess I’ll take it slow and casual for now. Thank you for not scolding me.

    I do realise i need to stop lying and playing these games. I’m as bad as her if i do so. I didn’t show that i was mad by the way. I kept is casual throughout like it wasn’t affecting me. Only you guys knew i was breaking down.

    Lol i find it funny how she thinks I’m chill about it but here im fully breaking down hahaha. Thanks everyone.

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #68136
    • Total Posts: 133


    “I’m sorry If I sound offish on the phone it’s just I really miss you and I’m just finding it hard ATM”

    Incase you don’t know what atm stands for = At The Moment.

    I need my brain fixed at this point. This girl confuses me.


    Sorry If I wild out at times. I use this to vent as you can see in order to not do something really stupid with her. LOL you guys must be hitting your self in frustration with me. I know. It’s a confusing situation. I don’t even get it either.

    DO I EVEN REPLY TO THAT LIKE WHAT THE !(*”£”7 … WHAT DO I EVEN REPLY TO THAT!!? hahaha. I’m so upset/confused I’m literally laughing at my self. Not in a crazy way but in a WHAT THE FFF IS WRONG WITH THIS FEMALE I AM IN LOVE WITH KIND OF WAY. sorry. thanks.

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #68135
    • Total Posts: 133

    I also made up that a foreign student had the same surname as the nickname she called me “moo” and that this one girl said it to call her friend out in a aggressive manor and it made me laugh and reminded me of you. she giggled and was like what the fuck.

    like i don’t know. she seems distant again on the phone but she replies straight away on text? i don’t get it. Am i just over thinking things? or does she not want to talk anymore or what? she didn’t say she didn’t want to stop talking she just said she didn’t want to call cause it upset her. have a made a mistake? should i just play it cool? do i go nc till she replies? have i messed up!? all these thoughts. i miss her even more now. i mean why would she answer if she didn;t want to talk? why would she reply straight away if she didn’t? its like she wants to but doesn’t at the same time. so confusing . i need to take control as you rightly said. i just need some guidance and advice.

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #68134
    • Total Posts: 133

    Thank you again so much but I’m not sure if I made a stupid decision or not. So i ignored her message for abit and messaged her an hour later saying “are you getting my messages” knowing i didn’t send anything. so she replies instantly saying “just got this one” and sends a screen shot of the chat. I reply saying “my whatsapp playing up” she replies “what did you say” so i phoned her after about 5 mins and when she answered she said “hello you okay” and i imeediatly said “hello, sorry i know you didn’t want to phone but i thought my phone connection was off cause my messages were not sending so i phoned to check, i didn’t realise you would answer” and she replied saying “it’s ok” so i try to have a conversation with her and she doesn’t seem as interested as yesterday. like she wouldn’t ask me any questions. i asked them all almost. although she asked me if i had checked my cough out yet after i said im still coughing. i also asked about her brothers experience at the uni (we went to same uni) and she was telling me to make sure i take the extra course seriously cause it will effect me. so i ask her after 2 mins if i should let her go cause i feel like she feels uncomfortable. she says i dont mind. so i stay and say why were you upset yesterday as a joke i said its not as if we had a depressing phone call was it? and she kind of avoided it and i asked her about work she said it was good today. then eventually we ended it. not sure what to think of this. i’m confused. the phone call lasted around 6-7 min compared to yesterdays 58 mins. what do i do?

    in reply to: Can't belive I'm back here again… #68131
    • Total Posts: 133

    I just really want to phone her anyway. I just want to know she’s ok. I hate this.

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