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  • ironblood
    • Total Posts: 133

    So we met at her house cause she needed to borrow my ID to get a bus ticket (my ID has major discount cause I’m a student lol) and we talked and chilled while she was doing her make up. She mentioned to me that some random guy added her on snapchat and was saying things about me and she apparantly defended me and told me I didnt need to get mad cause he was nobody? I changed the topic cause I didn’t want to seem bothered. Anyway we went to a semi-fancy Italian resturant (again) and i ordered her favourite dish. It was nice we talked and then went to see a horror movie. She even mentioned children how shes always wanted a boy and how he would be named after me. And she kept talking about if we had kids and names. She wanted children with me. On the way to the movies we saw a pet show which was on the next day and we immediately wanted to go. I did the classic arm over shoulder move lol during the movie and she moved closer towards me. She kept grabbing me everytime it got scary. It was nice. After the movie ended she asked if i wanted to stay the night at hers and i said ok. She held onto my arm and kept hugging me for warmth. We ended up booking tickets for the pet show for the next day on the way to her house. When we got there we cuddled and watched a comedy. We fell asleep cuddling and woke up and did “sexual things” without details but not sex.

    The next day we went to the petshow and chilled. We were a little tired so it wasn’t as livley as the previous day but jt was nice. We then went to a diner. Then back to her house then i went home. I shortned this down obviously but i think its going ok. She asked me if i got home etc. And we ended up talking on phone.

    Yesterday she kept spending me cute dog pictures but the conversation was a little hard to pick up via text but in the end i asked her questions and we had conversation. She mentioned yesterday that she was in the mood to see fireworks watch this cartoon and cuddle. So i said we could make that happen tuesday as I’m free. She said “yeah can do”. I immediately changed the topic so it didn’t drag then ended it by saying goodnight. She then messaged me couple hours later to show her dog that was sleeling on a makeshift bed on her floor. Lol.

    I think it’s going well although I’m usually the one initiating phone calls but i haven’t called alot recently. It feels like we’re back together. Like we hold hands and do couple stuff. Any advice on how to spice things up or improve? Thanks very much.

    • Total Posts: 133

    Quick update, I replied to the “meme”saying it made me laugh and told her to have a good day and that i would text her later. She replied saying “its his face” lol. So when i finished uni i asked if she was busy and said no what far so i asked to phone and she said she would when she was home from the store. So she phoned me and we talked it was nice and i asked if she wanted to hangout today and she said yeah but she would have to rush her make up so it would be easier tomorrow. So i agreed and told her we could grab a coffee and maybe go see a movie or something after. she said ok and asked what we could see etc. Anyway i’ve left it down to her to contact me when she is awake either phone call or text then ended the call as she said her battery was dying. So anyway a couple hours later she sends me another dog “meme” and i replied that i choked on my drink when i was it which i did lol. i then was going through my phone and was clearing my call logs and accidently phoned her. i hung up as soon as the call went to ring. I then messaged her saying was clearing logs didn’t mean to call.

    I know i added pointless detail here but do you think this is going well? Like is meeting her a good idea? what should we do?? I’m scared to mess things up again!

    in reply to: Confused and scared… #69695
    • Total Posts: 133

    John_crane you honestly sound exactly like me! Even the situation! This is very weird cause we’re also very similar. I’m 18 and we dated in college and broke up before etc. I’m the same type of guy who doesn’t drink/drugs/smoke etc and I don’t sleep around. Everything you’ve described is very similar to me! I was very attatched I guess. But learning from past mistakes i got her back twice. We’ve broke up for the 3rd time now. You can read my posts if you want or my latest to see a quick overview.

    But I’d just like to say, over analysing will lead you to being insecure and even more attached. It will make you feel shit and bring you down. You need to lift your own spirits. If you love this girl you fight for her but not with your instincts! You need to step back and be outside the box. Once you’ve got your emotions controlled you will see things in a different and positive light which will make you a happier and more attractive person. It will take some time. Just take it slow bro! Just don’t bring up the past relationship if you next end up in contact unless she does. Even then don’t point any fingers for what went wrong, instead try and come off as if you are both agreeing to the “root” of the problem if you know what i mean. This may sound harsh but at the moment your ex won’t show feelinge or empathy. She’ll be cold as ice. You need to understand that underneath that she is just as hurt as you. This is why you need to be strong. Don’t show weakness. You got this. Just read some online articles and talk to us on here. These boards will help alot. I hope i have motivated you to stay calm and relax your thoughts so you don’t over think things. You got this bro. It will take some time but i belive in you. Good luck!

    P.s if anyone needs advice or anyone to talk to I’m here. I’m going through a rough patch so ill be more than happy to talk/help you guys and if you want to read my posts you can but you don’t have to. I’m here to help.

    • Total Posts: 133

    I don’t know what to do. We havn’t spoke all day and she sent me a picture of a “meme” of a dog cooking at around 10pm. Then I see her like 20minutes later liking videos of this women preaching to get over your ex. I just don’t know. I feel like shit. These mixed messages are tearing my apart. I know you guys think I’m stupid and immature and I guess I am. Love makes us do stupid/crazy things. Your advice generally helps. I feel like shit. I don’t know how to reply to this knowing she’s liking things like that.

    • Total Posts: 133

    There was never much arguing during the relationship, I remember little to none. It’s just now we are arguing and we argue over stupid things like why it went wrong or denying things. It sounds very immature you are right! She makes things very dramatic and I don’t exactly help. I almost add fuel to the fire! Relationships should be alot easier and happier but we aren’t exactly in a relationship right now. I don’t know what this is. I’m trying to reconnect and we do when we don’t bring the past up but as soon as we start talking about the relationship it gets very depressing and then we get angry – start to argue. But I don’t want this! I don’t want to argue anymore. I just want to sort things out where we are both happy. She’s giving me a million different signals. I understand how it must look from your angle, i really do, you must think this is pathetic. maybe it is. All i know is i want us both to be happy. I would let her go if I knew i didn’t have a chance but right now i feel there is hope as she shows positive signals then suddenly becomes cold. I know she she says she is confused but I just don’t understand why she would keep wanting to see me or even talk in that case. For example, i phoned her by accident about an hour ago (my friend was phoning me and i called him back via my phone log and i swiped on her by accident) and she rang back and we had a 5min conversation and i told her i wasn’t being a dick but i rang by accident and i would let her get some sleep as she was tired. i also said when we’re both free we can do something and she said ok yeah. It sounds very complicated for no reason i know. I think this is stupid too patricia12 , really ido ! i hate these stupid games. I’m sick of it. But i just can’t let her go :(.

    • Total Posts: 133

    I forgot to add she said she feels depressed and her anxiety is playing up with her work and that’s why she quit and i told her she needs to tell her mom the truth why she left work and she told me she would. Also, i ignored the messages she sent me for like an hour and she sent me another message saying “also i did want to go cinema but I didn’t have money to”

    • Total Posts: 133

    Turns out also that i left my chain at her house and she told me she’d give it me when we next see each other. so she does want to meet again… She’s a major headache. So confusing. I need advice how to be more attractive and how i can take control over the situation instead of letting her be the driver of this car crash. lol. thanks!

    • Total Posts: 133

    Ok so Sunday night after she sent me the photo of her dog we ended up speaking and she told me that she knew she was being cold and never meant to be. She told me she’s still speaking to people but not in that way (when I know she is ). Anyway she kind of opened up and said “Could you even forgive me for what I’ve done cause if it was the other way I couldn’t”. and I basically told her she did nothing wrong as we aren’t together and that the past is the past and we shouldn’t let it affect the future etc. We ended up talking and we agreed that the routine broke us apart and that we took each other for granted and neglected each other. She even said she knows it is cause of that. Anyway we got off relationship talk and we just started speaking and she didn’t want to get off the phone with me. It was like old times. Anyway we hang up later as she has work the next day.

    The next morning around 5am she messages me “Hello urm I know you have uni and I shouldn’t ask but I can’t go to work today I’m really in a state I havn’t slept and my anxiety is making me feel like shit. Say no if you want but could we maybe just chill put a film on and kinda just cuddle I don’t know if it’s a good idea or not but I kinda want to”

    So I leave it till around 10am and I asked her to phone me and she made an excuse that she was going to the doctors then meeting her mom. Anyway long story short she was lying and I went to her house. She let me in we talked. Eventually she told me that she was going into town to get her nipples pierced and she couldn’t exactly tell me that without feeling awkward. I asked her if she was meeting someone and that I didn’t mind if she did but she said no and asked me to come if that was what I wanted.

    So anyway we go to town, she was hungry so we I took her to an Italian place (her favourite food, I’ve always wanted to take her but we never did) and it was nice. Take in mind I tried to keep it as casual as possible although I hugged her a couple times during the day. Anyway we went to the piercing place and she wanted me to come in with her and hold her hand. Anyway she had her piercing (in front of me) and then we went to sea life centre. We had fun although one of the tours was super boring. Anyway afterwards we went for a coffee and chilled. I then insisted in taking her home. When we were at her house we ended up getting sexual. We were going to have sex but she stopped us then we just did something else (sexual). I know it wasn’t right but it kind of just happened. I tried to kiss her and she didn’t kiss me back. She became really cold and weird. Anyway I let her know that I was going to London to see my friend for a party and went home and she messaged me this while I was on the train…

    “Hello I’m sorry I went weird it was just because I felt a bit anxious when you were leaving and because I have work tomorrow and I felt weird after having you know like we may be rushed into that. I hope you enjoy your night stay safe”

    I told her I agreed we rushed it and told her to have a good day. She replied

    “I did have a lovely time today completely cheered me up I thought we had fun. Thank you”

    I replied I the morning and we ended up texting each other casually while I was on my way home and I eventually asked if she minded if I phoned her. On the phone I told her straight that I missed her and if she maybe wanted me to come round so we could chill. She said yes but she told her mom she was ill so she didn’t go into work but her mom doesn’t know she has actually quit work instead so she told me I would have to go at around 5pm.

    So I got there we talked everything was good I hugged her a few times then we ended up cuddling and after a while she told me it didn’t feel right and that she felt weird and she still doesn’t know what she wants. We ended up talking about the relationship and she again said she knows it’s going to end the same way and then told me she loved me but wasn’t in love with me. We ended up talking about it again and I told her I didn’t want to argue. we ended up cuddling again and it kind of lead to sexual things again but her father came in the house so we stopped and she told me she didn’t feel right again. She eventually told me again she wasn’t in love and she doesn’t feel the same way and she doesn’t know what she wants whether to get back together or not and she said she’s happy on her own then we started off again and eventually I snapped and told her I slept with the girl I met in London to see a reaction and she denied me seeing her and that she knew I was lying but eventually she believed me and started crying and that when I said “see you do care and it does bother you and that’s why i’m bothered when you speak to people” (I obviously told her I didn’t sleep with her and she believed me ) and then I just snapped again and told her to

    “fuck off and to go ahead and speak to these random black guys she was speaking to and probably fucking and that she can either choose me or them and I also said I felt like a plan b like I’m just there in case something goes wrong I told her she didn’t give a shit about me I said to never to speak to me again”

    I obviously didn’t mean it and I apologised immediately and she told me it was ok and that she didn’t care but she hated the fact we are arguing and this vibe and she asked me to leave and we could meet another time as she didn’t want to talk about this right now. Anyway she was standing up pushing me away every time I tried to hug or comfort her. Eventually I said “ enough of this. It’s time to stop this bullshit. I don’t want to be in this cycle anymore and we’re human. We have a choice and we don’t have to do this like I’ve said. Can you just sit down I won’t try to hug you I just want you to calm down and relax cause I’m not arguing anymore. We keep bringing stuff up and it’s damaging us making us more distant. I don’t want to keep doing this and we don’t have to”

    She sat down and said “i wish things were different. But right now I’m happy on my own and I don’t feel like I’m in love with you and yesterday yeah I had fun but I didn’t feel as if anything was there I felt like we were just friends and I don’t want to keep doing things as if we’re together because I don’t know what I want and right now I don’t want to be together”

    I told her “I admit I want my girl back as I miss her and I do want to give it another shot and I know you say you’re not in love with me but I don’t completely believe that as I don’t believe love just disappears , I feel like it may fade into the back of your mind when our relationship was overloaded with negativity and routine but I don’t believe you complete are not in love with me and we can’t just flip a switch and fall back in love it takes time, just cause we’ve met and you don’t feel like it at the moment it doesn’t mean you’re not and yesterday I deliberately tried to keep it on a friendly casual basis as we can’t just suddenly act like a couple”

    A while past and we changed the subject and we just started talking about random things. Having conversation. We talked for ages then I said “ I know it’s abit random but do you want to go to the cinema and chill” She thought about it for a minute and she said “ I would and I want to don’t get me wrong but my mom thinks I’ve taken the day off cause I’m ill and doesn’t know I’ve quit work and she’ll be pissed if I go out”. Anyway I asked her and tried to convince her a couple times as she seemed genuine like she wanted to come and eventually she just says “I don’t feel like going out plus I have a headache and it will take a while to do my make-up but we can do it another time” So I get a taxi from her house we hug for a brief second but she always pulls away first. I got home and about a couple hours later she messages me about a celebrity who died last week and asked if I knew about it. I think she’s trying to start conversation. But yeah… it’s been a dramatic couple of days and I don’t know what to do! I feel like if i do nc she’ll move on and if I speak she seems like she changes her mind for a moment then goes back to cold turkey. I just don’t know what to do. I admit I acted a bit unattractive with my random hugs. I need to work on that aswell as my outbursts and just hold it in. I need to stop bringing stuff up aswell as her.

    I just don’t know how to go about things right now. And I’m very thankful for all of your replies! Don’t get me wrong! I will go through all your posts once my head is clear! I just feel like shit. I’m confused.

    • Total Posts: 133

    Long story short she’s asked me to come round and “cuddle” cause her anxiety is bad. What is going on!! I’m so confused!

    • Total Posts: 133

    Thank you all for the kind words improvinglemon, Qball, patricia12!

    Improvinglemon, you are right it is very hard to hear the classic “move on” , “fuck her” etc. And yes staying alone defiantly messes with my head. And of course I would like give you suggestions. I’ll take a look after I write this . Thanks for your help.

    Qball, you’re right I shouldn’t expect anything but mixed signals and boy hasn’t it been confusing I’ll explain more below but thank you for your kind words! You’re right, she shouldn’t dictate my happiness that’s why I’ve picked myself up yet again, took myself to the gym at 11pm yesterday and 8am this morning. I’ve just tried to keep occupied. Tomorrow I’m visiting my friend in London for a Halloween party so that should be fun. I just felt stupid for loving her as I felt like she doesn’t care.

    Patricia12, she is very confused right now that’s why she’s showing a lot of mixed signals. I would love to do nc again but the situation I’m in right now is weird. If you read on I’ll explain. Thank you however for your support and concern. I do want to implement nc again as I think we need it but I just don’t know how as I’ll explain.

    So the “morning talk” didn’t happen. I waited till around 1pm then told her it’s past the morning. She replies with “sorry”. Then I ask her if she wanted to talk and she replied “ all we do is argue and fight when we do and I don’t want that” so I said to her we didn’t have to. She replied “I don’t want to talk”. I called her and she answered.

    She was very blunt and cold and insisted I hurry as she was about to watch a film with her mom. We almost started arguing and she said this is why I don’t want to talk so I just told her straight we didn’t have to argue. I asked if she had more to add to my paragaraphs reply and said no. I was annoyed and I pretty much said this to her on the phone ( as I wrote it down to tell her ).

    “Now that I look back it was stupid for me to interfere and question your actions. You are right we are not together. I’m sorry I even asked cause it’s none of my business now. I acted pathetic and desperate but that was due to me feeling so low cause I miss you and obviously I get jealous cause you were my girl. I spilled everything on how I feel and you didn’t even seem phased. And I can’t stop you from doing what you want now. I’m not trying to force you to do anything. I don’t want to be this desperate guy you make me out to feel. I don’t want to be your aggressive “ex” who can’t get over you and chases you making you feel trapped. I’m not that guy. I’m not a creep. So if you don’t want me. I won’t force you to have me. I won’t force you to love me. I see things in a different light, I know you can’t see that. You see the same guy you last met, and you see the same broken relationship if got back together. I don’t see that because I see the floors. The way we communicated was a joke. But there’s no point pointing out what went wrong cause we both know. I know you’re hurt and I’m sorry for that. I hate the way you depict me right now, because you know I wouldn’t act this unusual way for anyone else. I wouldn’t attempt to connect with anyone else. I would have let you go but every time we speak I feel like we’re walking down the same path then we get deviated. I keep disconnecting from you the more distance we have and I feel like we’re becoming strangers. And this is where the anger grows because I don’t know how to reconnect as you keep putting barriers up. It feels like this pain is going to change us cause we’re both going through different phases and it seems like you’ve lost your patience. What are we even fighting for? We use to be in love and were so close, you say you still love me and miss me… so what the fuck we fighting for?”
    She told me at the moment she didn’t want to talk as she feels like we’re going to fight and I told her I didn’t want her to feel that way. I told her I didn’t want her to feel as if she couldn’t speak to me. And I asked to be friends just for now and she told me she couldn’t just be friends. Anyway I can’t remember a lot all I know is eventually she almost gave in and was like “ok well I have to go now but I’ll speak to you later”.

    So like an hour later she sends me a picture of her dog with a dog coat on and says “I just wanted to show you snoops new gear” snoop is the nickname I made for her dog. This is weird. Like suddenly she’s speaking? I’m so confused! What do I even reply to this! Do I even reply! I’m so scared she’ll just turn around and say I don’t want to give you the wrong impression again! Like wtf! Thanks everyone for the help! I’m confused on what do to!

    • Total Posts: 133

    And of course improvinglemon i would love to know your story, i just havn’t gottten around to reading it cause my minds been so clustered with this stress and unhappiness that i can’t concentrate. I’ll read it in the morning and you can tell me abit more about it in these comments. Thanks again! i appreciate
    you even reading my posts!

    • Total Posts: 133

    Hey thanks for the kind words improvinglemon , unfortunately things have gotten worse.

    So my ex started talking to another guy today from tinder again! After saying she wanted space between us like wtf. Then tried to think i was stupid enough to believe she wasn’t talking to him for “sex” or flirty reasons but she was lonley. When everytime she goes on tinder she does. It kills me. And i saw on her instagram, not intestinally but it popped up and i saw they were following each other and i just broke again. I messaged her asking if we could talk and straight away she assumed it was about that guy but i pretended i dind’t know and she tried to change the subject and then we ended up arguing again. Eventually she tells me that she’s single and that she doesn’t have anything to sort between us and was straight cold! She said she doens;t see us getting back together as she says she knows it’s going to happen again! We start arguing and i just open up and i feel as if it was back handed towards me. I even said if she knew it wouldn’t happen again would you give it another shot her first reaction was “yeah maybe” then said “no. i don’t know. I don’t know what i want”. We got off the phone as she said she was out and would talk to me later. I was frustrated cause i couldn’t get my words out. So i sent her the above paragraph. She said she would read it when she was home. Fast forward 3-4 hours she replies

    “I do miss you and I do love you and sometimes I’d give anything just for you to hold me or me fall asleep on your chest I have never stopped thinking about you or have I stopped missing you but yeah I am scarred of us going back to that way and all I see is us going back that way I never wanted to hurt you and all I have done is hurt you and I can’t do this anymore Aaron I’m just so un happy with the situation that’s why I don’t want to talk or whatever
    I don’t want to talk right now I’ve had a drink so I’ll speak in the morning
    Just please don’t think I don’t care because I do and I know I act cold towards me but that’s just my way of dealing with this shit”

    I just don’t know anymore. She shows so many signs that she wants me then bang! Completely cold and harsh. Then tries to make me out to be the desperate one when every time I go nc she literally doesn’t stop messaging me until I eventually react.I even told her she needs to stop using me as an emotional crutch everytime she misses me then gives me the cold shoulder. i don’t know what to do. i know what i did was wrong. I’m just stupid. I’m stupid because I thought someone could love me for who i am. i’m stupid because i generally thought she was the one. I’m stupid for letting my self be involed in her shit when we’re not even together. She even told me she still feels like we’re still kinda together the other day. I just don’t know. I took my self to the gym at 11pm while everyone I knew including her was having fun at halloween parties. I’ve become a loser. and i’m not this guy. I hate being dipicted to be this creepy, desperate ex who can’t let go. She see’s me as the same guy she last met, and she see’s the same broken relationship if got back together. I don’t see that because I see the floors. The way we communicated was a joke. I hate the way she depicts me right now, because I wouldn’t act this unusual way for anyone else. I wouldn’t attempt to connect with anyone else. I would have let you go. But i couldn’t. I can’t seem to. The more she doesn’t want me, the more i want her.

    • Total Posts: 133

    Yeah improvinglemon it’s very hard. I may have worded it wrong but I don’t care if she goes out It was just that she was very close to where I live so it just hurt how close she was and the fact we were going to meet yesterday.

    We’ve spoken two times over a couple days since we broke up. She doesn’t know what she wants and tells me she doesn’t want to give the wrong impressions but at the same time shows jealousy, she misses me, and even wanted to see me until she backed out last minute as she doesn’t want a repeat of times before where we meet and end up together only to break up months down the line. I really want to show her it’s different this time cause it is. We’ve both changed and our lifestyles are now very different. I’ve started university and she’s at a full time job. Infact the other day she was complaining to me how she hated her job and that she was looking for a new one. The point is we don’t have as much free time where we spent it with each other doing boring repetitive routines which eventually killed our relationship. I see through all the mistakes we’ve both made. But i don’t know how to show it her. I guess i can’t. What did you think of the paragraph i wrote btw? And i’ll take a look at your posts. Thanks very much again!

    • Total Posts: 133

    It’s really hitting me hard today. I know she’s gone out with her friend for her late birthday gift. I just miss her. The fact she says she misses me and talks to me then vanishes when we speak. Then comes back a month later even more keen and even tells me she misses things and that she hates this. It’s killing me. I did nc for 3 weeks and she ended up speaking to me. I did nc for a month and she messaged me a good 4-5 times on different social media accounts telling me she missed me and she would like to talk and now that we spoke for 6 days straight phone calls. We laughed and joked it felt like we were still together. We both care and get jelous. I just feel like she’s using me as an emotional crutch when she gets lonley she speaks then vanishes. I just don’t know. I’m just venting at the moment as it helps. I wrote a couple things in a journel in order for me to stop myself from contacting her. I was thinking of maybe actually sending her a letter at a later date.

    I wrote this. Sorry for the excessive explicit language I wrote it “in the moment” but i wanted to keep it as raw and real as possible. I’m not going to send it but i may consider it (after some editing of course) at a later date. What do you think?

    “I’m sick of biting my toung and holding shit back
    I just want to be real raw with you
    I want to let it out
    I want to be my self again towards you
    The real me
    Not this beat around the bush fake shit
    I still love you
    I still have feelings for you
    I still care for you
    You still mean alot to me
    We may have fucked up in the past and history  repeated it’s self
    You’re right
    That’s why I can understand it’s hard for you
    It’s hard for you to trust me
    It’s hard for you to keep letting your self get hurt
    Not only that it seems like you’re not even on your feet
    Maybe you’re not ready
    Maybe you’re holding back
    All i know is the biggest regret I have is losing you
    I know you are scared about this “routine”
    You feel trapped in a cycle and you want to get out
    I understand that
    You feel like you can’t seem to move forward
    Like I’m still there with you
    Like you can’t just simply pick up a hobby
    You can’t do new things as I’m in your mind
    I understand that
    You feel like if we get back together
    It’s only going to end the same way
    And near enough the same day
    I understand that
    The fact I’m out the cycle I see outside the box
    I don’t see that happening again
    I hate the fact we can’t stop fighting
    But the real frustration is that we can
    And we can change
    And we have changed
    And it takes two people to do so
    And I know you seem like you haven’t got the energy
    Maybe you just don’t want to
    Maybe you do but looking back you see things as if we’re already making the same mistakes
    Maybe you’re so focused on the past that you can’t see a different future
    But i can
    We don’t have to keep making the same mistakes
    We don’t have to force things
    It’s quite clear we both share mutual feelings
    Mutual hopes on the future
    That’s why I can’t let go of something so beautiful that we shared together
    I can’t let that go on terms due to us feeling a certain way and doing things wrong
    Then throwing it in the back of our minds and hiding it like it doesn’t exist
    It’s the elephant in the room
    And we CAN do things right
    I can’t prove it to you unless you’re willing to take the risk
    Lifes full of risks
    Lifes all about taking risks
    I see through the bullshit now
    And I’m sick of the bullshit
    I’m sick of the games
    I want us to be happy
    Fuck the drama
    Fuck the shit that’s holding us back
    Fuck whoever is in between us
    I want things to be resolved where we both walk away happy
    I want us to be smiling so much it hurts
    I’m sick of being down
    I feel like there is no point being upset or living in regret
    We have the power to change things
    Things have changed
    And we can move forward
    I just want to move forward with you
    Not against you
    I want you to see that
    I don’t want to feel as if we’re moving closer together
    Then suddenly the tide hits us
    Then we’re back to square one
    I want us to get off that page 
    Infact i want a different book entirely
    It’s not as complicated as it seems
    I want to give you all the space you need
    I don’t want to force things
    I don’t want to force you
    I still want you in my life
    I miss you”

    • Total Posts: 133

    Thank you so much again patricia12, i’ve missed hearing from you. You are right as are you improvinglemon! Thank you so much aswell! I feel as if we rushed into contact and every day speaking on the phone is falling into routine again. However although i’ve said this before, this time it’s different. This time I really have broke this cycle but calling everyday was hinting that it hasn’t changed which maybe scared her off. Ideally I don’t want to do nc all over again but I will have to as I have no choice at the moment. I will stay cool and I did let her know yesterday that i was fine with it. Infact I suggested we don’t completely cut contact but just see how things are after a while and she completely agreed. she said she wants to go with the “flow” or “tide” lol.

    Thank you yet again, How you guys are coping and handling your situations? I would love to help or atleast try.

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