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  • in reply to: NO CONTACT WORKS IF YOU DO IT RIGHT. #13161
    • Total Posts: 8


    I’m not really sure. Did you answer his messages? If you didn’t respond, then maybe that’s why he stopped. Depending on how long you were together, I don’t think he could move on that quick.

    in reply to: NO CONTACT WORKS IF YOU DO IT RIGHT. #13144
    • Total Posts: 8

    Do not get her a birthday present!!!!

    in reply to: NO CONTACT WORKS IF YOU DO IT RIGHT. #13087
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    Hmm I’m not really sure. I mean it was good you seemed totally fine without him but you shouldn’t of asked for your stuff back…Yes I missed him SO much and thought about him everyday but I felt that he broke up with me, he should be the one to contact me. I managed the 60+ days without him by keeping busy with myself! Good luck!!

    in reply to: NO CONTACT WORKS IF YOU DO IT RIGHT. #13072
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    I would respond with “I need some space too. Time apart is probably best for us right now.” And end it there. NOW during this NC period you MUST focus 100% on you and become a better you. This way you can go back to being the man she fell in love with. Hope this helped! Good luck:)

    in reply to: NO CONTACT WORKS IF YOU DO IT RIGHT. #13032
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    Thank you!! I would just tell him you need some time to think. I know Kevn says to just cut off all contact even if they are messaging you but I agree with you feeling that you are pushing him away in a sense. Good luck!!!

    in reply to: No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC #5883
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    I posted on here a couple days ago but long story short my boyfriend(20) of almost 3 years broke up with me(19) a little over 2 weeks ago. We had a really good relationship and always talked about our future together. The night before he broke up with me he told me how he couldn’t wait to finish college and move in together. So I’m left her heart broken and very confused over all of this. He left for college yesterday, which is only 40 minutes away. I feel like he felt he was going away and going to have this major life change and he needed to “disconnect” in a way. We talked a few days after we broke up and pretty much said it’s best if we give each other some space considering we have been together since I was 16. The conversation went great but we didn’t really talk about getting back together… We kind of just said goodbye, good luck, etc. I found out about this 30 day NC and I am now on day 13. I have a little urge to text him but for the most part I’m doing a lot better than expected. I’m trying to really focus on myself, exercise, eat healthy and to just love myself. I don’t want false hope that we will get back together because I don’t want to end up more hurt. But I do keep checking up on all his social media. I even log in to his Facebook and Instagram to see if he’s talking to people or liking any pictures. But nothing!!! He’s tweeted a few times on twitter but it was sports related (when we were together he always tweeted things). He doesn’t like any pictures on Instagram which is a little weird to me. I had jaw surgery 3 months ago and I made an Instagram to document it. I posted a picture yesterday and he liked it! Which was weird since he hasn’t liked any pictures at all. Also 9 days after he broke up with me, it was my birthday and I posted a picture and he liked it. I don’t know, I feel like I might be looking into it too much but I’m SO confused.

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    So my ex and I broke up 10 days ago. We were together for almost 3 years. He was my first boyfriend and we were best friends. Throughout our whole relationship we talked about getting married and spending the rest of lives together as high school sweethearts. Even our families would talk about our future together. He is a year older than me and we both stayed home for college. In May, he was accepted into his dream program at his dream school 40 minutes away and was offered a free dorm room. He expected me to be upset and tell him that I didn’t want him to go away but I was so happy for him. Obviously I knew I was going to miss him but I would never hold him back from an amazing opportunity. Plus he was only going 40 minutes away and was planning on coming home on the weekends. Once he got accepted, I could feel that our relationship changed a bit. This is when he began to “disconnect” from me. On Memorial Day, I went to a party with a few of my girlfriends where a tragic accident happened and a kid died. It was a traumatic experience that changed my life and brought our whole community together. As I grieved the death, my ex was not there for me at all. I told him it bothered me that I felt I couldn’t talk to him about this. He told me it was the way he dealt with it by holding it in and not talking about it. I respected that but now realize how selfish he was. 2 weeks after the accident, I had to have major jaw surgery and I was going to be wired shut for 6 weeks. During the first week of recovery, my ex was so good to me. He took care of me and just spent time resting with me. But as time went on and I started feeling better I was just wired shut. It was so frustrating. When I would complain and vent to my boyfriend, he told me “get over it”. That really hurt. I started to feel these weird feelings in my gut about our relationship. I blamed it on him leaving for school soon. We went on a week long vacation with my family and I felt him acting different than normal. We came home on a Wednesday and things were okay. I only had these feelings when we weren’t together and when we were together, things felt really good between us. The Sunday after we got back, he asked to go on a break. I was so confused. We have been looking forward to the last 2 weeks of summer since we are both off from work before school starts. And day 1 he asks for a break?? 9 days before my birthday?? I was heart broken! He told me he needed time to be on his own. We had such a good relationship. We never went on a break and never had a bad fight. We were suppose to get married. The day before he told me how he couldn’t wait until we moved out together and got our own place. And now he’s telling me he isn’t in love with me anymore and needs time to be on his own. I understand that he’s going off to college and will be meeting new people and having new experiences but to ask for a break? Not just for a few days, he asked for weeks!!! I also know that he would never cheat. He also said that he doesn’t want to go to school and find another girl, he just wants to be on his own. The day after, his mom left me this 2 page letter in my mailbox telling me how heartbroken she is over this. His siblings even reached out to me! I was so close with his family, so not only did I lose my boyfriend, I even lost my second family. My ex and I talked after a few days of breaking up, and I told him that this is probably for the better so we can be on our own for a while. Maybe in the future we’ll get back together but its best if we just focus on ourselves for a while. I decided to do no contact since then and it has been 7 days today. I’m surprisingly doing way better than I thought I would be. I really want to go to the gym but I have been sick. I have my moments where I think of him and want to text him but for the most part I’m doing okay. I have been tweeting positive, happy things. I even got my braces off yesterday for my birthday exactly 12 weeks after my surgery. I wondered if my ex would text me for my birthday. Part of me thought he won’t text me and another part of me thought if he doesn’t he is kind of an a**hole. I was surprised to see that my ex texted me to with me happy birthday and that with my new smile I looked amazing. All I said was “Thanks” and he texted me again that I deserve the best day. Again I said “Thanks”. I didn’t count this as restarting NC because he contacted me and it was my birthday. (lol). I read the card he wrote me on Valentines Day, and although I cried through reading it, it made me feel really confused. I don’t understand how he can feel so strongly about me and then say he fell out of love with me a few months later. I know its been only 10 days, but I really truly do believe we are meant to be together. I think regardless its so important for ME to take these 30 days to focus on myself. I want to love ME!! Do you think we could eventually get back together?

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