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  • in reply to: A Message to all Brokenhearted #57522
    • Total Posts: 14

    I forgot to mention that veronica isles will teach you how to use the law of attraction which is as easy as using gravity to work for you. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: A Message to all Brokenhearted #57521
    • Total Posts: 14

    Hi kaila,

    Happy new year! Thank you for remembering me. I’ve been doing well lately and have been busy.

    I discovered a way to move on while still focusing on getting my ex back. Check out youtube and look for The Secret. It’s about the law of attraction. You could actually manifest anything that you desire including getting your ex back. Once you have seen the documentary which is about an hour, search for veronica isles also in youtube.

    You could also check You are creators and Abraham Hicks in youtube for supporting videos on law of attraction. The information therein is life changing. I recommend this to everyone who wants to try another approach. Good luck to us all. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: A Message to all Brokenhearted #57184
    • Total Posts: 14

    And here’s a song that i dedicate to all broken hearted and what this forum means to me.

    in reply to: A Message to all Brokenhearted #57182
    • Total Posts: 14

    Sorry, the first ons is balisong and the wnd one is you’re a god. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: A Message to all Brokenhearted #57181
    • Total Posts: 14

    By the way, i just want to share 2 songs that is appropriate for me. You don’t have to listen but i find them soothing.

    That one is self explanatory.

    The second one is titled balisong which in my native tongue means fan knife. I don’t know why it is titled that way but i like the lyrics and the feeling that it invokes in me. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: A Message to all Brokenhearted #57180
    • Total Posts: 14

    Hello kaila.

    Thank you for sharing this. Actually, we are on the same page and wavelength. Why do you think i haven’t shared the entire and true story of my situation in this post? I’ve read this before and this is true. Thank you for posting what you have uncovered. It never occured to me to share this.

    So to all of you reading this post but do not want to reveal yourselves, everything that kaila has posted is true. Read it and understand it. It will help you. I promise. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: A Message to all Brokenhearted #57157
    • Total Posts: 14

    Hey hearbroken,

    I’m glad you found my message comforting.

    Speaking of the holidays, I will be spending christmas with my family in my parent’s home. Although it wouldn’t be the same without my ex in my life.

    Also, I just want to share that we were supposed to celebrate our first new year together in our new condo. We have a unit at the 49th floor overlooking the city and suburbs within the vicinity. It would have been a nice view to see all the fireworks that will happen as far as our eyes could see. Sadly, i doubt this would happen. Regardless, i have informed family and friends that i might not join them in celebrating new year in case some miracle happens. Anyway, they told me that if it doesn’t work out, I am more than welcome to join them in the festivities.

    Looking at the brightside, if i end up celebrating new year with my family, it will give me an opportunity to give a heartfelt toast to the brotherhood and sisterhood of all brokenhearted people all over the world… May we get our ex back or move on as quickly and painless as we can. Cheers!!! πŸ™‚

    ; thanks for the love. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: A Message to all Brokenhearted #57148
    • Total Posts: 14

    Hi Mosis and am13,

    Thank you for your appreciation. You uplift my spirit and make me feel good.

    in reply to: 5 years together and he threw me away #56976
    • Total Posts: 14

    Hi there.

    Your situation is hopeful. You just need to give him space as he is going through a lot which is confusing him. Leave him awhile to make him realize how important you are. That he can go through whatever he is going through with you beside him.

    There are some guys who subconsciouly push their partners away when they are a mess to protect them from their issues. As his partner, you naturally would want to be there for him and help him face his challenges. Unfortunately, sometimes we men need to face things on our own. Never think of it as a reflection of his love for you. It probably has nothing to do with that. Just give him space and time to sort it out and make him be the one to reach out to you.

    Like you have said, this is not his personality. I also doubt his condition will allow him to have a meaningful relationship with anyone other than you at this point. He may try but it will only end bad for them. Be strong and have faith in your love.

    • Total Posts: 14

    Hello Aryyan,

    Before you make the meeting which you plan on January, ask yourself these 3 questions:

    1. Will you be able to handle his rejection if he says no?
    2. Will you be able to keep your composure and be objective if during your meeting with him he says something that you do not want to hear?
    3. Will you be ok if he says that he has decided that both of you should move on? That you would not plead or beg him to reconsider?

    If your answer to ANY of this is NO then you are not yet ready. It means you have not made any positive changes in your life during the NC. It means you have not found yourself and confidence yet.

    On the other hand, if your answer is YES to ALL of these, then you are ready. When you do the meeting, don’t use any gimmicks or ploys or third party. Reach out to him directly and be open and honest about your intention. Just ask him if he could meet you over a cup of coffee or whatever simple and fun thing that you could do together. Start from there. If he still does not want to meet, just respect that and do NC again and think real hard if he is still worth pursuing. You owe it to yourself to know when to stop. No one can tell you when to stop. You need to figure that out by yourself. I’m sorry. This is all the help I could give you. I hope it turns out well. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Has my ex lost all feelings? #56820
    • Total Posts: 14

    Hi there.

    I hear you and feel your pain that’s why I am HurtingLikeYou. πŸ™‚ Anyway, let me just say that no matter what happens, things will be ok. Read old posts here. Most of them ends up well in one form or another

    So here’s what you need to do. First, you need to send all of his stuff back to him. By doing this, you are forcing him to see and acknowledge his reality. The reality that he might actually lose you. Anything that you can’t return that reminds you of him you either sell them, throw them away or give to charity. Put all pictures and mementos in a box, seal it and hide it. Then do no contact for 30 days.

    No contact is not only not reaching out or replying back. It’s mostly about making yourself better, improving yourself and getting out from being addicted to him. So this is the hard part really. Go to a gym, work on that promotion, go out with friends, go out on a date but know your limitations. (the objective is getting him back not replacing him with a rebound) before you know it, you’ll feel better, less affected by him and have a crystal clear and unbiased way of thinking. That’s the time you would do the re attraction if you still want him back by then.

    I wish all goes well.

    • Total Posts: 14

    PS. Once you find the courage and only you can do that, meet up with him. Tell him you have something important to say. When you are together just start by telling him this… Remember the day when i acted this way… Just pour out everything and be honest. Be open. Just state the reason for your behavior and stop from there. If your guy is like the rest of us , he will get it. He will begin to understand and see with clarity that all the bad things, the confusion, uncertainty and frustration stemmed from that. With this understanding, all the bad things will be undone. The clarity will hit him like a bucket of ice water poured on his face on a hot summer day somewhere in the tropics. Trust us and have a leap of faith with us. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I promise.

    • Total Posts: 14

    Hello Penelope,

    I am new here and I feel greatly amazing for you and extremely sad at the same time. I am amazed because you have 193 posts as of today. Which means more than half of those posts are from people who are technically strangers who loves you and cares for you to share their time and efforts in comforting and supporting you. Add me in too.

    I am extremely sad because your first post was sometime in July 2015 and it is already December 2015 yet you have not done what all these people who care for you have told you to do. Honestly, I just read your first post and jumped to the last to see if you have resolved anything already. I really don”t have to read all the other posts because like everyone else here, I already got a picture of the root cause of your issue. The rest are just byproducts or stems or branches of the root cause.

    So please bear with me and forgive me if I try a different tact…

    What are you afraid of? What is stopping you from telling the guy the real reason why you treated him the way you treated him in the beginning and allow that treatment to spiral into a never ending nerve wracking, emotionally tiring roller coaster ride which eventually flowed into him giving you the same roller coaster ride until it became a chicken an egg thing between the two of you? Why are you depriving him of the opportunity to listen to you pour out your heart and soul while giving us strangers the privilege of knowing your intimate thoughts and feelings? Do you trust us more than you trust him? Are we samarter, more intelligent, more compassionate, more understanding, more patient and more forgiving than him?

    Know your fear, understand your fear, embrace it and work on it.

    Once you realize what your fear is and are ready to face it and work on it, read all posts here all over again for guidance.

    I believe even without reading all the posts that everything you need is already here.

    I wish you all the best of luck.

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