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  • in reply to: Almost 3 weeks into NC #2011
    • Total Posts: 25

    His moves seem drastic but if he tooka cut in pay it could be a blow to his esteem. As a guy I can relate. Your complaint may have pushed him away. Especially if his last GF was on his case often.

    in reply to: a 50 year-old ex GF #1994
    • Total Posts: 25

    If that chat request was ill-placed my apologies, but you are an excelent commiserator. Don’t know what else I might learn.

    On the job thing, its a toss up. She encouraged my initial decision to switch things up. Its one I have been considering for a number of years and with her insight I decided to do it. It was gonna to be four years before I’d be empolyed again, 2 to get in the program and 2 to complete it. Then after we split, during one of the painful “Why can’t we just get back together” talks, she said ” You’re in school and I’ve done that – I want to travel”


    I didn’t put too much stock in that, but ya never know. She was herself planning to enroll in an online PhD program soon! Anyway, 4 years is too long at this stage in the game. I have changed gears and will be done with a different program in just 2 years from now. This avenue will allow for numerous possibilities in the future and will tie in my previous work experience. She was rather interested when I told her that news, and asked me again teh other day if that was my new course.

    Sorry so long but you have good advice.

    in reply to: a 50 year-old ex GF #1984
    • Total Posts: 25

    Ok, I misread on the age thing. Interesting parallel eh?

    I have a great sense of humor…this song was acually just playing …

    How Long Do I Have To Wait? by Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings from Naturally (Daptone) spun by Andy Coco at 2:19pm on The Rhythm Section (Fri Aug 8th)

    how apropos? you would appreciate hearing it, a super funky grooy thing ala 1974, my city has a fantastic self-funded radio station that plays the very best in current music that can’t be found anywhere else

    well that would be a shame if its about money, not that I haven’t considered that possibility

    does this ste have IM? I’d enjoy chatting with you

    in reply to: Broke No Contact: A Warning … Don't do it! #1975
    • Total Posts: 25

    I see …you ladies are so much more intiutive in this area! Thats why I get into trouble, I act before I think.

    But when did the “is this a ruse/if you want it be” occur? After you helped him?

    in reply to: a 50 year-old ex GF #1974
    • Total Posts: 25

    You make many good and intriuging points. I have much to offer but am changing careers and will be in school for 2 years, then back to earning good dough in a promising field. So that limits my ability to throw down the WOW Factor monetarily LOL.

    I respect my ex and as the days pass, I see that she needs understanding, not bothersome requests. Just last week we tried talking but it ended poorly with her sobbing and hanging up. I mailed a real leter of apology and asked her to call, which she did, it was short she was tense but I was calm and upbeat. Told her I was standing naked in the kitchen (I was heading to take a shower) and that I was sporting a great tan fron my 30 mile bike ride. True story.

    She has not displayed apathy, so thats a positive šŸ˜‰

    Your situation seems to be more adversarial. Do you enjoy that stress? Sounds like you two have some steamy times together but is there something more there? Sounds like there is because you miss him.

    The upside is you are a woman that is enjoying her life and not limited in options. Are you and I about the same age? Is your ex in his 20s?

    Your heartbreak mate ….

    in reply to: Broke No Contact: A Warning … Don't do it! #1969
    • Total Posts: 25

    When did the HELP request happen? Just recently? If so, why woudl you think he doesn’t miss you?

    in reply to: a 50 year-old ex GF #1944
    • Total Posts: 25

    You are a gem, Sucker…your words make me grin! It is good to find a mature person here. Its not that I can’t go on, I have a date tomorrow, but she and I have some very REAL chemistry. I am very particular and she is a class act, even tho she is having a tough time right now.
    I hate that she got mad and made a snap decision to quit seeing me but bringing it up to her does not seem like a good idea. NC is the best idea. I was freaking out about the “what if she meets someone else” but I just have to let that ride.
    She and I are both educated professionals, she is also in high-end sales, and that used to bother me LOL as I thought she was selling me too. But I know she’s for real, she is just confused on what to do next. When we have talked since the split she has been emotional in one way or another. Tense and guarded. I now see that it would be hard to ā€œdateā€ with all that pent up passion, I have plenty believe me. I think she sees us as an ā€œall or nothingā€ proposition, which flatters me, but also is frustrating
    Its good to talk about these things and I don’t want to overload you but here is more info, when we were together she told me straight up that she’s never felt the way she does about me, that I have the whole package (and not just my PACKAGE LOL) Physically it was obvious. Very hot, my kisses would melt her everytime. Anyway, the point is, while I would like to believe you, that she is being hounded by losers, I am not sure that is the case. She was dating right after divorce and none of the guys she’d met really “did itā€ for her. I know that she is now dating one of those previous guys, so I feel there is nothing to fear there. Thoughts?

    in reply to: Broke No Contact: A Warning … Don't do it! #1924
    • Total Posts: 25

    Dear Sucker,
    It’s s shame that you have to be treated poorly by this guy. Don’t be so hard on yourself, tho. I don’t think you gave the power back. You called his bluff and then your email told him he is being a jerk. If you hadn’t responded I guess you’d now feel more power. But you didn’t cave and you shot down his lame ploy!! I’d call it a success.
    I’ve been on this site just a few days and as I read other stories its becoming clear to me that I simply need to move on from the lady I was seeing. But it is hard. I always appreciate a woman’s perspective, so please read my post in the Reconcilliation Board and share any feeedabck you have. Its called “50 year old ex GF” and was posted about 2 days ago.

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