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  • in reply to: Confused and scared… #69994
    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Anni didn’t her turn off his chat with you? Doesn’t that mean the call notification and “sry mistake” text won’t showork up?

    Correct me if I’m wrong lol

    in reply to: Confused and scared… #69993
    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    I’m in a bad mood today lol, I’m trying to stay positive but…

    1) People are messaging me saying they hate her new hair yet… they commented on the photo saying “Awesome” and “Love it!” Like wtf really!

    I’m also not the biggest fan of her hair, I’m happy for her because she was bold enough to try out a new thing but… I dunno, I hope she likes it ?

    2) Trump… sorry if you are a supporter, I was hoping Trump would lose, I’m Canadian, but I was born in America so I have dual citizenship.

    On another note, I still love Maddie obviously so… after this week (I may extend it by a few days) how should I go about things?

    I know I should text her first but after texting gets comfortable should I move into calls? Do you think I should bring up calls and wait for her to call? What if she never calls!

    If it all works out what do I say after calls are working out? How should I bring up meeting in person?

    Could you guys answer these questions lol, I know what to talk about I just don’t know how or when to implement the next stages in interaction. Like… what if she starts flirting? I don’t think she’d ask me out because she is stubborn, how would I ask her?

    Thanks Anni and Patricia πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Confused and scared… #69987
    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    You just woke up so I won’t be much help lol

    My tired brain doesn’t think it’s a big deal, goodnight!

    in reply to: Confused and scared… #69975
    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    True, I was going to get a haircut yesterday but I decided against it lol

    in reply to: Confused and scared… #69972
    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Not really obsessing, her hair caught me by surprise because she has always had super long hair.

    I also said how I didn’t mean to sound sexist, she has always been open about her sexual preferences. It’s not really obsessing as much as shock lol plus I already made a different post saying why I think she changed her hair πŸ™‚

    I’m not going to do no contact for two more weekso because that would totally screw up my schedule lol I’m moving by that time so I’ll be busy plus all my school projects are due then.

    Sorry if I seemed like I’m obsessing lol I’m not, I just write everything on this website to let you guys know and also for future documentation πŸ™‚

    Sorry if I offended you in any way Anni that wasn’t my intention πŸ™

    in reply to: Confused and scared… #69969
    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Well… she always said she wanted to cut it all off and try through short look. She knows I like long hair tho so I think she didn’t want to try it.

    I think now that I’m gone she thought she’d give it a shot lol, honestly I really do like long hair…

    Her hair doesn’t look that bad tho, it actually looks quite good, it’s just a lot to get used to.

    in reply to: Confused and scared… #69967
    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Oh fuck… throughout the relationship she has been bisexual, she told me when we first started dating, she said she likes guys more tho.

    I just looked on her profile… she cut her hair soo short. I understand it’s her hair and she can do whatever with it and it may mean nothing but… God I hope she still likes men.

    Sorry if any of this came off as rude lol wansent my intention.

    in reply to: Confused and scared… #69955
    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Hey… my two week no contact period is half over. If she doesn’t contact me, which I don’t think she will, what should I say in the text? I done want to sound generic or needy… so what should I say?

    in reply to: Confused and scared… #69952
    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Good! If you ever want to know something or just want someone to talk to, reply.

    I get an email and I usually respond pretty fast lol

    in reply to: Confused and scared… #69950
    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Lol my friends are all tired of hearing me talk about Maddie, I do it anyways lol

    They have just made jokes out of the things I say πŸ™‚

    I also like talking on these forums, I meet kind people who I can endlessly talk to about my problems lol. Thanks for listening πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Confused and scared… #69948
    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Lol, I go through the exact same emotions you do. Usually in those moments I listen to music or talk to someone, it’s hard for me to focus on anything let alone school work when I am going through a grieving process.

    Btw… I do write these memories down lol, one of my favourite memories was our first kiss lol. She is my first real girlfriend and the first girl I kissed so… what happened was, she came over we hung out for a couple hours. She was lying on my bed and I was leaning over her, I had my arms beside her, I noticed she was studying my face so… I started studying her face. I then thought to myself “wait… people do this when they kiss”, after that I just closed my eyes and went for it lol. The kiss was great, after we kissed I looked at her and said “That was so weird… can we do it again.” We both died laughing and continued to kiss lol.

    That is one of my favourite memories, I look back on it and it makes me cry lol

    in reply to: Confused and scared… #69944
    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Right now is one way of those times where I can’t stop bawling because I can’t stop thinking about my best memories with her… seriously brain wtf.

    in reply to: Confused and scared… #69942
    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Jesus Patricia I was reading other peoples posts and you literally reply to like… everyone.

    Oh, and I usually only post in my free time, I do my work pretty quickly. I have lots of spare time on my hands because most of my time before was devoted to Maddie and videogames. Now I have almost no desire for games so I do my work then post on here πŸ™‚

    Oh and I also like posting alot because it not only relieves stress but I have gotten lots of messages from people saying they are in the same situation, I like how other people can relate to me, it makes them feel better πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Confused and scared… #69941
    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Lol thanks πŸ™‚

    My goal is indeed to feel better but my ultimate goal is to get her back and keep her…

    I understand this is a terrible goal but nevertheless πŸ˜‰


    John Crane

    in reply to: Confused and scared… #69929
    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Ugh… the things my family said are getting to me, they said how I need to forget about her because she said “I’m not in love with you”. I understand that I need to focus on myself but… does what she said mean it’s truly over and I shouldn’t even try?

    I dont know it just seems like in most breakups the dumper would say that, they obviously feel that way, if they didn’t they wouldn’t leave a happy/healthy relationship. Plus she could be confused, she is only 18 and shes probably stressed out with things like, college, driving school, etc.

    I’m willing to try my absolute hardest to be with her, not just with her… I want a happy and healthy relationship, I don’t want what we had to end. It honestly scares me so much, a problem we had was my neediness, if I love that problem and reestablish contact will I be able to get her back? Ugh… so confusing.

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