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  • in reply to: Confused and scared… #70425
    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    I was coming home from school on the bus and a huge crash happened in front of us…

    I think everyone’s okay, I posted a pic on Snapchat and Instagram! Now I have another story for my ex lol ?

    in reply to: Confused and scared… #70418
    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    I know it’s hard, try to distract yourself. Try not to think about it.

    I actually dont know what to say beyond this point, beyond the fact that it absolutely sucks.

    Wish I could just talk to you for hours about our relationships, that probably wouldn’t be good for moving on…

    in reply to: Confused and scared… #70411
    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    See…. I just took a quick 1h nap and she was in the dream, her friend texted me saying why she didn’t like me.. I’ve had multiple dreams where we’ve gotten back together and a few where I fucked it up terribly.

    in reply to: Confused and scared… #70406
    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Well for me at the risk of sounding self centered. I have always been the “hot one” in the group, I’m funny and outgoing when I want to be, I just need to not care what people think about me.

    I went to acting classes (that’s where I met my gf) ever girl there including my ex thought I was good looking…. At times I have a lack of self esteem but I think back to what people say about me..

    You need to focus on you, beauty comes from both the inside and outside. If you want to make a change try to be outgoing and have more fun, be random! Don’t go to crazy, remember I’m only 18 and its the norm at this age.

    This wasn’t meant for me to say I’m hot or anything just…. be positive and remember that the opinions of total strangers around you don’t matter, be the person YOU want to be. If you want to be better to improve the lives of both you and your ex that’s great! But focus on yourself.

    Another thing I find is that guys want what they can’t have. Personally while I was dating Maddie I never really wanted to have sex, that’s why we didn’t for the last months of our relationship (she never instigated or brought it up either) we would just dry hump and touch each other…. Anyways. Now that she’s gone I want to **** her so bad, I can’t get her out of my head, almost every dream has her in it (not lying…. Every fking dream!)

    That could be just me… But yeah try not to be so reserved if you’re up to it.

    Sorry if I veared off topic πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: Confused and scared… #70400
    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    You really think I should wait more than 5 days?

    I mean the last text she wasn’t aggressive or rude, she simply said “love the hair but I’m overwhelmed so I can’t talk.

    I texted her on Tuesday, messaging her on Sunday seems good no?

    in reply to: Confused and scared… #70398
    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Ugh… can you just find the spell or potion please? πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Confused and scared… #70396
    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    It’s honestly so hard to let go… this is the hardest thing ever!

    If I let go it’ll be easier but it’s hard! She could do so many things that would ruin our chances… if she sleeps with somone *poof* I won’t be able to take her back. If she gets over me *poof* that’s over… and so many other *poof* situations that make my brain go wild, it’s hard to focus on anything else… even when I’m out with friends.

    I want to focus on myself but when I try I just think *poof* then I get depressed. Sometimes I’m fine then other times I’m soooo depressed.

    I 100% agree with you only 2 times a day, it’s hard but I can do it.

    Hey serious opinion, have I drastically ruined my chances by liking her photo… it was a stupid mistake. I texted her about it and said I liked how her hair looked so it’s not as bad as just randomly liking her photo but still… honest opinion?

    Ps. I hope you feel better, don’t stalk your exes profile πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Got my ex back :) Keep hope everyone! #70395
    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Hey ZuZu1000 I don’t know if you are still on here but if you get this could I have some advice?

    So I’ll keep it short. My gf of almost 2 years broke up with me about 35 – 40 days ago. She said the spark faded, we are both 18 and started college, she could have met someone and that’s why she left me but who knows right…

    Anyways I did 21days of no contact, I was on the opposite end of the bday text lol. It was my birthday and I never got a happy bday so the next day I messaged her on instagram. We spoke on Skype a few hours later. It was a happy and friendly conversation no fighting but… at that point I still didn’t know why she left me, she said there was a divide and that she loves me just isn’t “IN LOVE WITH ME” that hurt but anyways we talked about the relationship, she usually got cold when I brought it up in the call. I found out a main reason she didn’t want to date was because I was very needy, I overwhelmed her. The call ended happy she left to go carve pumpkins. She posted a photo of them later and I liked and commented, it was a funny comment and she replied (pointless chat don’t need to write it).

    A few days later I shot her a text on instagram saying how my cousin invited me to a “furry” party, we talked about furries a long time ago so it was a funny text, she replied with “that’s always fun” she usually replies in short sentences. But here’s the thing… I sent that let’s say… on October 29th she looked at it that day but… she replied the next day at around 10:30pm this means she went back I to her messages and clicked me to reply because she was thinking about me (maybe).

    After that on Halloween I went outo with my family friend, I call her my cousin, she’s also insanely pretty so I snapped a picture of her in her cute frog costume and posted it. Two days after that I sent my gf a text basically saying can we hold out on talking. I’m in the middle of moving, college is tough and I have driving school, so I had good reasons to say this.

    I held out for 15 days (2 weeks like I said) then I sent her a text saying things have slowed down. While I was ignoring her she cut her hair short… I mean shhoooort, doesn’t matter tho, she always wanted to try it. I also asked if she liked the hair, she waited 5 hours to reply -_- anyways she said:

    “I really love the hair but I can’t talk right now I’m really overwhelmed”

    I said:

    “Okay, hope everything’s okay lol. I can’t give a proper opinion because I’ve only seen one photo but I think it suits you well.”

    She looked at it and that was the end of the conversation πŸ™‚

    So I’m going to wait another 5 days to text her, I have an interesting thing to say in mind.

    Do I still have a chance?
    Any tips?

    Ps. It was a meaningful relationship for both of us, we were happy and passionate.

    Another thing to mention is that she was my first and I was her first…

    Pps. So happy it worked out! This is a year later so I hope everything is still going well!

    Ppps. (Lol) Anyways I have another thread “confused and scared…” if you want a lot of information it’s about 250 posts.

    in reply to: Confused and scared… #70391
    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Okay it’s been an hour nowith I realise I kinda overreacted lol

    All I did was like a photo, it’s also a photo that has am impact on her.

    – We talked about her hair.

    – I always liked her photos I stopped after the two week break so it’s not that strange.

    – I said I woke up early in my snapchat story so it’s not like I was stalking her or up crying thinking about her. (I wasn’t)

    So for these reasons I think it doesn’t really matter.

    What do you think?

    Ps. I know I wrote a lot in the last feweeeee hours but could you read it and respond to all of them? I know it’s a lot but yeah… thanks!

    in reply to: Confused and scared… #70389
    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Okay sorry for the mixed feelings lol.

    I decided to like the photo, she won’t get another notification but, I don’t want her to see that I unliked it so I decided on like it.

    If she looked at the notification and saw that I liked then unliked it… I’m fucked. However if she looks and sees that I like it she’ll either think I’m needy…. or that I just like her new hair.

    in reply to: Confused and scared… #70388
    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    I’m overreacting… I can’t calm down tho, what if she still thinks I’m needy!


    Whence you get the chance please give me some advice lol

    in reply to: Confused and scared… #70386
    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    I kinda unliked it lol, it removes the notification off the instagram app, she’d never know. The only problem is she may see the home screen notification…

    in reply to: Confused and scared… #70384
    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    I just liked her photo…

    I’m such a goddamn idiot… ugh.
    It’s 4:24 and I scrolled through her profile and my phone glitched out I clicked it once and it like studdered and acted like I clicked it twice…. fuck!

    It’s the one she posted of her with short hair. I guess that’s not so bad because in the last text it was mentioned.

    Since it’s 4:28 I posted a snapchat on my story saying “when you take a nap and then wake up at 4:00am” I did this to make it seem like I wasn’t up at 4:30 crying over her while looking through her profile.

    Still since it was an older picture I needed to go onto her profile to like it, she’ll know that I went onto her profile looked at it and liked it on purpose…

    Ps I wasn’t up crying over her I actually did wake up at like 4:00

    Help me pweez

    Still Fuck!

    in reply to: Confused and scared… #70382
    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    She wasn’t out having the time of her life I garentee it lol

    It’s not really important at this point but, she stays off her phone when she goes out. I still have her netflix account… I know she was home cuz she was on her phone lol

    Not trying to prove you wrong or anything, just trying to make myself feel better, she wasn’t having the time of her life πŸ™‚ well… maybe but she was doing it by binge watching a show and snapchatting lol

    Okay I’ll leave out the “If you want”
    You’re right, I just wanted it in so I get another response. But she’ll obviously want the name later still.

    Oh and no I don’t have many friends I have like 3 close ones my best friend moved like 2h away so we can’t hang out without planning like a week early, my other friends… yeah I could probably chill with them. I don’t make friends with many people because I find most people 17-21 are insanely immature, they are still immature after 21 but… not as crazy.

    in reply to: Confused and scared… #70375
    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Okay i know it’s bad to look but her snapchat number is going up like crazy… she’s snapchatting so many photos like WTF whoo is she snapchatting… don’t yell at me for looking lol I’ll stop now. But seriously it was 8,460 (around) now it’s 8,528 that’s 68 photos sent and received!

    I’m aware I’m making it worse by looking…

    Ps. Don’t think I’m constantly doing this, I cleaned watched TV and youtube and then looked just to see.

    Oh and please read my message above πŸ™‚

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