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  • in reply to: 2 weeks of NC & he came running back… #20918
    • Total Posts: 12

    You’re exactly where i was a couple days ago. It feels real because this has never happened before and hes acting different. That’s only because he’s looking for a response. 8 years of feelings don’t wash away that quickly. Just remember although he may be angry, he’s feelings all the emotions you’re feeling right now.
    I agree. Is exhausting thinking about it all the time. Just remember the good times, & distract yourself. Time will go by so much faster if you keep yourself busy. I promise you he will be back. My ex told me the next time we get back together we’re getting married. We’ve only been together half the time you guys have been. Love doesn’t fade. Keep your head up.

    in reply to: 2 weeks of NC & he came running back… #20913
    • Total Posts: 12

    @belle those are you’re emotions talking. I agree your should do NC for as long as you need to. But understand he’s confused and hurt and trying to make you hurt just as badly. He will come around

    in reply to: 2 weeks of NC & he came running back… #20910
    • Total Posts: 12

    @labound it’ll work for you. I’ve been reading your posts. Shes still completely in love with you, but like my ex, wants her cake and eat it too. Completely cut her off. Make her miss her best friend. The more you step back the quicker she’ll realize how much her and that guy won’t work. If i hadn’t found this website I’d still be texting him trying to be friends telling him i love him and pushing him closer to the rebound. He misses his family and realizes it now but scared to hurt this girl

    in reply to: NC. Ex is cold and a bit angry #19950
    • Total Posts: 12

    This is why you need to do NC you’re not helping yourself contracting her, you’re hurting yourself

    in reply to: Really tempted to break NC #19948
    • Total Posts: 12

    You growing in itself shows how it’s working. But he’s depressed, sitting in his room, he misses you, he’s realizing he was wrong. By the end of the 30 days he won’t be stuck in his ways. He’ll be wanting you back

    in reply to: Really tempted to break NC #19916
    • Total Posts: 12

    Don’t break it yet. It’s working

    in reply to: NC. Ex is cold and a bit angry #19914
    • Total Posts: 12

    I agree with @labound

    in reply to: Will NC work if she's dating someone thats not a rebound?! #18636
    • Total Posts: 12

    Lol she did that so you would reach out to her. She wants you to believe she’s happy. She’s not. The 7th isn’t that long ago. My ex hasn’t reached out to me in 2 weeks I was initiating everything. Its easy to give others advice and not follow your own, and its also hard to figure out the opposite sex. As a woman, I’m telling you, she’s not over you. Keep focusing on you, I garauntee in a week or less she’ll contact you wondering why you havent contacted her, and if you’ve moved on.

    in reply to: Will NC work if she's dating someone thats not a rebound?! #18626
    • Total Posts: 12

    Yes he’s a rebound too. She’s still looking for what she had with you in someone else. That won’t work though. If she was done with you, she would be DONE with you. Trust me. She’s still reaching out because she wants you to hold on a little longer for her. Don’t contact her. The more space you give her, the faster she’ll realize this guy isn’t for her. I’m going through something similar. Its hard watching the love of your life with someone else. You have to keep the future in mind.

    in reply to: At last :) #18623
    • Total Posts: 12

    Congrats!! Can someone give me advice on my situation? Hes telling me to move on but his actions say otherwise.

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